Saturday, October 20, 2012

Review: Falling by Jolene Perry

Title: Falling
Author: Jolene Perry
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Next Door Publishing (Oct. 24, 2012)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Goodreads Description:
 Dana is definitely not the kind of girl to be living in the dump of a wilderness lodge she finds herself waitressing in. But when Craig, the sexy cop who’s handling the murder case where she’s a witness, suggests it—it seems like a good idea. Now she’s got no BMW, no shopping and an assortment of hairy Alaskan men who definitely belong in a run-down old lodge. Her exciting visits from Craig are getting less exciting, and the lodge owner, Jason, is quickly moving from grouchy and judgmental, to funny, smart and unexpectedly complex.

Jason knows exactly the type of girl Dana is—beautiful, spoiled, and high maintenance. She’s everything that hurt him in the past, and why he now lives as far away from city life as he can manage. If he wasn’t so hard-up for help, he would have never said yes to his friend, Craig. Despite his reservations, Dana becomes the perfect antidote to everything in his life—both his disaster of a divorce and precocious little sister who shows up on his doorstep. Jason realizes he’s falling for Dana too late to stop it, or even slow it down.

As the trial approaches, Dana knows it’s time to move on with her life—but is her life back in the city she left or with a guy she never meant to fall for?

My Review:
I absolutely adore all of Jolene's books, okay, okay, I confess, I haven't read them all yet (semantics!) but pretty darn close and I have loved them all, so I was positive that I was going to love this one too.

And not to sound full of myself or anything but, I love it when I am right!!

I have wanted to read this one since first seeing the cover on Jolene's blog. I have no idea what it is about the cover that just drew me in. I just love it. It is so cute and flirty looking. It has a subtlety to it that I just really found myself liking and wanting snatch it up and read it.

When Jolene offered (okay, I may have coerced her a little) to let me read an advanced copy of it I think I may have squealed out loud. Yep, I just might officially fall into the fan girl category at this point in time.

I honestly would have read this in one sitting if I hadn't had about a million interruptions on the day I started it. Family stopping by, phones ringing, a lesson I needed to plan for my class, Halloween decorations that needed to go up. Geez! Don't these people know I am trying to read here?

Seriously though, I loved this book! But of course Jolene excels in everything she writes in, it doesn't matter what genre it is, if it has Jolene's name on it (or her pen names) it is going to be fabulous.

Dana, hmm, where to start with her? I liked her, I really did but I also wanted to smack her a couple of times for the bad choices she made with a certain someone I won't name. I mean, really? Gah! How could she be so clueless and stupid? I know she is a smart girl but like some of us do, she was fooled by a pretty face and even prettier words.

Craig. Yeah, I won't go there with him. He did deserve to be smacked. Or maybe something a little more painful...down low.

Anyhoo moving on to Jason. Ah yes Jason. Jason I liked right from the beginning in all his mountain man gruffness he had going on.

Boz and Jasmine, such great loveable secondary characters! I adored them as well.

Dana and Jason both had past hurts they needed to heal from and both needed to learn to trust and love again. They were flawed and imperfect and I really liked how real they felt to me because of that.

This is definitely a more adult read than the others by Jolene I have read but I really enjoyed that about it. It covered more adult situations and issues without being too descriptive or over the top and was just the type of book with the right amount of romance in it and a HEA I love to get lost in over the weekend. 

As with all of Jolene's work, I would recommend this to anyone who wants a great read that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside once you are done.  


  1. I haven't read any of Jolene's books, but it sounds like you and Heidi really like her. I may have to try something by her soon. Oh, and how the picture on this cover brings back memories... :D

  2. LOL Christy! I thought the same thing when I saw it. ;)

  3. I trust you and the other commneters. I'll be add her it to my TBR pile. :-)

  4. I haven't read Jolene yet, but I do think I have one of her books. But this book does sound good! I really need to get busy reading of NA books!

    And I'm reading a book that is the kind that interruptions drive me especially crazy. Some books are just like that. I want to read so everyone needs to SHUT UP! ;)

  5. Heehee, I always feel bad when people are talking to me when I am reading, I never am paying attention so I never know what in the world they are going on about! :P It always takes them more than once to call my name before they finally grab my attention.
