Friday, May 30, 2014

Review: Wicked Games by Sean Olin

Title: Wicked Games
Author: Sean Olin
Series: Book One in the Wicked Game Series
Published By: HarperTeen (June 10, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Thriller
My rating: 2.5-3 Stars

Book Description:
Tainted love. Sexy secrets. A chilling revenge plot. It's all here in Wicked Games by Sean Olin, the first in a psychologically charged, suspenseful series set in a picturesque coastal Florida town called Dream Point, where dangerous mind games are played with abandon.

Lilah has spent the last four years by her boyfriend Carter's side, and everyone thinks their relationship is rock solid. But behind closed doors, things are beginning to crumble. Just as Lilah's intensifying mood swings are making Carter think about distancing himself from her, another girl enters the picture. Jules is beautiful, funny, smart, and artistic. Carter can't help but fall under her spell. But one stolen night of passion has consequences they could never imagine.

Let me start by saying that the synopsis for this one really doesn't prepare you for this book. It is very mild compared to what you actually get, which is one girl who is severely disturbed and needs help. One girl who plans on taking revenge to all the people (or one very specific person) she feels has wronged her and doing it by any means imaginable.

I normally love third person layouts in books but once in a great while I will come across one that just doesn't work and sadly, this one just didn't work for me. Instead of being intrigued that I got the views of all those involved, it ended up feeling chaotic and therefore made me feel very disconnected to the story and its characters. It left the chapters feeling disjointed and sometimes even somewhat hard to follow.

What this does, however, have going for it is that the actual premises of the story is pretty out there. Is pretty intriguing and so against your better judgment, you can't help but read on and want to know more.

You can't help being both fascinated and terrified at how crazy and unstable Lilah gets as the story progresses.

I was all set out to feel for Lilah and her circumstance, after all, cheating is never justified and yet, and yet, the author had me rethinking an extent. In fact, I felt more for Carter and Jules than anyone else, at least in the beginning. By the end, honestly, I really didn't know what to think. A nice surprising twist yes, which I did love but also disturbing and so out of the blue that I couldn't help but laugh and the irony of it all. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Crazy and unstable? Hell yes, count me in. lol. You know I super curious now, right? :D

  2. Heh, sounds like a twisty, maybe fun read :D
    I tend to have issues with present tense narrative, for instance, and once in a while with the third person from multiple POVs too.

    All in all, it sounds like an interesting reading exprience.

  3. yes it's what I heard that the synopsis is completely different. It sounds intriguing to follow all the characters there.

  4. I've read mixed reviews on this on, I think I'll pass on it (for now at least). Nice review today :)

  5. I haven't heard of this one, but it does sound a bit too chaotic for my taste. Unless it's end of the world, or life or death in a series, I don't particularity like chaotic. Then again, my definition of what chaotic is varies from book to book.

    1. It is different and I know it won't appeal to everyone. ;)

  6. This sounds like another one that I would need to be in the mood for. It looks like it is more than a little crazy,

    I am concerned with the fact that you didn't feel connected to the story. That might be a dealbreaker for me. It looks like an interesting read though.

    Great review, as usual :)

    1. Yeah, for some reason I just couldn't really feel for either character.

  7. I totally agreee! I rated this one 1 star (posted my review on the Not-So-Literary Heiresses) because all the cheating and everything was giving me a headache. It really just had no valuable lessons to impart :( But at the same time I was fascinated too x_x It's so weird! I still wanted to know what other horrendous thing Lilah was going to do next. HAHA! You were more forgiving than me ;) Three stars! Thats something! :D Great review, love!!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. I probably was a little too generous in my rating but I had to give it 2.5 to 3 because like you said, I still wanted to know how it all ended!

  8. sounds intriguing, but sorry the point of view didn't work for you! I tend to like first person point of view the best.

  9. I have this one and still need to read it, now I am really intrigued. I have a feeling it's probably going to end up getting a low rating from me. I have read one other of the authors books and it was a little too crazy storyline wise. This sounds like it could be quite similar in that sense. Great review :)

    1. I wouldn't doubt it but you just never know!

  10. Yeah, I'm not so sure about this one. It seems like I've seen some others that didn't love it.

    1. Yeah, I don't think I have seen a truly positive review on it yet.

  11. Wow, this does sound intense, maybe even over the border too much?? Lilah sounds scary...Sometimes I'm in the mood for these, but I need the end to really wrap up everything so I don't have my feelings left a confused and twisted. Great review 7 Happy Friday

  12. This sounds like one of those books or movies where you are constantly saying, "this is so wrong" and yet you cannot stop reading or watching!

  13. It doesn't sound like a book for me, but I love how you always find the "good" in a book even if it wasn't one of your favorites! It's very classy of you!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The cover and the premise look really good. Too bad the book wasn't satisfying...

  16. I kind of scared of this book now. Of Lilah, actually. All you directly said about her was that she was increasingly unstable, but you somehow managed to communicate how deranged she was all the same. Well done, LOL.

  17. hahah honestly this one still scares me

    1. So glad we didn't buddy read this one Lily!

  18. This sounds like something that's kind of crazy but still I'm so curious I might give it a try. Great review!

    1. I can't wait to see what you do think of it if you do give it a try.

  19. Well, I have this to read to. Now I am not really in a big hurry. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Maybe you will enjoy it more than I did Ellen, it definitely messes with you a little.
