Thursday, September 3, 2015

Review: Drowning is Inevitable by Shalanda Stanley

Title: Drowning is Inevitable
Author: Shalanda Stanley
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Knopf Books For Young Readers (September 8, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
"A literary knockout with the loudest of beating hearts." 
John Corey Whaley, Printz Award winner of Where Things Come Back

Olivia has spent her whole life struggling to escape her dead mother’s shadow. But when her father can’t even look at her because Olivia reminds him of her mother, and her grandmother mistakenly calls her “Lillian,”  shaking a reputation she didn’t ask for is next to impossible. Olivia is used to leaning on her best friend, Jamie; her handsome but hot-tempered boyfriend, Max; and their wild-child friend, Maggie, for the reality check that her small Louisiana town can’t provide. But when a terrible fight between Jamie and his father turns deadly, all Olivia can think to do is grab her friends and run. 

In a flash, Olivia, Jamie, Max, and Maggie become fugitives on the back roads of Louisiana. They’re headed to New Orleans, where they hope to find a solution to an unfixable problem. But with their faces displayed on all the news stations, their journey becomes a harrowing game of hide-and-seek from the police—and so-called allies, who just might be the real enemy.

Shalanda Stanley’s breathtaking debut novel explores the deep ties between legacy, loyalty, and love, even as it asks the question: How far would you go to save a friend?

Drowning is Inevitable is a heart breaking, beautifully told story about four people coming to terms with growing older, finding their places in life, dealing with family problems, and loving for the first time.

Beautifully detailed and worded, this is the type of story that sticks with you long after you have read the pages and put the book down.

Stanley's debut novel is one that will worm its way into your heart and your mind forever. With memorable characters that feel for all intent and purpose real. Like flesh and blood as their story unfolds heart breaking page after heartbreaking page until you are so spent you don't know whether to smile at the new beginnings or be saddened at the endings.

Devastating, fantastic, and emotionally draining, this truly was a masterpiece all its own and one I am so thankful I took the journey with. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Emotionally draining ... yup, that's for me! I don't think I've even seen this book until now. But I love when a book breaks me.

  2. I have just seen this one popping up a I am pretty sure it is a book for me -devastating, fantastic, and emotionally draining are all things I look for in a book :) Great review!

    1. Thanks Grace, I hope you end up loving it as well. :D

  3. I love the sound of these characters and this story so much, Ali! I'll have to look more into this book because I think I'd like it!

  4. While I'm not in an emotionally draining place at the moment (I need light and happy!), I'm adding this to my list for sure. I love the reads that stick with you long after you finish Ali:)

    1. I do as well Jenny and yeah, you definitely have to be prepared for these type of reads. ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Revising my previous comment: I didn't catch the part where it's YA! sorry!

    Anyway, I am gravitating towards books that speaks of LIFE as a whole, the journey and not just a momentary snapshot of a smal event. Maybe it's me growing old, but I find myself relating to deeper stories more and more.

    1. I do as well. There is just something about them that really speaks to me and this was good and did to that even though it is YA. ;)

  7. Call me a weirdo but I love stories that drag my emotions every which way that I become emotionally exhausted at the end of the story. So this definitely seems like my cup of tea.

    1. You're not a weirdo at all, or if you are, then I must be as well. :P

  8. Wow, this sounds really amazing and I hadn't even heard of it yet!

    1. It is definitely one that hasn't had a lot of air time so to speak but it should, it deserves it. :)

  9. Devastating and emotionally draining? Wow! I'm so glad you posted it, I didn't know about it. Thank you <3

  10. Aww this sounds great and I don't usually go for contemporaries, awesome review

    1. I bet you like this, it has a lot of depth to it. ;)

  11. Oh this sounds quite good! I hadn't read any reviews for it, so thanks for sharing. :)

    1. It really is one of those books that need more attention.

  12. They can be wearing, sometimes in the best way possible. ;)

  13. This is completely new to me Ali. I have to be in the mood for this genre, as I tend to get emotional and I am an ugly crier. Adding to my list.

  14. YAYYY!! I'm starting this one tonight, so I honestly didn't read your review (I like going into books completely blind) but I'm SO HAPPY to see your rating!! :) I'll be back to read your review once I've read the book. I know, I'm weird. LOL

  15. Goodness sounds like it was quite the experience. Awesome it was their debut!

  16. Oh wow. Powerful review, Ali. Perhaps when I'm in the right state of mind for it.

  17. This does sounds beautiful. I love stories that stick with you for a long time. Love the cover too.

  18. Oh another book looking really intense there and a new one to me.

  19. Sounds like a really emotional read. I'm always looking for those. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! :)

    1. It was, way more than I expected it to be by the end. ;)

  20. It sounds sad and the older I get the less I like sad endings. I won't even watch a movie if I hear it's sad. I mean if an old person dies and it's their time, I can understand and still read, but if the HEA isn't there or if they kill an animal then no way do I want to read it :) Now in paranormal books I can handle it a lot better!

  21. This one sounds amazing - if a book is emotionally draining I usually love it. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I hope you love this one as well then Nicole. :D

  22. This does sound absolutely beautiful, I also read on another review, that fans of John Green would like this book greatly! That's a huge comparison ;) Lovely review

    1. I can see that comparison for sure! He writes pretty emotional reads as well.
