Wednesday, August 19, 2015

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

There is no way I'm passing up a Hoover book, she is on my auto-buy list and while I know not everyone loves her writing, I most certainly do. In fact, she is one of the few NA authors out there right now that I don't hesitate to grab, even though I've been pretty burnt out on the genre as of late. 

Book Description:

This is a love story between a guy (me) and a girl (Fallon). 
I think. 
Can it even be considered a love story if it doesn’t end with love? 
Mysteries end when the mystery is solved. 
Biographies end when the life story has been told. 
Love stories should end with love, right? 
Maybe I’m wrong, then. Maybe this isn’t a love story. If you ask me…I’d say this might even be considered a tragedy. 
Whatever it is—however it ends—I promised I would tell it. So without further ado.

Once upon a time…I met a girl. 

The girl.

I have a feeling this one might rip my heart out and stomp on it a few times.

So, how about you, a fan? Not a fan? 


  1. YESS! Give it to me! If it's anything like CoHo's other books, then it IS going to be heartbreaking. But can't wait! :)

    1. I know! The tissues will need to be handy and maybe some chocolate as well!

  2. She is my absolute favorite author, and I am highly anticipating this book!! Can't wait!! I too am burnt out on NA these days, but she never disappoints me!

    1. I know, I feel the same way! I hardly read it either anymore but when it comes to her, I am so there!

  3. Yeah, I don't think I'm emotionally equipped to handle this one Ali! I need my romances to end with an HEA and that clearly isn't the case here. A tragedy? *sobs just thinking about it* LOVE that cover though! Hope it doesn't rip your heart out too much:)

    1. I know! But maybe she will surprise us, you never know. ;)

  4. I agree, I've been burned a lot lately on NA, so I've had to take a step away. I'm glad you have an author as a "go-to" in that genre.

    1. I really am too since this genre really is so easy to get burnt out on. ;)

  5. OMG what a premise. I can't wait to hear you tell me all about it Ali!

    1. I know, it will probably tear me up but I'm ready for it. ;)

  6. Hoover is auto-buy for me too. Can't wait to read this one!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  7. I have the exact same feeling but we can't stop ourselves, can we? ;)

  8. I still haven't read anything by this author. I hope you enjoy reading this book.
    My WoW

    1. You really should try her, especially if you like the genre at all. ;)

    2. I do like reading NA, and I've been meaning to read something of hers, I just didn't know where to start. I like the sound of this one, so maybe I'll pick it up.

    3. I think any of her books are a great place to start but I did recently read Slammed and loved it!

  9. I really need to try more books by this author!

    1. You do! I have loved everything I have tried so far. ;)

  10. I haven't read anything by Hoover, but I am really excited about this one!

  11. Can you believe that I haven't read a single book by Colleen Hoover just yet? Yeah, it's like I'm living on another planet. But I love the sound of this and I've heard so much praise for her work!

    1. You haven't? Oh Maja! We so need to fix that and soon!

  12. Oh, intriguing. "The" girl! I hope to find time to try this one - like Maja, I have yet to read Colleen Hoover :) Great choice!

    1. You need to try her! She is fabulous and her books are always so emotional but so worth it at the same time.

  13. I am sure this is going to fly off the shelves!

  14. Hmm..not sure of this, Ali. Haven't ventured very far in the NA genre and haven't read her books even though they are extremely popular. I read romances for fun and need a HEA. So I'll have to wait and read your review to see if I can handle the emotional roller coaster.

    1. Most of her's do have a HEA so this one will be interesting! I hear you on the HEAs though, I really do need them as well. ;)

  15. I haven't read her yet! She is on my must read list though. This does sound good.

    1. Definitely try her! I can't wait for you to, she really is talented!

  16. I'm not necessarily a Colleen Hoover fan. Not of her work anyway. I think she's an amazing person, so I keep picking up her stuff. BUT, Novemeber 9 caught my eye so I'm definitely getting it! I hope this one will turn me into a fan! Great pick!

  17. I haven't read anything by this author before! i know, I know, I need to change that. This sounds great!

    1. You do need to change that! :P Seriously though, I am hoping this turns out to be an amazing read with a HEA despite that synopsis!

  18. Oh my - this one does sound like you need to be ready for some heart stomping and lots of swoon. Do you know if it's from the guys pov? Because - that would be AWESOME! I would love that :)

    1. I don't know! I'm hoping so, some of her other books have been so I'm hoping this one might be as well.

  19. I recently read my first book by her and loved it. I have another waiting for me on my Kindle-some day. I don't like tragedies so I probably will not be reading this one :)

  20. Well that's a description that gets my notice!

    1. I know! I can't wait to see what it is all about!

  21. Replies
    1. You should try something of her's, you never know, you may like her as well. ;)

  22. I have lots of her books on my TBR pile, but have only read one. This one looks great!

  23. I love Colleen Hoover! I may not love all her books, but I read them anyway. Though I must say that I'm very behind on reading most of them. I should definitely go pick up the ones I haven't read yet. XD

    1. I'm way behind on all of her books as well but like you, I do buy them all! :P
