Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mini Review: Not Until Tonight by Jessica Sankiewicz

Title: Not Until Tonight
Author: Jessica Sankiewicz
Series: First Novella in the This Night Series
Published: May 26, 2014
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Every day after work, Haley goes to the bar across the street from her apartment to get a drink. It's the only time she gets to see Skylar, her bartender and crush. She would like to get to know him as more than a friend but she's afraid he won't be interested and she'll have to go elsewhere for her after work drink.

When Skylar asks Haley to pretend to be his girlfriend for a night, she is more than happy to oblige. She finally has the chance to make something happen without risking anything. But pretending proves to be more difficult than she thought. She's not sure she can resist the pull any longer with her feelings growing stronger, and it seems like Skylar is feeling the same way.

At the end of the night, will they be willing to turn a fake relationship into a real one?

If there is one thing I have come to expect from Jessica's writing it is that I just know I will get an incredibly sweet and endearing read whether that read is in novel form or a short story, it will be well written and lovable.

Even though this was a short story it was packed with a whole lot of punch. So much so that I fell in love with the characters and cared about them before I was even half way through the story. I was rooting for them the whole way through. 

Jessica managed to deliver so much in such a little story, this was well written, well executed and believe it or not, the perfect length. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I love when a short story can give you great characters and emotion and suck you in completely. I'll have to check this out! Lovely review!

  2. Yay! I'm glad this short story was able to pack in so much, it really does sound like s sweet romance too. Glad you enjoyed it :)

  3. I'm liking the sound of this!! :) Great review!

  4. I read Jessica's first book and I thought the same thing about her writing. It is very sweet. This looks good, but I think I will wait for the first full length book in the series, or the second novella comes out and then read them together.

    Great review!

    1. Thanks and I am glad that you will be adding them to your TBR pile. :)

  5. I kind of love this cover, maybe cause I'm a hat person. ;) This does sound really sweet!

  6. I keep hearing good things about this one!

    1. YAY! I am so glad word is getting out about it.

  7. I like that this is a short story because it would be a great way to try the author and see if I like her writing style. This actually sounds like a great read, might have to try and get this one :)

    1. I totally agree and one of the reasons why I love novellas and prequels so much.

  8. I'm thrilled that this is "the perfect length". That rarely happens for me with short stories and novellas.

    1. It was short but it just worked with this one.

  9. I've never read this author, but you are clearly a fan, so I will have to check her out. Very nice, succinct review ;)

  10. I think it takes a lot of skill to be able to pack such a punch in a short book. It sounds like it's a cute one.

  11. I'm in a "cannot finish a book slump" right now and something short, endearing and sweet might just be what I need! I'm definitely checking this out!

    1. Yay! I hope it helps and you end up loving it.

  12. Thank you for the review! I'm so glad you loved the characters--especially since there will be more of them in the next books. ;)

  13. I love the cover and adore that it was well rounded and packed a punch despite being short.

  14. Hee, I saw this book being promoted on Giselle's website for .99! :) Awesome that you loved it in the end, love. Endearing and sweet stories, whether in the form of a novel or a novella, never gets old!

    1. I agree and yeah, that $.99 price is awesome.

  15. That sounds so sweet! Thanks for bringing it to my attention :)

  16. glad to hear even thought it was a short story that it still packed a punch and delivered!

    1. It really did, you would like this one Lily. :D

  17. This sounds so cute! I love short stories that cause you to care about the characters and enjoy the story. I'm off to purchase a copy of it :)
