Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Review: Siren's Fury by Mary Weber

Title: Siren's Fury
Author: Mary Weber
Series: Book Two in the Storm Siren's Series
Published By: Thomas Nelson/Harper Collins (June 2, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
"I thrust my hand toward the sky as my voice begs the Elemental inside me to waken and rise. But it's no use. The curse I've spent my entire life abhorring—the thing I trained so hard to control—no longer exists."

Nym has saved Faelen only to discover that Draewulf stole everything she valued. Now he’s destroyed her Elemental storm-summoning ability as well.

When Nym sneaks off with a host of delegates to Bron, Lord Myles offers her the chance for a new kind of power and the whispered hope that it may do more than simply defeat the monster she loathes. But the secrets the Bron people have kept concealed, along with the horrors Draewulf has developed, may require more than simply harnessing a darker ability.

They may require who she is.

Set against the stark metallic backdrop of the Bron kingdom, Nym is faced with the chance to change the future.

Or was that Draewulf’s plan for her all along? 

I really enjoyed the first book in this trilogy and even though it ended on a killer of a cliffhanger, it made me even more eager to try the next installment, which is why I jumped at the chance to read it, hoping like crazy it would be even better than the first and thankfully, it was.

This second installment held me captive like the first hadn't quite managed to do. I was completely invested in both Nym, Eogan, and Rasha's future not to mention the villain of the story, Draewulf. 

Action packed, emotional, and keep you on the edge of your seat twists, this second installment was not a filler read by any means. It held its own and made me side with those I never thought I would like and fall in love with those that I already did like.

Things are heating up, getting more serious, and dire than ever before as Nym and her friend's fight Draewulf and try to bring peace back to the nations. 

Nym is stronger, fiercer, and more loyal than ever to those that she has come to trust, love, and bond with and I loved seeing how much she has grown as a person and as a warrior. She has never had it easy and this book doesn't make it easy for her either but what she is, is  fighter and I really to admire that about her.

So much happens in this that is was almost non-stop action, tension, and mystery and I truly loved every minute of it. 

I can't wait to see what happens in book three. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review*


  1. That's awesome it grabbed you so much. And holy cow that cover is amazing!

  2. This sounds wonderful, but I have to admit that the cliffhanger worries me a bit. Perhaps it's best to wait until the third one comes out too! But the worldbuilding sounds so rich and gorgeous, and I'm glad that it's such an emotional experience.

    1. This really was a fun read but I admit, the cliffy's are killer!

  3. Glad to hear you're still enjoying this series and that the action and mystery doesn't disappoint! I love when a book increases my love of the characters, and it sounds like this one is even better than book one. I'll have to add this series to my TBR pile. Lovely review!

    1. It was definitely better than the first for me. Thanks Lauren!

  4. I love non stop action compounded with character drive in my fantasy books too. Makes the pages fly

  5. I'm so happy that you enjoyed Siren's Fury even more than Storm Siren! It sounds like Nym is becoming such a great heroine - I can't wait to continue this series.
    Wonderful review, Ali :)

    1. Thanks so much Kim and she is definitely growing a lot from the first book. :D I hope you love it too!

  6. YES, Ali!! I loved this book so hard. I absolutely loved the character development in Nym. And OMG, Draewolf! The psycho needs to DIE! I was so glad with how Mary wrapped this one up. I NEED book 3.
    Lovely review, Ali!

    1. Yes, yes, and YES! *high fives you* I'm so happy you loved this too Nick!!

  7. Wow, that cover! I was prepared to buy the book even before I heard anything about it just because of that gorgeous cover. Fortunately, a lot of you guys loved it so now I'm definitely going to grab a copy of the first book. And it sounds really, really good. Can't wait to read it!

    1. The covers really are drool worthy! I hope you end up loving this series when you decide to give it a try. :D

  8. Does this one end in a cliffhanger too Ali? I'm trying to decide if I should jump in with both feet or wait and binge read once all the books are out. So glad this second book improved upon the first and didn't get caught in any of the typical second book potholes! Love it when that happens:)

    1. Sadly there is a cliffy. Darn cliffhangers! It is worth the read but I don't blame you if you want to wait until book three comes out Jenny.

  9. I love that this was stronger and found yourself caught up. Ooo I just noticed you said it has a cliffy. Maybe I will hold off a bit..LOL

    1. Yep, both books had them so I wouldn't blame you although the fun ride does make the cliffhangers worth it. :)

  10. That's okay, at least this way you won't have to wait long after the cliffhanger that is in book one to read this one. ;)

  11. It's great when sequels turn out better than the previous book! This series in new to me, but it sounds wonderful. Great review :)

    1. It really is. Thanks so much Ramona!! I always appreciate all your nice comments. <3

  12. It's a great feeling when the second book is not only good, but even better than tye first! I'm glad you enjoyed this and hopefully, the third book will be even better! Lovely review kindlemom! :)

    1. I'm really hoping so too Amir. Thanks so much for stopping by! :D


  13. This sounds good, Ali. I don't think I have book 1, though.

    1. You would definitely need to read book one first. ;)

  14. This sounds fantastic Ali! Great review and yet another book I have to add ;)

  15. Wow, you really made this one sound great!

  16. Eeeeek! I am so excited. I loved the first book two, but it feels like I read it forever ago. I need to refresh myself. Excited for non-stop action.

    1. I think you will really like this Jennifer!

  17. I love the cover and it's nice that there are so many htings in this book to love. I want to discover the main character too now! thanks for the discovery!

  18. I really liked the first book, dispute that ending, but the summary for the sequel made me hesitant to request it. I don't like the whole lost powers thing. Sounds like I was wrong about this one! I'm glad that you liked it! If I have time I might have to read it after all.
