Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Review: Sanyare by Megan Haskell

Title: Sanyare
Author: Megan Haskell
Series: Book One in the Last Descendant Series
Published By: Trabuco Ridge Press (February 16, 2015)
Source: Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
When friends become enemies and enemies become friends, who’s left to trust? 

Trained as an elite fighter and educated in the ways of the elves, Nuriel “Rie” Lhethannien has worked decades to be accepted into the High Court messenger service. It’s a simple enough occupation, but in a realm where humans are treated as little better than slaves, it’s a position she’ll do anything to protect. 

On a routine delivery in the Human Realm, Rie is attacked by assassins from the enemy Shadow Realm and framed as a traitor. Facing execution at the hand of an unmerciful king, she evades capture and crosses the portal into enemy lands to prove her innocence. 

Surprising allies arise from the shadows, assisting her search and uncovering secrets she didn’t know she kept. With the risk of discovery lurking at every turn, Rie must use every weapon in her arsenal — and some she didn’t know she possessed — to uncover the truth behind the attack. Along the way, she discovers she might not be as human as she was led to believe, and her heritage could be more dangerous than she ever imagined.

As some of you may know I have only recently really embraced this genre and have declared it a favorite. And while it is quickly becoming a favorite, I do still struggle with it at times and am leery of starting series and books from authors I truly know nothing about.

Which is why even though I read the prequel and enjoyed it, I went into this with no expectations and if I'm being completely honest, a little leery as well. I had no idea what to expect when I opened the pages.

I can tell you what I got though, a fun, fast paced read full of mystery, twists, and characters that you will simply adore.

While I really liked fierce, kick butt Rie, I adored the pixies! Yes, you read that right, pixies. Gikl, Niinka, Possn, Hiinto, and Tiik were just so much darn fun. They were mischievous, spunky, and almost always getting into trouble, not to mention their slightly scary ability to munch on the bad guys. There was just something so fun and endearing about their loyalty to Rie and how they always had her back. 

The  mystery was a great one too and honestly, the twists in this, I didn't see coming. Not to mention the wonderful blend of sups and magic and this was a read that I had a hard time putting down.

I really enjoyed every single aspect of it. It was well written, well designed, and the world building  had just the right amount of detail without being a huge info dump at one time and becoming overwhelming.

I honestly enjoyed this so much and I can't wait for more. The author truly has created something unique and original while still holding true to familiar concepts and creatures. I have to applaud her on her ability to mix so many details together and create something fun and unputdownable. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I confess I have never heard of this book, but I am so happy to hear you are starting to embrace fantasy. It's a favourite genre of mine and it's all I read, I am trying to do the opposite and branch out into contemporary haha. Anyway, this book sounds like loads of fun, especially the pixies :D

    Aentee at The Social Potato.

    1. It really is a fun genre and so is contemporary! Glad you are starting it as well.

  2. I think I would love those pixies as well Ali! So glad you've caught the fantasy bug! I caught it early last year and have been completely obsessed every since. MORE FANTASY PLEASE! Thanks for the recommendation:)

  3. Yay for spunky pixies! I adore them in books and these one sound amazing! :) I've never heard of this series before, but this looks amazing and it sounds like you had such a good time. :)
    Great review, Ali!

  4. So wait, I'm a little lost here. Are the humans ruled by elves? Where to the pixies play in to the story?

    1. No they aren't ruled by them but they consider them beneath them. ;) The pixies are just fun side characters. ;)

  5. Thanks Ali, this is a go to genre for me and this looks like a great new place to start!

  6. I am also sometimes wary to start a new series by someone I haven't read before. I am glad this one worked out for you!!

  7. I love twists I never see coming, so maybe this one will be good for me. I'm glad you're having so much fun with this genre!

  8. What an interesting ride this book promises! I can never read enough fantasy myself, especially if faeries are involved :) Great review!

  9. I'm so happy that you're enjoying the wonderful realm of fantasy!! This new to me, but I'm very curious now, and with the mention of pixies and great world building - I'm there :)

    1. Thanks Kim! I hope you like this as well if you decide to read it. :D

  10. It's great when you read a book without any expectations and that you're surprised like that. I didn't know about this one

  11. I so rarely find twists that truly surprise me these days. The Uninvited, which we apparently both liked, was an exception. So the fact that this surprised you works in its favor. AND I'm a fantasy fan already.

    1. I did love that one too Maja and I admit, I didn't see the twist in that one coming at all and normally I do!

  12. The world sounds good and I like that there is a mystery with twists you didn't expect. You have been having a good time exploring this genre and in the process have introduced me to new authors.

  13. Fantasy is my favorite genre and this book sounds AMAZING!

  14. So glad you have joined us in the fantasy world! I love that you went in leery of the book but enjoyed it. Yea, that sells it to me more and I want to know those pixies. :D

  15. 'Unputtadownable' I LOVED the word you used for this book! I too am super leery when it comes to books I know nothing about but if it's a new author, I love to explore their way of writing and what they have to bring to the table. I loved your review for this Ali and so glad you had such a good time reading it. ♡♡

  16. I'm surprised, did you not like fantasy before?

    The fantasy ones I can't get full into are sci-fi and high fantasy.

    1. I just never tried it I think because I tried a few higher fantasy ones and couldn't get into them (still can't!) so I stayed away from the genre in general thinking they would all be the same.

  17. I am not a big fantasy reader, other than paranormal romance and UF. But you have me interested in the pixies! Are they little? Do you have to read the prequel?

    1. They are little! And no, the prequel isn't necessary. ;)

  18. You had me at pixies! Love me some pixies.

  19. It's great that you're finding it easier to enjoy these books. Especially from authors you're not familiar with. I wish I have your courage to try something new. :)

    1. You do, I see you read wonderful books all the time Joy. ;)

  20. I am so glad to hear other people are leery of new series/authors. It takes me forever to read a new author I have never heard about. But I am glad this one was good!

    1. It does me as well just because you never know what you might be getting!

  21. This is new to me. Sounds like a really good Fantasy. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Thanks for the review, Ali! I'm so glad you liked the book!!

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  25. I usually hate falsely accused, but this novel sounds like such fun! Yeah, fantasy is my favorite genre and I still go into new unknown novels hesitantly. Sometimes it can be such hit or miss. This one definitely sounds like a hit! I love a good mystery! (And I'd like to meet those pixies now) I'm glad it turned out good for you!

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