Friday, May 29, 2015

Review: Crash by Eve Silver

Title: Crash
Author: Eve Silver
Series: Book Three in the Game Trilogy
Published By: Katherin Tegen (June 9, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy/Sci Fi
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
A thrilling action/suspense novel for fans of The Fifth Wave about contemporary teens pulled in and out of an alternate reality where battling aliens is more than a game—it's life and death.

Miki’s life is falling apart around her. Her dad and best friend are lying in the hospital. The Game is glitching, making missions more frequent and more deadly. And someone close to her is waiting for the right moment to betray her. 

Miki feels like she’s hanging on by a thread and the only thing keeping her tethered is Jackson’s hand in hers. Yet telling him how much she needs him, how much she loves him, feels like the biggest challenge of all. And if Miki really wants the missions to end for everyone, she’ll have to let go and be ready to fight when the walls between the Game and reality come crashing down. Because if there’s one thing she’s learned, it’s that she’s got a whole lot left to lose.

Crash is the pulse-pounding conclusion to the Game trilogy fans won’t want to miss. 

Like every thing the synopsis promised, Crash, was one heck of a conclusion to what turned out to be one fun, wild, thrill ride of a trilogy. I never thought I would love something so much that had a  sci fi theme and not only that, but something any gamer (something I am not) would die to be a part of!  Truly, The Game trilogy has become one of my most favorite trilogies out there.

It is original, unique and so much darn fun. Action packed, mysterious, and a sweet slow building romance that constantly had me on edge. 

I already loved Miki and Jackson, but now? Now. I care for them more too. Once like friends, now like family. I didn't realize how much I had invested in their outcome until picking this up. I love when a series can consume you. Make you crave a happy ending. Hope for it so much you are nervous to begin because what if it doesn't work out like you want it to? What if one of them dies? What if, what if, what if?

I won't go into too much detail about things that happened because I don't want to give anything away from any of the books but I will say that a whole lot happens. Some good, some bad. But most importantly, all those questions I had about the game, the Committee, the Drau, all of them were answered. Every single one of them and really, what more could you ask for than that?

I loved how things came about, how much Miki and Jackson both grew, as a couple and individually. The chain of events that had to transpire to make everything else make sense in the story. The fast moving plot. The danger, the mystery, and even the romance were all done so nicely and believable to the rest of the story arc. 

Truly this was a fabulous ending and, I actually loved that even though this was the ending, it could very well be the beginning for a new series, a spin off as well, which I will be holding my breath that we might actually get, because it would be fabulous to be immersed in this world that Silver created again. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. You know, I never finished the first book but I do like fast-paced thrillers! I'm glad the trilogy ended in a way that was satisfying to you. Hope you get your spinoff!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. I love thrillers and this series has always appealed to me, I just haven't gotten to it. Sounds like I should.

    1. You should try it, it is definitely something different in YA.

  3. I'm glad the series ended so well for you - the whole aspect of gaming appeals to me. I've read her adult PNR and enjoyed those, so I'm going to have to keep this series in mind. Great review, Ali!
    Hope you have a great weekend :)

    1. Oo I need to try her adult series, I had no idea she even had one! Thanks Kim!

  4. I need to pick up the first book now that the series has ended. I love it when a trilogy ends with a bang and this sounds like it was a huge success. I'll have to pick it up for sure.
    Wonderful review, Ali!

    1. I really hope you do Nick, I really think you will like this one as much as I have.

  5. Wow! A 4.5 rating! That's really high praise for this book O.O I didn't like the first book that much, but the premise did intrigue me somehow. Since you absolutely love the series, then I guess it gradually gets better! That's very promising :) I'll have to check out the succeeding books!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Thanks Faye and I hope you do, they do get better and better.

  6. Wow Kindlemom, what an ending. It looks super!
    Thanks for putting it out there for us! :)
    Have a Good Weekend!

  7. Ooo, my sister really enjoyed this series, but I never thought too much about it until this review. I'm glad to see you enjoyed it! Thanks for the lovely review.

    Hafsah @ IceyBooks

    1. Glad she liked it too, hopefully if you try it, you will to. :D

  8. I need to try out this series. I love it when two characters evolve both individually and as a couple. And this is another one of those reviews of yours that are full of energy :)) Lovely! Enjoy your weekend.

  9. That is a great idea. ;) Thanks Heidi!

  10. Sounds exciting! This is new to me, and I am loving the cover!

    Happy weekend!

  11. Wonderful review, Kindlemom! I love the sounds of the fast moving plot with danger and mystery.

    1. It is fun to have a faster plot sometimes. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :D

  12. I think I have the first book but haven't read it yet. It's good to hear it has a good conclusion for the series though!

  13. I have had the first two on my TBR list for a while now, but now that I KNOW it ends well, I am excited to get it. Series are so hard for me to start when they are not all out. I am always afraid it won't end well. hehe

    1. I know exactly how you feel. There are quite a few I have't finished for that very reason.

  14. Oh that's awesome when the ending to a series (or trilogy) really rocks it. And that she got you loving a genre you did't think you'd love so much. LOVE when an author can do that.

  15. I'm so glad that it was a good ending for what sounds like an awesome series. Another one for the tbr!

  16. wow it's great to have such a book. I love your enthousiasm and now I'm curious to discover more about the story too!

  17. I have yet to read The Fifth Wave, but the fact that they are comparing this storyline to The Fifth Wave is huge! More importantly though, there is a romantic take that develops with time? YES! I can’t even begin to express how much I loath insta-love or sappy love-triangle dramatics. Great review!

    1. Definitely over time, no insta-love here. ;)

  18. Okay, you just made my mind up for me. The first book is cheap right now but I wasn't fully sure I wanted it. Welp, I just bought it!

    1. Yay! Can't wait to see what you think about it.

  19. Yay! Now I can read the series since I know it was good the whole time. So happy the ending was so amazing.

    1. Me too, I hate it when they turn out bad an ruin the whole series.

  20. That cover is gorgeous! I've seen this series around but never read it. I'm so glad you loved the final book and it ended with a bang. I think there's a bigger chance for the last book in the series to be a disappointment so I'm always happy when I see a final book that's done right :) Love the idea of a spin-off from an older series too! Will definitely check this out now. Awesome review kindlemom!

    1. I know exactly what you mean. Thanks so much Amir!

  21. Ooh yay! So glad to hear you liked the ending! I enjoyed the first two and have been looking forward to this. Very excited to read it now!

    1. If you already liked the first too, then you will be very happy with this one I think. ;)
