Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mini Review: Indomitable by J. Meyers

Title: Indomitable
Author: J. Meyers
Series: Novella in the Intangible Series (#1.5)
Published By: Self Published (Jan 2013)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
 Perhaps the most dangerous person to gain unimaginable power is the one who feels oppressed.

And full of wrath. For very good reason.

My Review: 
I fell in love with J.'s writing after reading the prequel to her YA series Intangible, Intuition. I loved her characters, the storyline, just everything.

After reading the first book, Intangible, I knew this was a series that I had to have more of and an author that I could expect great things from.

I loved Jonas' character in Intangible and was thrilled that J. was giving us a story just about him. I knew that big hunk of a man had to have a story, I mean, he has been alive a really long time. How could there not be a lot of history there?

I am thrilled with what J. gave us. Jonas' story was heartbreaking. I felt for him and loved him all the more.

I can't wait to read more about him. I sincerely hope he has a big role in the next book because I want more from him. I want him to have a HEA. 

This was a great edition to the series and I can not wait to read more!


  1. I keep seeing excellent reviews on this series..I really need to add them, as so much of why you loved this appeals to me..delightful review!

  2. I think I have the first book on my kindle. I should try to read it soon since you like the series so much!

  3. Yep, you got it Heidi!

    Also Candace, there is a prequel to the series I would suggest you read first. I am pretty sure it is still free on Amazon. :)

  4. I have the first book, but don't think I knew there was a prequel. I'll have to find and read it. And it's nice to know the novellas are good too.

  5. I have the Intangible on my Kindle, but I haven't gotten around to reading it. After reading your review, you certainly have me wanting to move it up on my list. It sounds like a great series.

  6. I meant to read Intangible forever ago and never got around to it. Heard great things about it.
