Monday, February 3, 2014

Review: Killer Frost by Jennifer Estep

Title: Killer Frost
Author: Jennifer Estep
Series: Book Six in the Mythos Academy Series
Published By: Kensington Teen (February 25, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
I’ve battled the Reapers of Chaos before–and survived. But this time I have a Bad, Bad Feeling it’s going to be a fight to the death … most likely mine.

Yeah, I’ve got my psychometry magic, my talking sword, Vic–and even the most dangerous Spartan on campus at my side, in Logan freaking Quinn, but I’m no match for Loki, the evil Norse god of chaos. I may be Nike’s Champion, but at heart, I’m still just Gwen Frost, that weird Gypsy girl everyone at school loves to gossip about.

Then someone I love is put in more danger than ever before, and something inside me snaps. This time, Loki and his Reapers are going down for good … or I am.

I know I have said this numerous times in the past but it bares repeating, it will never get easy saying goodbye to a beloved series. Never.

And this is definitely one of those series that I really don't want to say goodbye too, I love them far too much and as I sit here and right this review, I already miss them and am sad that it is all over.

Gwen, Grandma Frost, Nyx, Daphne, Oliver, Logan, Nickamedis, Vic, Alexei, Metis, Ajax, Carson, they are like family now and you never want to have to say goodbye to family forever, well not unless they are the perverted uncle or the obnoxious cousin that will never leave you alone.

Either way, you know what I am saying. I knew this was going to be a hard read and one I was a little worried about. I was so nervous someone beloved would be hurt or killed again or worse, something awful would happen to Gwen herself and while I of course, won't say what happened, I will say there was one absolute epic battle that took place.

It was brutal, it was fierce and it showed no mercy. People were maimed, they were murdered and they were destroyed. There was lots of gore and blood and it all went down exactly like I thought it would, not that it was predictable mind you, but that is was a fantastic battle to the end. 

This amazing group of friends were as wonderful as ever and I loved them all the more as they worked together and had each other's back. I love their unity, their understanding and their camaraderie. I couldn't have created a more diverse, great bunch of people if I tried. You can tell that Estep loves them, that she put her heart and soul into them and it shows in her writing and in the way she ended it all. 

Am I happy with the way it was all brought together? Absolutely but I am sad too because it is really over, at least for now, for a good long time. And I am going to miss them just like I would miss anyone I cared about that went away to someplace I could never talk to them again but I am pleased too because it was a good solid ending. One with lots of promise and one with lots of hope. It won't be easy now for any of them, it never will be, but it will be happier and lighter and most of them will get their happily ever after and I love that. I love that we got glimpses of what will happen in the future, that was brilliant.

I love that all my questions were answered (especially about Raven!) and then some. I love that I feel contented and not cheated out of something I felt should have happened or out of something that didn't. I think a lot of people will be pleased with the way the author choose to end it and wrap it all up. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Love you're review and I just love this series. I haven't had a chance to start this book yet, though it is waiting for me on my Kindle. I am so encouraged by what you wrote, and the fact that you said most get their HEA. Can't wait to start this.

  2. " I was so nervous someone beloved would be hurt or killed again or worse..."

    ME TOO ALI! I was both excited and scared to read this book because Jennifer is not one to pull punches, but I was really happy with the way everything turned out. I thought the battle with Loki was appropriately big and dramatic given all the build up, and like you, I was so glad all lingering questions were answered! I'm sad to see this series end, but I can't wait to see what Jennifer has in store next:) Gorgeous review!

    1. Me too Jenny. I know whatever she comes up with next will be fabulous!

  3. Lovely review Ali, I am so glad this series rocked for you and I know ending series like this is bittersweet but I am hoping her next one excites you too

  4. You definitely find out about Raven!

  5. I've only read the first two, so I have some catching up to do, but I'm so glad you loved this!

    1. This is a must read series Candace, get caught up! :P

  6. I can't believe I haven't heard of this series before. I am adding it to my TBR shelf on good reads right now. It looks fabulous!

  7. I remember reading an anthology years ago that had a story from this series in it, and found it really cool. Knowing this is the final book might actually push me to read it. I'm starting to want to wait until there are a few books a series already out or it's finished. Then I can read them on MY terms. lol.

    1. I like to do that as well Christy, it makes it nicer to know you have the next book if it ends on a cliffhanger.

  8. I think i am missing out, this series sounds great. I have 2 books from it and I been taking forever to read it ugh. Glad to hear that the author did not disappoint on the ending! Always good to hear, maybe I'll be less scared of it.

    1. This is a fabulous series, you need to get caught up Lily, I know you will love it. :D

  9. I HATE saying goodbye too and I had to do it quite a few times in the last month. Twice it eve took me by surprise. This series and I haven't had much luck, but I love her adult series so I suppose I should give it another try now that it's all out.
    Great review, Ali!

    1. I really want to try her adult series. I just need to make the time for it. If you love it then I know I will too Maja!

  10. I'm about to read this one, and I'm so excited but also terribly nervous. I'm thrilled to hear that you had all your questions answered and that you were content with how she chose to wrap things up. Awesome review, can't wait to read this! :-)
