Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It has been a crazy week! I finished all of my back to school shopping for the most part and let me tell you, while it was fun, it was exhausting as well. The school supply list about did me in this year. I don't think I have ever had such a long list of things to get. I had to go to two different stores to get it all and $200 later, finally declared it done. Whew! The worst part is that I know after school starts at least one of my girls will come home saying that their teacher needs something else or they need something else or... something. It happens every single year.  O-o

I did finally manage to get some reading done this past week and it was nice. I finally feel like I can breath a little and not be so worried about all the ARCs for September I need to get read. Please don't let me request so many books with the same release month again. What was I thinking?

This past Friday we had a family BBQ and those are always so much fun. It was nice to have all the shopping done and just spend time with family, swim, talk and eat good food and most of all just relax for a moment. 

This past week here is what I had featured on the blog, check them out if you missed any. There is a great giveaway in there for an ARC of Feral by Holly Schindler if you haven't checked it out already.

Review: Servants of the Storm by Delilah S. Dawson

Tell Me Something Tuesday

Guest Post and Giveaway: Feral by Holly Schindler

Mini Review: Game On by Cat Johnson

Book Spotlight, Giveaway and Excerpt: Lover's Secret by J.C. Reed

Blog Tour and Book Review: Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

Review: Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep

Next week I will be featuring the following:

Review: Of Monsters and Madness by Jessica Verday

Guest Post: Dragonkin by Maria E. Schneider

Review: First and Forever by Alyssa Rose Ivy

My WoW Pick of the Week

Blog Tour Review: Storms of Lazarus by Karen Kincy

Blog Tour and Guest Post: A Curse Awakened by Cecy Robson

Mini Review: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

It was a slow week for ARC for me which I did on purpose. After trying to get caught up for September I decided I needed to not take on any more reads but when Jennifer Faye contacted me about her new book coming out in October, I couldn't refuse. She is an amazing author and such a nice person. So a huge thank you to her (and Harlequin) for once again letting me read and review her work.


  1. Can't wait to read your mini review of The Fault in Our Stars! Have a great week, Kindlemom. :)

  2. I'm glad to see you had a good time! I didn't know this book but happy reading and have a nice week!

  3. It's sounds like you had a super busy week, and yet this coming week's posts still look great--how do you do that, LOL? And I totally get on the slow ARC week--I'm desperately trying to catch up too.

    1. Yes but you had a super fun reason for being behind? :P

  4. My cousin was talking about the challenge of back-to-school shopping for her four kids, each in separate schools. She has to combine lists to avoid having to go in circles at the store. Each list calls for a pack of crayons, for instance, so it's better to pull all four packs of crayons at once. I can't imagine how expensive that would be!

    1. I think they are all little things but they just add up plus when you have one that has a locker and wants all the fun stuff to go in gets expensive. ;)

  5. Wow, $200 for school supplies! How many kids is that for? I was lucky this year-our local verizen phone store had a back to school giveaway and we got our backpacks and some of our supplies free. I just need to buy lunch boxes and then a few misc. pieces yet and then I'll be done :)

    Teachers here always ask for things during the year too, like paper towel, kleenex, hand sanitizer etc. But these aren't mandatory requests, so sometimes I'll send stuff in and other times I let others do it.

    1. Believe it or not just 3! It was pretty crazy but some of that stuff was thumb drives and locker stuff for my oldest so it added up pretty quickly. ;)

  6. Yay for a quiet week!
    I can't believe you spent that much on school supplies! I don't think I spend over $20 but mine are only in 4th grade and kindergarten, so maybe that's why.
    Have a lovely week!

    1. I don't even know what I bought, that is the worst part honestly. :(

  7. The amount of books coming out in September is kind of crazy! ;) There's definitely some great ones. I hope you have an awesome week :)

  8. Shopping is always SO exhausting to me, but when it's back to school and I have to do it with a long list, it makes me downright suicidal. And you're right, something extra is always needed later.

    1. It really can be exhausting. I was so tired that week. ;)

  9. UGH! We still haven't done any shopping. I offered my son to just give him money to go, but noooo. He hates shopping, but so do I. lol.

    1. LOL yeah boys and shopping usually don't mix very well. ;)

  10. Sounds like you had a busy week. I got this book also. I've enjoyed her others so far.

    1. I am glad you are a fan of her work too Ellen!

  11. Oh lord, when all three kids were in school August was blow the budget month. I know what you mean about Sept. A lot of my books all release on the is crazy. Have a good week my friend!

    1. I know! I still need to start the Heir of Fire which comes out the 2nd and I think it is like 500 pages. O-o

  12. I feel ya, I did my back to school shopping two weeks ago and it ended up with me answering a survey for Nike about how displeased I am with their service. I hope this coming week is better for you

    1. Oh no! I am sorry you had a rough time of it as well.

  13. School shopping sounded a bit exhausting! I don't need much anymore, thankfully, but the books can be quite costly.

    1. Yes once in college books are so expensive. I am not looking forward to those days again either. ;)

  14. That cover is so pretty! school supplied are costly as well...ugh. Seems like you had a nice week. Yay for BBQ!

  15. I totally know what you mean - requesting too many books that pub in the same month can make your crazy! Glad you're getting a bit of breathing room in your reading schedule. :-)

  16. Great week! Back to school shopping is stressful and I just do it for me. I can't imagine doing it for multiple people. Kudos to you for doing all that and running this awesome blog :)

    Happy Reading!

    My Weekly Wrap Up Post>

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  17. Ugh. School supplies shopping! My kids' school does most of them for us for a fee but in the end, they still have some required supplies that they do not provide. Sometimes, I think, that back to school is not "the most wonderful time of the year". lol.

    Have a great week, Ali!

  18. My younger siblings are back in school again. This year I didn't have to go school shopping with them, thankfully. I have never liked school shopping. Although, I'm not completely avoiding it, just for a bit longer until I head up to college. Whoop!
