Thursday, February 25, 2016

Review: The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins

Title: The Great Hunt
Author: Wendy Higgins
Series: Book One in the Great Hunt Trilogy
Published By: HarperTeen (March 8, 2016)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy/Retelling
My Rating: 4 Stars

Book Description:
Kill the beast. Win the girl.

A strange beast stirs fear in the kingdom of Lochlanach, terrorizing towns with its brutality and hunger. In an act of desperation, a proclamation is sent to all of Eurona—kill the creature and win the ultimate prize: the daughter of King Lochson’s hand in marriage.

Princess Aerity understands her duty to the kingdom though it pains her to imagine marrying a stranger. It would be foolish to set her sights on any particular man in the great hunt, but when a brooding local hunter, Paxton Seabolt, catches her attention, there’s no denying the unspoken lure between them…or his mysterious resentment.

Paxton is not keen on marriage. Nor does he care much for spoiled royals and their arcane laws. He’s determined to keep his focus on the task at hand—ridding the kingdom of the beast and protecting his family—yet Princess Aerity continues to challenge his notions with her unpredictability and charm. But as past secrets collide with present desires, dire choices threaten everything Paxton holds dear.

Inspired by the Grimm Brothers’ tale, “The Singing Bone,” New York Times bestselling author Wendy Higgins delivers a dark fantasy filled with rugged hunters, romantic tension, outlawed magic, and a princess willing to risk all to save her people. 

I fell in love with Higgins writing after her very first book and that love only grew as she series did so it was without the slightest hesitation that I picked this up and dove right in.

I was hooked and sucked right into the very heart of the story after the very first chapter. 

A horrible beast, hell bent on devouring those around it, how could I not be? And while there were some slower moments after that riveting introduction, I still left this was a good feeling and a satisfaction that Higgins had pulled off yet another fabulous book and what promises to be a riveting series. 

The pages are filled to the brim with all the best things about fantasy, love, action, adventure, danger, and forbidden magic and secrets around every bend. And while I wasn't familiar with the tale that this retold, it was still a wonderfully done and beautifully written and one that ended up being every bit as hard to put down as it was good. 

This is a series that needs to be read, loved, and watched. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I'm glad to hear this went well for you, Ali! I'm looking forward to picking it up soon. I wasn't the biggest fan of Higgins' firts book, but I'm hoping this will be more up my alley. Can't wait!
    Lovely review!

    1. I hope you like this better than her first one then. ;)

  2. I'm glad you liked it! I've never read any of this authors books, but they look good! No matter how many books I read I will always feel like it's not enough since there are so many authors I've yet to try. :P

    1. I completely agree. So many great authors and books still out there to try. It really is hard to pick and choose.

  3. I have her Sweet series on my shelf, but haven't read it yet. I'm not sure what possessed me to buy the whole series at once, since I may not even like the first book. I've read mixed reviews for this, but I am still very much interested. I love retellings!

    1. If it makes you feel better, I do that all the time too, way more often than I should ever admit. ;)

  4. I wasn't the biggest fan of her first series, and have not been successful in gathering the enthusiasm for her other books. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, though.

  5. Very Cool review kindlemom. I love retellings but you know I never heard of The Singing Bone before, hmm.

  6. This is the first review I've seen for this one and I have been wondering about it. It sounds pretty good!

  7. I really liked her other series whose name escapes me right now. Sweet something or other. Lol. So, I'm sure this will be a hit as well. Great review, I'm really excited.

  8. I love a dark fantasy and this sounds wonderful. I am so glad it was such a good read for you Ali.

  9. You can probably still grab it. ;)

  10. I got this! It's good to know its a great read esp as I don't read muchYA

  11. I pre-ordered my copy and glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Oh yay! I hope you end up liking it as much as I did!

  12. I am not familiar with this author or The Singing Bone? I am glad it was such a good read for you Ali :)

    1. I'm not at all familiar with the tale either but I so want to read it now.

  13. it's great that you found something that you just love like that!

  14. This sounds really good,I really enjoy retellings. More than I should. Great Review!
    Tori @InToriLex

  15. This sounds like something I would enjoy! I'm wondering if the romance is played out right? Is there a love triangle? Insta-love? Slow burn romance?

    Even so, based on the synopsis, I wouldn't mind a little bit of magic and political conflict; I could never turn down anything political ;)

    1. Umm no to all of these LOL! No insta but it isn't a slow burn either, well, sort of. It's hard to explain without giving anything away. ;)
