Monday, June 1, 2015

Review: The Edge of Forever by Melissa E. Hurst

Title: The Edge of Forever
Author: Melissa E. Hurst
Series: Book One
Published By: Sky Pony Press (June 2, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Time Travel/Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars

Book Description:
In 2013: Sixteen-year-old Alora is having blackouts. Each time she wakes up in a different place with no idea of how she got there. The one thing she is certain of? Someone is following her.

In 2146: Seventeen-year-old Bridger is one of a small number of people born with the ability to travel to the past. While on a routine school time trip, he sees the last person he expected—his dead father. The strangest part is that, according to the Department of Temporal Affairs, his father was never assigned to be in that time. Bridger’s even more stunned when he learns that his by-the-book father was there to break the most important rule of time travel—to prevent someone’s murder.

And that someone is named Alora.

Determined to discover why his father wanted to help a “ghost,” Bridger illegally shifts to 2013 and, along with Alora, races to solve the mystery surrounding her past and her connection to his father before the DTA finds him. If he can stop Alora’s death without altering the timeline, maybe he can save his father too. 

I so needed something different and refreshing when I picked this up. The fact that time traveling, of any kind, is also one of my most favorite subjects to read about, just made it a huge bonus for me. 

Which leads me to the top five reasons,  The Edge of Forever, is the book for you:

1. You're a sucker for time travel and can't help but be fascinated with it, this is the perfect read for you as we travel with Alora and Bridger back and forth through time and space.

2. You not only like the idea of time traveling, but you like mysteries. Mysteries that are deep, dark and deep seeded. The type of mysteries that keep you guessing, keep you on your toes, and keep you turning the pages.

3. Engaging characters and storyline. Even though this story takes place in both 2013 and in 2146, with different point of views for each era, the different point of views are done well and both characters, Alora and Bridger,  likable and relatable. You can't help but like them.

4. Time travel made simple. Easy explanations for time travel and the other abilities some people have, so much so, that it ends up being completely believable and tangible.

5. The last twenty percent of this novel is fast paced, heart pounding and leaves you on the edge of your seat. You are left sad that it is over and distraught that you don't have the next book sitting next to you ready to read. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm definitely fascinated by time travel books. And mysteries. Especially since you mentioned that time travel here was described well and made easy. Thank God for that! :) Awesome review, Ali!

    Aimee @ Deadly Darlings

  3. I do adore time travel books so this would probably be a good choice for me, as long as science isn't completely iignored. That sort of thing drives me crazy. You mentioned it's simple but believable, and that sounds okay.
    Wonderful review, Ali!

    1. It really was simple and science isn't ignored. ;) Thanks so much Maja, I hope if you try it you end up liking it as well.

  4. I'm a fan of time travel books too and would most likely enjoy this as well. I love the fact you can enjoy the story and everything feels believable and the time jump is into the future, rather than past. Glad you enjoyed this one, Ali!

    Lovely review :)

    1. It's actually both past and future, you'll see if you read it. I still really think you will love this though!

  5. Well consider me sold Ali! The only thing missing from your list that I would love is romance (of course). Other than that, this book sounds outstanding and I can never pass up a good time travel story!

  6. I'm not a fan of time travel books, but you make such a great case for the book, Ali. I especially love the sound of the characters and the romance. I think I would really like it!
    Wonderful review, Ali!

  7. It took me weeks to get to around 17% with this book, so I decided to DNF it. Glad that it turned out good. I may revisit it sometime in the future, but I just couldn't get into it.

    1. Sorry to hear that! I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone. ;)

  8. Ooo Ali this looks kinda of cool, although the blackouts would freak me out.

  9. This one sounds like I would really enjoy it. I love time travel books!

  10. Wow Kindlemom, great review, I'm glad your heart could take it!

  11. Wonderful review! The premise for this book sounds very interesting. Glad to hear you enjoyed. I love a good time travel read that is fast paced.

  12. Oh this sounds SO good! I love time travel and it sounds like this was done well!

  13. I used to be so into time travel, but lately the books have been getting way too scientifically-detail oriented for my taste. I'm glad this was was simplified enough. :)

    1. I know what you mean which was why this was so nice. ;)

  14. Ooh I like that it has a simple, yet believable, explanation for time travel. This does sound really good.

    1. I really enjoyed that aspect of it as well. :D

  15. I LOVE time travel! Love it! I cannot wait to read it! Awesome review Ali

  16. I don't do well with time travel story lines, I find the details and explanations surrounding the mechanisms a bit overwhelming, but you mention that the specifications of time travel in this one are subtle and easy to engage in. Plus, your four star review has given me reason enough to look into it. Great review!

    1. So happy your going to look into this one. I do hope you like it. :D

  17. Time-travel is not my favorite topic (coz I don't really like sci-fi books) but I like that there's mystery in this. I mean, I'd love to enjoy time-travel books, but I guess I don't see why someone has to focus on the past (or future) when it is important to live in the present. And I believe in destiny so I'm like, ''que sera sera'' :P

    1. You have some really great points Lola about living in the present and I do agree with you. But I guess I also just love romantic stories where they meet and are destined to not be together, star crossed love type of thing. ;)

  18. It's been a while since I haven't read a time travel book but this one sounds nice! I'm glad you had a good time with it.

  19. Time travelling is a favorite storyline for me, as long as the science makes sense too :) This one sounds really good, with the added mystery as a bonus! The multiple POVs are another enticement. I guess I'm sold - I'll have to make time for this one. Lovely review <3

    1. Thanks Ramona and I really do hope you give this a try and like it. :D

  20. Yay for time travel made simlke...that can so trip up a good story!

  21. I love mysteries and time travel, but I get easily confused by it, especially if it is overly complicated within the plot. Glad to hear this a more accessible story! Great review!
