Thursday, October 16, 2014

Review: Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker

Title: Beware the Wild
Author: Natalie C. Parker
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Harper Teen (October 21, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
It's an oppressively hot and sticky morning in June when Sterling and her brother, Phin, have an argument that compels him to run into the town swamp -- the one that strikes fear in all the residents of Sticks, Louisiana. Phin doesn't return. Instead, a girl named Lenora May climbs out, and now Sterling is the only person in Sticks who remembers her brother ever existed.

Sterling needs to figure out what the swamp's done with her beloved brother and how Lenora May is connected to his disappearance -- and loner boy Heath Durham might be the only one who can help her. 

This debut novel is full of atmosphere, twists and turns, and a swoon-worthy romance.

This year seems to be my year for trying the unusual, the bizarre, and the strange. I have loved some of those reads and some of them, not so much. But the fact is, either way, I have loved trying them and trying something that wasn't the norm. After all how do you really know what you like or dislike unless you try it?

And I admit, for a lot of them, I have been drawn to the setting more than anything else. There is just something to be said about a good creepy read set near the heart of New Orleans. The bayous fascinates me and all the myths and hocus pocus that goes with it. 

Would I like to live there? No actually I am too big of a chicken for that but yes I would love to go there and take it all in. The sights, sounds, smells...the pure magic of it's history so until I can one day go there, I settle for a good solid read there instead.

And that is what I go in this story. A good slightly bizarre and slightly creepy read that takes place on the bayou or well, a really creepy swamp at any rate.

This story was completely unique and fun and yes I will say it again, creepy. The unknown factors were so well done with just enough mystery and intrigue to keep you guessing and turning the pages not knowing what was going to happen next and an all most fairy tale like thread to the story that hinted at something more, something magical. 

Sterling was a great character. One who showed a lot of growth throughout and I think that is why I liked her so much. I am always all about the growth. 

This was an exciting and enchanting read that I quickly devoured in one sitting and perfect for this time of year. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

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  1. You enjoyed this a lot more than I did. I mean I liked it, but didn't love it. I think my expectations were just a bit too high. I was expecting something a bit more on the creepy and gory side, but it was more on the bizzare side instead. Anyways, I'm glad you're trying out different books these days! :) That's always fun!
    Lovely review!

    1. Thanks Nick and I was expecting a little more creepy to it as well but I actually liked the bizarre side of it too.

  2. I'm always about the growth as well Ali, so I'm excited that Sterling goes through a lot of it in this one:) I have this on my list to start soon, so I'm excited. You're right, it's always fun to try something a little more unusual:)

  3. Oh Kindlemom, I'm so with you on New Orleans. Hey lets plan a trip and then we'll go on one of the Graveyard tours together :)
    Great review thanks!!

  4. Yes yes yes! I loved this too, Ali! Stiefvater, Yovanoff, Gratton and now Parker - all four of them brilliant. I love their writing styles, and Parker is such a wonderful addition to the group. This type of creepy, atmospheric read is exactly my thing.

    1. Yes they all have a unique writing style that is hard to say no to!

  5. Wow, sounds like such a fun read! I've seen this cover around and the blurb sounds awesome, I must try it out sometime! :D

  6. Thanks Heidi and I am glad you really liked it as well.

  7. The moral of the story is read outside of your comfort zone... in this case it's paying off. I love bayou stories too, the creepier the better!

    1. I don't think it was the moral so much as just the strangeness. ;)

  8. This sounds really spooky and right up my alley! I have been to NO, and it was really a different place to be, but oh my goodness don't go in July like I did. The heat is like an evil entity..I know, I read too many paranormal books.. Thanks for the great review and I am going to hunt this one up!

  9. Oh wonderful! Unique, creepy? I'm in! I didn't know about this one but you're right we always need to try to know if it's for us or not. I'm glad it was a win for you.

  10. Ooh this sounds super creepy and I love the setting! This sounds like a perfect Halloween read. Lovely review!

  11. Unusual, bizarrre, and creepy sound great to me! I've had this on my list for awhile but hadn't seen any reactions yet, but now I'm looking forward to it even more after seeing your four stars. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  12. I'm drawn to this one for the setting! I LOVE books set there. This wasn't TOO creepy? You think I could handle it?

    1. Yeah not too creepy at all, you can definitely handle it. :)

  13. Reviews are all over for this, so I am curious. I am delighted you found it creepy and enjoyed it so much. Lovely review Ali :)

  14. I just posted my review for this and I have to say I agree with you about everything! It was creepy and mysterious and the setting was one of my favorite parts. There was enough there that wanted me to keep reading. Great review!

  15. You've certainly gotten me interested in this one. Sounds like a great YA Fantasy. Glad you enjoyed it.

  16. That's so awesome you're trying new things like that. I try to do that as well but so easy to get sucked into your normal reads and not pick up others. It's amazing how quick time can go. lol

  17. Humm.. okay this sounds like a great halloween read
