Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Indie Book of the Week: Down To You by Michelle Leighton

I am going to try my absolute best not to go all crazy fan girl when I tell you about this weeks Indie Book of the Week, and I won't lie, that is going to be a little bit hard because this weeks pick is probably my favorite read to date in the Adult Contemporary Romance genre.
It has unforgettable characters, so much so that I found myself having a really hard time not thinking about them long after I had finished the book and had a super hard time picking up another book and being able to concentrate on it.
So, without further ado, I give you Michelle Leighton's newest novel, Down To You!

The scorching tale of one girl, two brothers and a love triangle…that’s not.

Olivia Townsend is nothing special. She’s just a girl working her way through college so she can return home to help her father run his business. She’s determined not to be the second woman in his life to abandon him, even if it means putting her own life on hold. To Olivia, it’s clear what she must do. Plain and simple. Black and white.

But clear becomes complicated when she meets Cash and Nash Davenport. They’re brothers. Twins.
Cash is everything she’s always wanted in a guy. He’s a dangerous, sexy bad boy who wants her in his bed at any cost. He turns her insides to mush and, with just one kiss, makes her forget why he’s no good for her.

Nash is everything she’s ever needed in a guy. He’s successful, responsible and intensely passionate. But he’s taken. Very taken, by none other than Marissa, Liv’s rich, beautiful cousin. That doesn’t stop Olivia from melting every time he looks at her, though. With just one touch, he makes her forget why they can never be together.

Black and white turns to shades of gray when Olivia discovers the boys are hiding something, something that should make her run as far and as fast as she can. But it’s too late to run. Olivia’s already involved. And in love. With both of them.

Both brothers make her heart tremble. Both brothers set her body on fire.

She wants them both.

And they want her.

How will she ever choose between them?

My Thoughts and Review:
Wow, just wow. I don't even know where to begin to describe the awesomeness that is this book.

I read this baby in one sitting it was that good. My poor family felt a little neglected I think but I couldn't help it. It completely captured my attention and held it and there was nothing short of seeing blood being spilled or a hurricane warning sounding, that was going to pull me away from it.

My husband is a saint to put up with me, really he is.

If I had to describe it in one word, other than just plain awesome, I think HOT, might be a good one.
Because this one is definitely hot.



Mmm, Cash.....yep hot is good.

I love Michelle's other books, her YA series is just wonderful and Blood Like Poison is the first book I read by her that completely got me hooked on how great of an author she is, so I knew her foray into the adult scene would be fabulous.

What I didn't expect was that not only would this book meet my expectations, but it would blow them out of the water.

I loved every freaking minute of this book.

The characters, the storyline, the writing, the hot sexual tension, two gorgeous sweet swoon worthy men. This is just a book that doesn't need any further explanation other than you just need to read it for yourself.

Just when you think you have things figured out and you know who Olivia should pick, Michelle throws in a curve ball that knocks you on your butt and you have to start all over again.

And that ending? Gah! I want right now. Write fast Michelle because I want more Cash and Nash and Olivia and heck, I even want more Ginger!

Truly this is one book that you need to run, not walk, and go get for yourself and devour, because you will be devouring it as soon as you start it, it pretty much demands it.

I give this one a very solid and very much deserved 5 Stars!!


  1. You're not the first one I have seen raving about this! I need to go make sure its on my WL. You're killing me girl! Too many books going on that list lately! But all consuming? My family might not like it, but I want in! (I'll just try to read at night so there are no interruptions.)

  2. I know you will love this one too Candace!!

    Oh no Heidi! I know how you hate cliffhanger endings. I hate to say it but this one has one too, not as bad as some of her others but still, it is there.
