Friday, October 31, 2014

Review: A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

Title: A Thousand Pieces of You
Author: Claudia Gray
Series: Book One in the Firebird Series
Published By: Harper Teen (November 4, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher
(in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Every Day meets Cloud Atlas in this heart-racing, space- and time-bending, epic new trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray.

Marguerite Caine’s physicist parents are known for their radical scientific achievements. Their most astonishing invention: the Firebird, which allows users to jump into parallel universes, some vastly altered from our own. But when Marguerite’s father is murdered, the killer—her parent’s handsome and enigmatic assistant Paul—escapes into another dimension before the law can touch him.

Marguerite can’t let the man who destroyed her family go free, and she races after Paul through different universes, where their lives entangle in increasingly familiar ways. With each encounter she begins to question Paul’s guilt—and her own heart. Soon she discovers the truth behind her father’s death is more sinister than she ever could have imagined.

A Thousand Pieces of You explores a reality where we witness the countless other lives we might lead in an amazingly intricate multiverse, and ask whether, amid infinite possibilities, one love can endure.

There were only a handful of books this fall that I was really looking forward to reading. Those who's premises I loved or those authors that I can always count on to deliver one heck of a story so I buy their stories immediately, A Thousand Pieces of You was one such read. Every since first glimpsing that Ms. Gray had a new book coming out and then getting a glimpse of the amazing cover and even more amazing blurb, I knew it was one I had to get my hands on.

Ms. Gray has never let me down. Time after time she amazes me with the creative and imaginative stories she writes and her ability to weave a tale that is not only believable but fun as well. One that easily captures your attention and holds it.

I loved this story. I devoured this story. 

This was everything I have come to expect from Gray's work and everything I love about it but maybe even more so. I was so caught up in the story that I lost all track of time and of what I should have been doing instead, but, it didn't matter because the story was just that good and it was worth it to read, I mean who needs clean clothes and dinner anyways right?

This was captivating and so very interesting. It blended science, romance, adventure, and mystery seamlessly. There was never too much of one thing and always just the right amount of info without boring you or overloading you with specifics and too much science jargon. In other words, beautifully presented and written. 

I loved everyone, even those we weren't always suppose to love. Paul, Theo, Marguerite, Dr. Caine and the whole family were wonderful characters and I loved seeing them in each new dimension, in each new situation. 

This is by far one of my favorite parallel universe reads yet. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review*

Also today is the last day for the Something Wicked Strikes Hop so don't forget to enter all the giveaways and check out today's post!

Happy Halloween!!!

October 31st:
Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings: A Cursed Bloodline by Cecy Robson
 Maja @The Nocturnal Library: Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre


  1. Oh this one sounds wonderful! So many things to discover here! I confess that I'm curious because I've never tried a book by the author yet. One day one day. Great review!

    1. It really was fabulous, I hope you decide to try it. :)

  2. I don't think I've ever read one of her books, which is weird, I suppose. I've heard so many wonderful things about this, though, and your opinion just drove the point home - I need to order a copy asap.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ali!

    1. Yay! Read one, if not this one then definitely one of her others. :)

  3. YAY!!! I really loved this one too Ali! My favorite part was when she was in Russia, my heart just hurt for her and Paul! I loved too how unconventional the romance was, and I can't wait to see how things unfold in the next book:) SO GOOD!

    1. Yes Jenny! That was my favorite time/dimension as well. :)

  4. oh bah sounds like I will need to read this one as soon as I am done with one of the ones I am currently reading o.o

  5. I don't think I've ever read a parallel universe story, but this sounds interesting!

    1. This is a good place to dive in if you want to Stephanie. :)

  6. I'm really excited for this and so glad you enjoyed it (and kept you from making clean cloathes and dinner -lol.) Parallel verse are some of my favorite, like multi settings at once, and this seems well done. Lovely review :)

  7. It's always an awesome feeling when you become completely invested in a book that you lose track of time. :)
    It happened recently with I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios! I loved that book so much! :)
    Anyways, I'm happy you felt like that with this book, Ali. I just wasn't the right audience for this book which makes me sad because I want to fangirl with you all!
    Lovely review! :)

    1. Awww I know Nick, I wish you had too but it happens. :)

      I do want to read I'll Meet You There though for sure!

  8. Great review thanks Kindlemom
    Happy Halloween

  9. I haven't read anything by Claudia Gray but looks like this is a good one to start with! I love parallel universes so can't wait! Lovely review :D

  10. I'm not the smartest reader of sci-fi with time travel and parallel universes. I'm curious if its idiot friendly here for idiots like me LOL

    Happy Halloween!

    1. This is a super easy one to understand. :)
      Happy Halloween!

  11. It's good to hear you loved this one cause I've only seen so-so reviews so far. I do like her a lot so maybe one day I'll get the chance to read this one.

  12. This was my first book by Gray and I really enjoyed so I'll have to read the others now, too. I devoured this one as well and it amazingly built story. I totally agree with you. Great review, Ali :)

  13. Sounds fantastic! I haven't read anything by this author yet, but this one seems like a sure hit.


  14. WOW - I was just browsing through & stumbled upon your lovely blog - It looks gorgeous and it has interesting posts that I can relate too! This was an great I recently read, glad you like it too! I'm now following you via gfc, Hope you check out my blog? keep in touch love x

    Benish | Feminist Reflections
    A Thousand Pieces of You Hardcover Giveaway

  15. You don't know how pissed I am. I wanted to read this BAD when I first saw it. I'm pre-approved with Harper on Edelweiss, but didn't want to download it MONTHS ago. So I made a note to download and read it in October. But what happened when I was all ready and excited to read it? It was no longer available. GRRR. Now I must wait. And I'll never purposely put off a book like that again.

    1. If it makes you feel any better I have done that before. It sucks. Sorry you missed out on this.

  16. LOVE finding authors like that that just do it for ya every time. Glad it was as fab as you hoped!

  17. I love how this blends genres, and so good when you find an author who rocks for you. I have this on my audible wish list.

  18. That was a good one Heidi! I think you would like this one. ;)

  19. This was one of my most anticipated reads too, so to hear it lived up to your expectations makes me super excited to give it a try! Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous review! <3

    1. Thanks so much Zoe and I am hoping you really love it as well.

  20. You loved and devoured this one, definitely adding it to my want to read list.

  21. I have heard such good things about this book. I'm glad that you ended up liking this one. I definitely want to read this one.

    1. I hope you do and you end up loving it as well Natalie. :)

  22. Ooh YAY! So happy to hear you devoured this one and that it didn't disappoint - I'm really looking forward to reading it!
