Thursday, May 1, 2014

Review: Rebel by Amy Tintera

Title: Rebel
Author: Amy Tintera
Series: Book Two in the Reboot Series
Published By: HarperTeen (May 13, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Sci Fi/Fantasy/Dystopian
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
The sequel to the action-packed Reboot is a can't-miss thrill ride, perfect for fans of James Patterson, Veronica Roth, and Marie Lu.

After coming back from death as Reboots and being trained by HARC as soldiers, Wren and Callum have finally escaped north, where they hope to find a life of freedom. But when they arrive at the Reboot Reservation, it isn't what they expected. Under the rule of a bloodthirsty leader, Micah, the Reboots are about to wage an all-out war on the humans. Although Wren's instincts are telling her to set off into the wilderness on their own and leave the battle far behind, Callum is unwilling to let his human family be murdered. When Micah commits the ultimate betrayal, the choice is made for them. But Micah has also made a fatal mistake . . . he's underestimated Wren and Callum.

The explosive finale to the Reboot duology is full of riveting action and steamy love scenes as Wren and Callum become rebels against their own kind.

With Reboot being one of my most surprising reads of last year, there is no way in heck I could have resisted picking up the sequel, I just wasn't capable of saying no to it.

 Reboot blew me away with just how much I loved it and to say I have been looking forward to Rebel is a huge understatement.

I knew going into this one that it might not be an easy read. Wren and Callum are two very different people and I just knew they would have their issues and problems because of it but I was hoping like crazy that they would be able to hold things together and work through whatever might come their way. I really was hoping that love could and would conquer all.

So while yes, I was super excited to read this, I was also a little scared too. I didn’t want anything to happen to my star crossed lovers. I didn't want the contention that I knew was bound to happen or the fights that I just knew might be lurking around every corner to be. I knew there would be hard times but I was still hoping like heck things would work out, in other words, I was hoping for the best but expecting the worse.

Once again Tintera blew me away with Wren and Callum's story, their love and their adventures. Not only has Wren grown and changed in so many ways since the beginning of her journey but so has Callum. 

And their love, their strength and their bravery..well, it is something else. Something fantastic and something great, something to be remembered. 

This was packed full of surprises. Full of all the greatness I loved in Reboot, but magnified. The mission is far more dangerous and their circumstances more dire. The rebellion is getting more anxious and there are new enemies that they never saw coming and that they never expected. 

In short, I loved this and it was the perfect conclusion to the series. It was believable and fast paced and felt real. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I still haven't read Reboot but I've been planing to do so for a long time. I'm so glad you enjoyed this sequel, Ali! Sounds really good. Great review :)

    1. Oh you need to read it Tanja, it is fabulous!

  2. I have Reboot on my tbr list, might have to bump it towards the top :)

  3. I can understand you, I'm always so anxious with sequels from series I love but it's so winderful when the live our expectations. It's great to see this one was that good, I don't think I know about book 1, I'll have to check that out.

  4. I love that cover! How come I haven't heard of this series? It sounds pretty awesome!

    1. I think it is a pretty underrated series, definitely check it out, so worth it!!

  5. What? This sounds so good, and here is the kicker. I am pretty dang sure I have book one in my tbr pile. It was gifted to me. I will add to my June list, since May is all about the ARC. I am glad you shared this one Ali.

  6. So excited to read this Ali! I really loved Reboot as well, and as always, was nervous to start this sequel because I wanted good things for Wren and Callum. So glad to hear this book had everything you loved about Reboot and more, I can't wait to get my hands on it!

  7. I've had the first for ages and now I'm more anxious to pick it up!

  8. These are on my TBR list...what a great review :)

  9. Hmm ... perhaps I really should read the first book. This isn't what I'm in the mood for right now, but it's a good one for when I am.

    1. You will like Wren Christy, she is your kind of girl. ;)

  10. Well, hey! I didn't know there were only two books in this series. I got the first book awhile back, so now that it's finished, I'll move it up my list ;)

  11. Yay! I am so glad you are liking Reboot Heidi!

  12. *chuckles* something something something! Ok I didn't even know this was a duology. I'm much more likely to read this now and since it ends strong all the more reason!

  13. I really loved Reboot, and I'm so thrilled to hear you loved the conclusion (and that this only a duology, so I don't have a middle book to contend with). I'm excited to read this one! :-)

    1. I know what you mean Lauren, I am loving duologies more and more lately.

  14. oh it's a duology, oops. I guess I should crack open book 1 then, cause this does sound fun.

  15. This sounds really good. Well, I am adding another one to my list that goes to infinity and beyond. Thanks for the great review.
