Thursday, September 17, 2015

Review: Crossed by Eliza Crewe

Title: Crossed
Author: Eliza Crewe
Series: Book Three in the Soul Eaters Trilogy
Published: August 17, 2015
Source: Purchased
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
War is here.

Full-scale war has erupted between the Crusaders and demons and even Chi has to admit isn’t going well. Like any sensible rat, Meda’s eager to abandon the sinking ship but, unfortunately, her friends aren't nearly as pragmatic. Instead, Meda’s forced to try to keep them all alive until the dust settles.

As the Crusaders take more and more drastic measures, the tables turn and Meda suddenly finds herself in the role of voice of sanity. No one is more horrified than she is. When old enemies reappear as new allies and old friends become new enemies Meda has to decide—again—whose side she’s really on.

And then the Crusaders decide that Meda should go to Hell. Literally.

Can't a monster even catch a break?

This has to be one of my most  favorite, underrated series out there. Meda is the ultimate anti-heroine that you can't help but fall in love with. From her bad girl ways to her snarky sarcastic humor, she truly is a lovable character that warms your heart as much as she terrifies you with her evil ways.

I have loved this series from the very beginning and that love has only grown with each new release and I was so very excited to see how Crewe would pull it all together and more than anything, I couldn't wait to see how our evil lovable half demon, would handle it all. 

Crewe pulled this off beautifully. I had so much darn fun reading this that it truly was hard to put down. Laundry could wait. Cleaning the house could wait, heck blogging was put on hold, all so I could race to the end and see how it came togther, and let me tell you, I don't regret it at all. I loved the way it ended. 

The whole last installment just worked. It worked for the characters, it worked for the arc of the storyline and most of all, it fit with what I pictured for Meda and what her future, what her destiny would ultimately be.

I couldn't be happier with what happened and with the way it ended. I don't want to say more because I think I might have already said too much but let me at least say this, if you love a good anti-heroine, someone born to be bad but lovable. Meda is your girl. This series, is your series. Read it, love it, devour it. You won't regret it. 

Wonderful writing, wonderful characters, and a very satisfying conclusion all make this one heck of a trilogy. 


  1. It is always the best when a series ender is fulfilling. So many aren't - Glad you enjoyed this one!

    1. Thanks Grace, I really am glad it ended so well too. It is one of my most favorite underrated series!

  2. I've heard such amazing things about this series from my blogging friends. I'm excited that this series ending was everything that you wanted out of the book. I'll have to check it out for sure! :)
    Great review, Ali!

    1. I hope you do Nick, I can really seeing you loving this!

  3. Given how much I LOVE anti-heroes, I have little doubt I'm going to love an anti-heroine. I can't wait to meet Meda Ali, everyone just raves about this series!

    1. She truly is what makes this series fabulous. It is hard not to love her.

  4. Kudos promoting an underrated series
    I'll share this around maybe get some books sold!!

    1. That would be awesome Debbie, thank you!! I'm sure the author would really appreciate it as well!!

  5. I bet you like Meda Heidi, she is unlike any other. ;)

  6. I somehow missed this, but I'll check it out. Meda sounds like the kind of heroine I couldn't help but love :) Thanks for the recommendation!

  7. Meda does sound awesome! I really need to read something by this author. I think I have one of her books on my wish list.

    1. I don't know what else she has written but I definitely recommend this series!

  8. I never made it past book one, even though I loved it, mostly because of the whole publisher debacle (I felt so bad about that!), but now that this one is out, I'll likely read them back to back, as soon as possible.

    1. That was a strange thing to happen and really sad for the authors!
      Yay for liking the first book though, I do hope you pick them back up. :D

  9. Yay for a terrific conclusion! Anti-heroines are some of my favorites - they just are so full of life and sass usually. I'm glad you enjoyed the ending - I need to check book one out one day.
    Lovely review, Ali :)

    1. Yes Kim! I agree, I think that is what makes them so much fun.

  10. Yay! I remember reading the first two books of this series and seriously falling in love with both of them. The heroine here was just so unique and fantastic. I was worried when the original publisher closed down because the third book was yet to go be published, but I'm glad it found a new home and we can all read it :D :D ESPECIALLY ME!

    Faye at The Social Potato

  11. Oh I have book 1 in my wishlist but I really buy it and try it! I didn't know that book 3 was out. I'll really have to get into the books now!

    1. Now that they are all out you should definitely read them!

  12. I am trying to bring my TBR pile down...hehe! You keep "making" me add to it...buahhhah. Great review Ali

  13. I'm glad you were happy with the way it ended! *whispers* I still need to start this one o.O

  14. This sounds like a really fun, fantasy read. I don't see many of those. Thanks for the awesome review, I want this book like yesterday!

    1. Yay! I hope you do check out the first book and fall in love with it!

  15. I remember seeing the other books and the series and being a little curious but I hadn't heard much about it. I'm really glad you loved this!

    1. Thanks Candace, it is a fabulous series and like I said, definitely underrated.

  16. Yay for a series ending on a high note. I've read far too many disappointing series finales. I don't think I gave this series much thought. Maybe I need to look at it again.

  17. I am delighted this ended so well for you. When a book/series makes you forget the outside world and responsibilities it is pure gold.

  18. Another series and author that I know nothing about. And you make it sound so good! I may have to check this out-trilogies just seem more doable than the long ones. Thanks! :)

    1. They do don't they? I always feel that way as well. ;)

  19. You're not giving me enough! I want more. It sounds so good.

  20. You've convinced me. Adding this series to my list now.
