Monday, June 22, 2015

Review: Oblivion by Kelly Creagh

Title: Oblivion
Author: Kelly Creagh
Series: Book Three in the Nevermore Trilogy
Published By: Atheneum Bookf For Young Readers (July 28, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
This electrifying conclusion to the Nevermore trilogy takes one last trip to the dream world of Edgar Allan Poe to reveal the intertwined fates of Isobel and Varen.

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? —Edgar Allan Poe

The fine line between life and death blurred long ago for Isobel Lanley. After a deadly confrontation with Varen in the dreamworld, she’s terrified to return to that desolate and dangerous place. But when her nightmares resume, bleeding into reality, she is left with no choice. Varen’s darkness is catching up to her. To everything. Threatening to devour it all.

Isobel fears for her world. For her sanity and Varen’s—especially after a fresh and devastating loss. To make matters worse, the ghostly demon Lilith wants Varen for her own, and she will do anything to keep him in her grasp—anything.

Can Isobel ever find her happy ending? Worlds collide and fates are sealed in this breathtaking finale to the Nevermore trilogy.

I truly have enjoyed this trilogy from the very start. It's dark Edgar Allen Poe feel was hard to resist and with each new installment, the writing grew darker, more serious, and even more beautiful. 

So it was with slight trepidation that I went into this last book. Wanting to know how it would all end, keeping my fingers crossed for the best and hoping the author would stick true to the tone of the rest of the books.

And she did. Once again Creagh painted a beautifully dark world. One where Isobel is struggling to break, conquer, and to rescue her love from. 

Varen didn't play a huge role in this like the others, instead, we get Isobel, battered, bruised, confused, and in danger now, more than ever. But we also see a stronger, fiercer, more assertive girl appear. One who is no longer the weak cheerleader of book one, nor the more passive girl from book two. 

She is determined, on a mission, and not afraid of any of the consequences and I loved how much her character grew not only in this last installment, but in the whole series. 

Everything came together so nicely, so beautifully done, and I loved every minute of it. Creagh didn't leave anything undone or unanswered and while not everyone got a happily ever after, I was so pleased with the way it all came about. Truly, a great ending to this unique story. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Great review! Adding to my TBR list now.

  2. I loved the first book and I absolutely adore Poe, but for some inexplicable reason, I never felt the need to continue the series. Perhaps because the wait between books one and two was so long that I simply lost interest. But anyway, now that I see how much you're enjoying it, it makes me want to pick them up as soon as possible.

    1. It was a long wait between books but definitely worth it. ;)

  3. I can't wait to check this series out. I think I'll enjoy it because I love the way it sounds! Great review!

    1. It is a really interesting premises for sure Jazmen, I hope you like it!

  4. I'm really glad this was such an enjoyable finale for you, Ali. I've wanted to give this series a shot for the longest time. I'll certainly pick it up after this one comes out. I'm glad all of your questions were answered too. When that doesn't happen, it can be very frustrating.
    Lovely review, Ali.

    1. It can thankfully they all were in this. I hope you do start and like it Nick. :D

  5. AH!!!! I lost track of this series Ali! I loved the first book so much but then I think it took a while for the second book to come out and I got distracted. Definitely need to get caught up now that all 3 are out!

    1. Definitely get caught up, I think you will like how it all ended as well.

  6. Yay - I remember from your last review how much you were anticipating the conclusion and I'm thrilled you enjoyed it so much. I'm so curious about this darkly atmospheric world and characters. I'm going to make sure to mark this series to read. Is it as romantic as it seems?
    Lovely review, Ali :)

    1. Not as romantic as mysterious but still good. ;)

  7. Yay, Kindlemom. I'm so glad you liked book three they like books one of a trilogy have a lot to accomplish. Hmm dark maybe I should try this one ;)

    1. That is very true Debbie and she did it well!

  8. It's wonderful when you don't get disappointed at the end of a trilogy. I remember that bad taste in my mouth at the end of Allegiant... It didn't make sense to me at all! I think it's also important to wrap things up as elegantly as possible... Although I've heard people complaining of too much neatness! There's just no pleasing everyone, that's for sure :)

    1. I know, one of the many reasons I never finished the trilogy! I didn't want it to ruin the first book for me. ;)

  9. Sweet, always so happy when a trilogy ends well.

  10. I love that this one was beautiful and dark all at the same time. I have not started this trilogy yet, but I know I have at least one of the books. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

    great review!

  11. Oh now that the 3rd book is coming out I really need to pick this one up. Especially with an ending that sounds good. Usually it is the ending book I get most disappointed about. So need to pick the trilogy up!

    1. The ending was pretty good and fit with the rest of the books which was good. ;)

  12. I've been terrified about the ending of this one so I'm so relieved to hear it all works out!

  13. I have never taken the time to find out a lot about this trilogy and never new that it was on the darker side. I love a deep dark story. They are far and few between. I am adding the first in series to my TBR and will let you know when I get to it. Thanks for the great review.!

    1. Glad you are adding it, I hope you end up liking it as much as I have!

  14. I'm glad everything came together in the final book of this series!

  15. Yayyyyy for good books! Woohooo♡♡ I'm glad you enjoyed this book. I love the cover and I love how it gives it that mysterious quality with the whole broken glass look. :)

    1. Yep and the glass look totally makes sense if you read the books. ;)

  16. Love the first book, but I think the long delay between publications kind of got to me. So much so that I haven't read the second. Glad you loved this, Ali!

    1. I think it really did for a lot of people Joy, I'm just glad I started it when they all were out or almost out.

  17. Yay, I'm so glad you thought the ending was done well. I still need to read the second book but I LOVED the first.


    1. The first was probably my favorite but this was a close second. ;)

  18. Oh the world sounds different, dark and interesting to discover. I didn't know about this one but I'm curious.

  19. It was long overdue but I think the ending fit with the rest of the story.

  20. Another great review, and another author I haven't heard of before. You're bad for my endless TBR.

  21. Ola, eu falo português e sou apaixonada por nevermore. Ainda não chegou o ultimo livro em português no brasil, você poderia me dizer se isobel vai ficar com o varen no final?
