Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Release Day Review: Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne

Title: Midnight Thief
Author: Livia Blackburne
Series: Book One in the Midnight Thief Series
Published By: Disney-Hyperion (July 8, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Growing up on Forge’s streets has taught Kyra how to stretch a coin. And when that’s not enough, her uncanny ability to scale walls and bypass guards helps her take what she needs.

But when the leader of the Assassins Guild offers Kyra a lucrative job, she hesitates. She knows how to get by on her own, and she’s not sure she wants to play by his rules. But he’s persistent—and darkly attractive—and Kyra can’t quite resist his pull.

Tristam of Brancel is a young Palace knight on a mission. After his best friend is brutally murdered by Demon Riders, a clan of vicious warriors who ride bloodthirsty wildcats, Tristam vows to take them down. But as his investigation deepens, he finds his efforts thwarted by a talented thief, one who sneaks past Palace defenses with uncanny ease.

When a fateful raid throws Kyra and Tristam together, the two enemies realize that their best chance at survival—and vengeance—might be to join forces. And as their loyalties are tested to the breaking point, they learn a startling secret about Kyra’s past that threatens to reshape both their lives.

Even though I love books with settings in a different time and a different place, I admit that this one started out a little slow for me and I wasn't quite sure if it was going to end up being the stand out read I was really hoping it would be. Thankfully, it didn't take very long for it to start to pick up, the story to get interesting and me to quickly become wrapped up in the story line.

I had a feeling from the very first few pages that I was going to like Kyra and I was right, the more I read, the more I liked her. She isn't your average heroine. She is a street rat that has had to fight her way up since she was abandoned at a small age. She knows very little about her earlier years except through what she gets through dreams and nightmares and knows virtually nothing about her heritage. 

She lives in a time when woman don't have a lot of options and are regularly misunderstood and underestimated and although she is underprivileged, she is strong and cunning and does what she has to to survive. 

This story has a lot of the great elements I love in both a historic read and a well made up fantasy. There were twist and turns and surprises around every new corner and before I knew it I was quickly engaged in the story. 

There was even just enough hint of romance to keep the romantic in me happy without taking away from the original adventurous storyline. 

I don't see any indication that there will be a sequel but with the ending such as it was, I am truly hoping there will be because if there is, I will be right there waiting to pick it up and start right back in where this one left off. 

(Since writing this review I have learned there is a planned series for this book and I am super excited about it. I have also learned that there is a prequel called Poison Dance that I also plan to read (it is also free right now on Amazon!).)

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I get the feeling this might be too much fantasy for me. And if you felt it started out slow ... I'll probably give up. Great review, Ali dear.

  2. I'm glad you liked this book. I love fantasy and I especially like that you said that there's just a hint of romance. I don't want the fantasy aspect of a book to be overshadowed by the romance. I'd definitely look forward to reading this book. Great review! :)

    1. Thank you are really going to like this one Sarah. ;)

  3. I have read the prequel, and really enjoyed it! I am happy that this is really great, I might have to give it a go. I am excited to see what they do with the character of James after Poison Dance.

    1. So glad you read the prequel, I need to get it read as well. I think it will help me like him just a bit more. ;)

  4. Oh good, I thought this was going to be a series, so good to know that's confirmed! I'm glad to see you enjoyed this one Ali, I've read a lot of less-than enthusiastic reviews lately, but I've been super excited about this one for a while and still want to give this a try. Looking forward to meeting Kyra!

  5. I've heard that it starts out slow but gets really good once you get into the story. I'm really excited to read it because I love reading YA fantasy and this seems to have a unique world building. I also love the sound of Kyra! I think she's someone I'm going to love.
    The author mentioned that this was going to be a duology, so that will make you happy! :)
    I'll be reading this one once my library gets a hold of this. :)
    Great review!

    1. Oh I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know Nick!

  6. Thanks Lola and I hope you like it as well. :)

  7. I think I'll definitely have to read this one! I love the cover and the sound of it!

  8. Oh yes I also love when we're in a different environment, something so interesting! I heard great things about this book and I think I should read it as well! great review!

    1. I really hope you do, I can't totally see you liking this.

  9. Great review Kindlemom thanks for the shout out. I also love novels set in other places and times.

  10. That's great this one picked up speed for you rather quickly. your mention of a street rat made me think of Aladdin. haha

  11. I don't think there will be a love triangle in the sequel! :) Lauren posted a link in her review to an interview where the author said there wouldn't be one! *fist pumps*

    I am so glad that in spite of the slow start, you ended up enjoying this book as well! I am definitely looking forward to reading it and hope I'll enjoy this just as much! :)

    Lovely review, Ali!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  12. I read Poison Dance a while back and enjoyed it. Looking forward go reading this one soon!

    1. I really am going to make time for it next I think.

  13. Isn't it funny how little patience we have with books that start slowly now? At one time, books always had long exposition at the beginning and people patiently followed it while it built the storyline. My mom said it started with the Indiana Jones movies? Where the beginning was a big action scene...and from that point on, everyone expected to be captured right away.

    1. It is, especially since I remember reading nothing but in school. ;)

  14. I love the sound of Kyra, she is exactly the sort of heroine I love rooting for! Glad you enjoyed this, I've been curious about this one and now I can definitely add it to my wish list. Lovely review!

  15. This one is on my wishlist. I had the opportunity to review it..but was too darn booked, so hopefully in the fall I will snag a copy. Great review Ali!

    1. I hear ya Kim, so many books and all that. ;)

  16. Great review. This sounds like a fantasy I'd like to check out.

  17. I love this cover....I mean LOVE LOVE this cover. Great review, and I am dying to read it. Again, did I mention I LOVE the cover ;)

  18. I hope you can get to it soon Heidi. :)

  19. Faye loved this too! I don't read a lot of fantasy but with two reviewers I trust loving this one I definitely have to check it out now! I also like the fact that you grow to like the Kyra as you go along, and that she's different from the norm!

    Thanks for sharing the freebie Kindlemom, I 1-clicked it! And I'm glad that this is now a series because you're definitely ready for more :)

  20. Yay! Glad you are going to give this one a try and yay for freebies! :P

  21. I started reading the prequel last night, and as soon as I finish it, I'm reading this. I really hope I like it. I've been having trouble with YA fantasy lately, and that's upsetting, b/c YA fantasy is my favorite. Maybe this will be the one to turn it all around. *crosses fingers*

    1. Just remember it is a little slow to start and hopefully you will really like it. ;) Keeping my fingers crossed for you Jessica!

  22. You people are just crushing me with these lovely reviews of this book. Ugh if only my order arrived a little early. I still haven't gotten around to reading the prequel, shame to me!!! I'm just glad to hear of a YA fantasy about assassins is sososos good. =))) I LOVE devouring them, or well I used to. I havent had much luck recently.

    1. LOL, it can be hazardous to the TBR pile to read other reviews sometimes can't it? :P

  23. Fantasies, more so than other books, I have noticed seemed to have more slower starts for me. Which is strange because they are normally action packed.

    Still this one looks great. It caught my eye right from the start.

    Great review!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    1. I hope you try it and fall in love with it Michelle. :)
