Thursday, February 13, 2014

Review: Searching For Beautiful by Nyrae Dawn

Title: Searching For Beautiful
Author: Nyrae Dawn
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Entangled Publishing (March 4, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
Before, Brynn had a group of best friends, a loving boyfriend, a growing talent for pottery. She had a life. And after…she had none.

When Brynn lost the boyfriend who never loved her, the friends who feel she betrayed their trust, and the new life just beginning to grow inside her, she believes her future is as empty as her body. But then Christian, the boy next door, starts coming around. Playing his guitar and pushing her to create art once more. She meets some new friends at the local community center, plus even gets her dad to look her in the eye again…sort of.

But can Brynn open up her heart to truly find her life’s own beauty, when living for the after means letting go of the before?

I love Nyrae's writing, she is just such a great author with heartfelt stories that are so filled with hope and promise. I couldn't resist her books even if I tried, which I would never do because the girl is on my auto buy list but still, you get the idea. 

Her writing, her characters, her messages, all beautiful. All wonderful and all ones you don't want to miss out on. 

There are very few authors that are my go to authors when I know I will get exactly what I want when I want it and she is one of them. Let me tell you, the woman can write. Her books are so full of goodness, yes sadness too but most of all goodness. 

Her characters are broken but strong. They find themselves, usually with the help of others along the way, but who doesn't need help now and then? We all need those around us that pull us through some tough times and lift us up and her characters are wonderful for that. They are real and true and feel like people we already know and love. They remind us of the goodness that still exists in the world and when those characters finally find their inner strength, it is just beautiful.

This story is no exception, it is all of those things above and so much more. Always so much more. You really can't describe it but you can feel it and breathe is and let it into your hearts where Nyrae's characters and messages will forever live.

Her books are ones that you just have to experience for yourself and I love her because of it. She is always so true to her characters as she breathes life into them, she loves them and cares for them and even though she isn't always nice to them, putting them through the things she does, she always give them a happily ever after in the end and I love that about her stories. How good always prevails and hope is always present.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Don't forget to check out the Fire and Ice hop where it is all about the Hot Reads for Cold Nights!

Candace@Candace's Book Blog:Misty Provencher: Fly House
Ginny@Gin's Book Notes:Marie Astor: Smitten at First Sight
Maja@The Nocturnal Library:Christina Bauer: Angelbound


  1. This sounds like a story that makes you feel. I love authors who can make you do that and I am glad you enjoyed this. :)

  2. Love Nyrae's books. So addictive. I haven't read this. I'll definitely get my copy. :)

  3. I really need to read something by her Ali! I love that she's an auto-buy author for you, that definitely makes me think I'll be a fan of her books. We're so often on the same page:) Do you have a particular favorite I should start with?

    1. Her Games series is beautiful! I would start there (Charade is the first book).

  4. I've only read one of her books, but I really loved her characters. I need to read more of them!

  5. I've never read a single thing by this author, but you make a very, very convincing case, especially by pointing out the beauty of her writing. That's precisely what I'm never able to resist.
    Great review, Ali!

    1. Give her a try Maja, you won't be disappointed!!

  6. Wow I'm really interested in this one. Im pretty sure I haven't read anything by Nyrae yet, but this definitely pushing me to do so.

  7. Everyone I know seem to be praising her and I haven't yet picked up one of her books. Okay I own Charades on my kindle, but just not enough time :(

  8. I have been very curious about this one because I know Nyrae has a lot of fans who vouch for her books and I have not tried one yet. Anyways it sounds like another winner and I love how you describe the characters. These broken but strong character arcs are always my favorite to read about and they sound very realistic, too! I def. have to give this author a shot!!

    1. Thanks Giselle and I hope you do because she really is a fabulous writer!

  9. I just love Nyrae's books. I didn't request this one for review because I am so swamped, but I will definitely be buying it. I am so glad you liked it - great review!!!

    1. I do hope you can make time for it, it was fabulous!
