Saturday, October 27, 2012

Review: Magick by Trish Milburn

Title: Magick
Author: Trish Milburn
Series: Book Three in The Coven Trilogy
Published By: Bell Bridge Books (Oct. 27, 2012)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Goodreads Description:
 The covens are coming for her.

But is she a White Witch or a Dark Witch? In a war for control of the witch world, the answer will save-or doom-everyone she loves.

In White Witch, Jax gained friends she'd die for and a staggering power that threatens them all.

In Bane, Jax did the unthinkable and killed a supernatural hunter to protect her friends. She found herself lost in darkness and prisoner to the Bane, a secret society of witches sworn to prevent the use of the dark magic.

Now, in Magick, the powers of Jax and her friend Egan have been magically bound by the Bane. She must convince the Bane she can learn to control her power and become a White Witch in truth. She's their only hope now that the dark covens have called a Conclave with one purpose-to kill this generation's White Witch and anyone who has ever stood with her. If Jax can't amass an army of her own, rebuild the trust of her friends and boyfriend, and find the White Witch's elusive weapon against the dark, it may be too late.

My Review:   
I have enjoyed this series from the very first book, witches are my absolute favorite paranormal beings to read about and I can never get enough of them. This series is just one of those really fun series that also happens to be chucked full of action, mystery and a little romance thrown in for good measure.

This is going to sound bad, but I forgot just how much I love this series until I started this one. I read so many books and series it is easy to forget sometimes how much I really enjoy a certain series until I get immersed into the story once again.

Jax is a great character and I have loved watching her grow into her own along the way. She doesn't always make the best or even the right choices but she does always try to do and be the best that she can be. She sometimes loses her way but always manages to find herself back on the right path in the end. It helps that she has some pretty kick butt friends to help her out and guide her along the way as well.

This book picks up right where Bane left off. Jax has done the unthinkable, she let her dark side take a hold of her and now she doesn't know what will happen, where her friends are, if they are still even alive and what will come of her and them next. Have the coven found her? Are they on their way? If her friends are still alive will they even forgive her for what she has done?

Even though Jax has grown a lot in the last two books, she still has a really long way to go. She has to learn to harness her white witch and trust me, that isn't going to be an easy feat.

I don't want to give anything away but I will say that I love Egan even more after reading this. He is just made of awesome.

Keller is just perfect for Jax and I am so glad that she has him. They really are awesome together. Toni, Rule, Adele, really this book is chalked full of amazing supporting characters. Some of my favorites in fact.

I really liked the direction this one took. With Jax trying to come into her white witch powers and all the transpired.

This was a perfect ending to the series and I admit, I am a little sad to see it end. I really have come to love all of the characters and will miss them.


  1. Hey there! Happy to have found your blog via Goodreads. Your reviews are very smart and enjoyable to read! Looking forward to more soon!


  2. Thank you so much for your kind words Danielle!

  3. I don't know that I have really heard of this series. Witches are my favorite too though so I may have to check these out!

  4. I totally know what you mean about forgetting how much you loved it. Sometimes so much time passes with so many books read in between, it's easy to lose that feeling.

  5. I hope you all give it a try, it really is a fun series.
