Sunday, June 23, 2013

Indie Book of the Week: Charade by Nyrae Dawn

I am super excited to have this weeks book go to a very talented writer and just an amazing person in general. This weeks book is Charade by Nyrae Dawn!

Title: Charade
Author: Nyrae Dawn
Series: Book One in the Games Series
Published: October 22, 2012
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Source: Purchased

Book Description:
Nineteen-year-old Cheyenne tries to portray the perfect life to mask the memories of her past. Walking in on her boyfriend with another woman her freshman year in college threatens that picture of perfection. 

Twenty-one-year-old Colt never wanted college and never expected to amount to anything, but when his mom's dying wish is for him to get his degree, he has no choice but to pretend it's what he wants too. 

Cheyenne needs a fake boyfriend to get back at her ex and Colt needs cash to take care of his mom, so they strike a deal that helps them both. But what if Cheyenne’s past isn’t what she thought? Soon they’re trading one charade for another—losing themselves in each other to forget about their pain. The more they play their game, the more it becomes the only thing they have that feels real.

Both Cheyenne and Colt know life is never easy, but neither of them expect the tragedy that threatens to end their charade and rip them apart forever.

About the Author:

Writing has always been Nyrae Dawn’s passion. There have been times in her life where she wasn’t able to chase that dream the way she desired, but she always found her way back to telling stories.
One of her loves has always been writing about teens. There’s something so fresh and fun about the age that she loves exploring. Her husband says it’s because she doesn’t want to grow up. She doesn’t think that’s such a bad thing and luckily for her, he doesn’t either.
Nyrae gravitates toward character-driven stories. She loves going on emotional journeys with characters whether it be reading or writing. And yes, she’s a total romantic at heart and proud.
Nyrae resides in sunny Southern California with her husband (who still makes her swoon) and her two awesome kids.

When she’s not with her family, you can be pretty sure you’ll find her with a book in her hand or her laptop and an open document in front of her. 

She writes for Entangled Publishing, Grand Central Publishing and is self-published. 

Nyrae is represented by Jane Dystel of Dystel and Goderich Literary Management.

My Thoughts and Review:

There are really only a handful of authors that are on my auto buy list and Nyrae happens to be one of them, for very good reason. I love how all of her stories suck me in and evoke so much emotion from me, it doesn't matter if it is one of her YA books, one of her NA books or even one of her adult stories, all of them are fabulous and I can always count on getting something that I need right when I need it. 

She is my go to author when I need something to tug at my hear strings, when I need something heart felt and sincere. When I want characters that are real and amazing and people that I want to know and people that I grow to care about over the course of their story.

And oh how Nyrae broke my heart with this one. I can't remember a time I cried so much and so hard through a story. Colt was just amazing and his relationship with his mom was so real and raw and just simple beautiful. Colt was beautiful and so darn good and he didn't even know it. I saw right through that tough guy exterior of his. The moments with his mom were just..they were awesome and so so heart felt. I couldn't have asked for better scenes. 

Gah Nyrae knows how to write a man. But not only does she know how to write a man but she can write a female character like no other as well and Chey was every bit as good and beautiful as Colt was. Once again, two very damaged people finding peace with each other and creating something so beautiful together that is becomes magnificent. 

Nyrae has never let me down and this story is classic Nyrae. So real and beautiful and full of promise. I can't wait to read Facade, I know it will be every bit as wonderful as this one was.

*All opinions and thoughts are me own and I was not influenced nor compensated by the author for this review*


  1. This sounds really good and I haven't tried this author yet. NA is like crack for me right now and I love the sound of Colt and the emotional connection you felt to this story! Awesome review Ali!

  2. Oh gosh, if you haven't tried her work yet this is the perfect one to start with Kim!

  3. I like the sounds of Charade!

    hanks for the review!

    You know, some people won't read indie authors but honestly, I like them!

  4. Thanks Heidi!

    @Jovon, that really is a shame because there are a ton of great ones out there! Some of my favorite authors are indie authors and some of them were indie before being picked up by a publisher.

  5. Soooo you liked it? :P Seriously, this sounds like a really good book. The characters in a book are so important to me.

  6. aw wow ali beautiful review! I think I have this one, I been meaning to read it. Does sound very raw and emotional, love books that can do that to you <3

  7. Christy you smarty pants!

    Oh gosh Lily, read this one..soon!!

  8. I just love Nyrae Dawn to and her books. I am reading this one and Facade very soon and I can't wait. Thank you for preparing me for the tears. I tend to get really emotional with books, so I feel better knowing in advance to have some Kleenex available.
