Thursday, May 15, 2014

Review: The Twelfth Night by Deanna Raybourn

Title: The Twelfth Night
Author: Deanna Raybourn
Series: Novella in the Lady Julia Series
Published By: Harlequinn MIRA (June 1, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Historical Paranormal Mystery
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
New York Times bestselling author Deanna Raybourn returns with a brand-new novella, starring her beloved heroine, the intrepid Lady Julia Grey

To mark the passing of another decade, the esteemed—and eccentric—March family have assembled at Bellmont Abbey to perform the Twelfth Night Revels for their sleepy English village. But before Lady Julia and her handsome, sleuthing husband, Nicolas Brisbane, can take to the stage, a ruckus in the stable yard demands their attention. An abandoned infant is found nestled in the steel helm of St. George. What's more, their only lead is the local legend of a haunted cottage and its ghastly inhabitant—who seems to have returned.

Once again, Lady Julia and Nicholas take up the challenge to investigate, and when the source of the mystery is revealed, they'll be faced with an impossible choice—one that will alter the course of their lives…forever.

I never realize just how much I miss the eloquence and beauty of Raybourn's writing until I start one of her novels and it all comes back to me. How much I adore her writing and most of all, her characters. 

I adore Julia and Brisbane and the whole March household, including their servants. They are just too lovable and quirky not to love. 

The Lady Julia series happens to be one of my most, if not my, most favorite historical (with a slight edge of paranormal) romance series. It really does have it all. Fun characters, twists and turns, danger, mystery, romance and most of all, a whole heck of a lot of fun. Whether that fun be in the mishaps Julia gets herself into, her crazy over the top family, or even the strange pets, this is just one series that is so much fun to read that I gobble them up. I love them all and can't help but mourn them when I finish because I just know the wait until the next one comes out will be killer.

I think about the characters long after I have put the book down and wonder what adventures and shenanigans they will get themselves in next time and I can't help but have a smile on my face while doing so. 

This was such a great addition to the series and really showed once again why I adore Brisbane and Julia so much. I love their dynamic and oh my, their little niece who is so much like Julia melted my heart. I loved watching Brisbane interact with her. 

I am so excited with how this one ended. There are so many new adventures out there for this fantastic couple. I really hope there are many more books to come. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Dang...another series I am going to have to read. Why do you do this to me :)...hehehehe! Sounds fabulous, I love your review!

    1. Thanks Becca. :P This one is by far my favorite paranormal historical mystery. It is soooo good!

  2. I'll be honest, as much as I'd LIKE to read these, I probably never will. You know why? Because I suck. But you knew that already. ;)

  3. I love the sound of this series with it slight paranormal aspect, comedy, and mystery all combined. The madcap family and animals sound like they really add to the romance in a sweet way too. I was curious if this was an Regency styled historical? I've been enjoying those lately :)

    1. It is! It is set in the late 1800's and I just love it.

  4. This is your favorite historical romance series Ali? I MUST READ IT THEN! I love historical romance, and I love even more historical romances with a touch of the paranormal, so I'm excited to give these books a try. Glad this was another fantastic addition!

    1. Yay! You have no idea how happy I am that you want to try this series Jenny, it is so underrated, it is just fabulous.

  5. I haven't read anything from this author before, I'll have to check her books out :)

  6. After reading your praise for Deanna Raybourn's writing, I'm thinking that it's about time I discovered it for myself. I also didn't realize that there was a paranormal element to this series. Off to GoodReads to add book 1 to my to-read shelf, thanks!

  7. Ali, I don't think I have ever tired this author.This is adult right? I love the sound of her characters and writing. Thanks so much for stopping by all week, hopefully I will be feeling better soon and can return the love :)

    1. Yes definitely adult. I think you would really like her style. ;)
      I hope you are back to 100% soon!

  8. I really need to check this series out and meet Brisbane and Julia, I have a feeling I'd really enjoy this! Lovely review Ali!

    1. Thanks Lauren! They are pretty hard to resist.

  9. Sounds like a lot of fun!! I haven't read much historical fiction, but this seems like a lovely place to start.

    1. It really really is mostly because it has just about everything in it and the characters are awesome.

  10. I do remember seeing some of your reviews of her books in the past and I think I might have grabbed one on sale actually. One of these I'll read her. :)

  11. Yay! I just know you will really like this series Heidi.

  12. I've never heard of this series but I'm always on the lookout for good romances. Will definitely check out this series ;) nice review

  13. Thanks for putting another seemingly great historical paranormal series under my radar, love! Those books who leave a lasting impression on you are the best, in my opinion - it only goes to show how much of a connection was linked for it to be etched in your mind. This sounds great from what I hear. I feel like getting them from Amazon now...

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  14. Oh it's so nice to have a book that gets to you like that. I don't think I know the author but now I'm curious about her writing! thanks lady!

    1. Glad I got you curious. She really is a fantastic writer!

  15. I read so very few historical books, but with such glowing recommendation from you, I'll be forced to broaden my horizons. And a touch of paranormal will surely make it even better.

    1. Yay! Thanks Maja, I hope you love them as much as I do.

  16. ah humm, this wouldn't really read as a stand-alone would it?

    1. No, I think you would feel lost and miss out on too much that has happened. Plus, you wouldn't get the full impact of the March Family madness. ;)

  17. Gosh. It's been a while since I've read any Historical Fiction. I do indulge from time to time, and this one sounds like something I can enjoy. I love quirky characters - major or secondary.


  18. This one sounds good. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Nice review!!!
