Friday, June 5, 2015

Review: Bitter Spirits by Jenn Bennett

Title: Bitter Spirits
Author: Jenn Bennett
Series: Book One in the Roaring Twenties Trilogy
Published By: Berkley (January 7, 2014)
Source: Purchased
Genre: Historical Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
It’s the roaring twenties, and San Francisco is a hotbed of illegal boozing, raw lust, and black magic. The fog-covered Bay Area can be an intoxicating scene, particularly when you specialize in spirits…

Aida Palmer performs a spirit medium show onstage at Chinatown’s illustrious Gris-Gris speakeasy. However, her ability to summon (and expel) the dead is more than just an act.

Winter Magnusson is a notorious bootlegger who’s more comfortable with guns than ghosts—unfortunately for him, he’s the recent target of a malevolent hex that renders him a magnet for hauntings. After Aida’s supernatural assistance is enlisted to banish the ghosts, her spirit-chilled aura heats up as the charming bootlegger casts a different sort of spell on her.

On the hunt for the curseworker responsible for the hex, Aida and Winter become drunk on passion. And the closer they become, the more they realize they have ghosts of their own to exorcise… 

There are few periods in time that I have always been fascinated with and for whatever reason, the 20's just happens to be one of the few that I am, indeed, fascinated with.

It might be the changing of times, how women were finally coming out of their shells and fighting for what they wanted. It might be the fact that the world was on the cusp of a war, or it might just be the fabulous fashion sense, either way, I have always loved reading about it and watching movies that take place during that time. When men were still gentlemen but some of them were dangerous too. When the “bad boy” image started really coming about and women were flirty and ambitious and worked hard for their voices to be heard.

Ms. Bennett managed to capture all that in Bitter Spirits. With a feisty and ambitious heroine in Aida and a bad boy with a heart of gold in Winter.

This was so much darn fun to read. I loved the slight paranormal aspect mixed in with the historic detail, and of course, the steamy, swoon worthy romance.

Aida and Winter were just so darn lovable and their chemistry was undeniably hot, in fact I'm sure I blushed a few times while reading this.

Throw in a good solid mystery, fun and engaging secondary characters, and I soaked this up and devoured it.

This truly was unlike anything I have read in the genre and I had a great time while doing it. I'm so excited to read more and get more of these great secondary characters and dig deeper into their stories as well. 

This was a fabulous start to what promises to be a stand out and fun series. 


  1. Ooh, China Town, hot romance? Sounds fantastic. Great review!

    1. It was! Read it, you won't be disappointed. ;)

  2. WOO HOO!!!! I'm so glad you started this series and loved Aida and Winter Ali! I can't wait to see what you think of the next two books now:) I need more from Jenn Bennett immediately.

    1. They are definitely high on my priority list this summer Jenny and anything else by this author I can find. ;)

  3. This is a bit odd, isn't it? I get a steampunk vibe for some weird reason. Lol. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

    1. The cover does have that vibe but nope, no steampunk. It was fantastic though. ;)

  4. Wow Ali, this one sounds great. I'm putting this in my YES definitely pile
    thanks for the great review!!

    1. Yay so happy to hear that Debbie! I hope you love it!

  5. I read this and didn't enjoy as much as you, but I am glad that you liked it! Great review.

  6. I'm also a fan of the roaring twenties :) It's such a passionate (verging on debauchery, lol) time in the history. And with magic added to the mix, I think the result can only be fantastic. I'll be reading this soon :)

    1. Yay! I hope you really love it Ramona! Happy Friday!

  7. I really feel that way lately as well Heidi. *hugs*

  8. I have heard nothing but good things about this series and I loved her last one. I so need to get this series and devour it. The first looks so good.

  9. I've been waiting for you to read this! I just love Jenn so much and her romances are always so lovely. I liked this book a lot, and I recently ordered the other two, I can't wait to read them.

    1. I didn't know you were waiting for me to read this, you should have forced me too sooner! LOL, I hope we both love books two and three. ;)

  10. I hadn't heard of this one before but who can avoid reading a book set in the roaring twenties? It's such a fascinating time period. Add in magic and's priceless. I'll be looking for this one!
    Lily @ Lilysbookblog

    1. Hey Lily! It's so good to see you! If you like the 20
      's you definitely need to read this!

  11. Definitely agree with you, Ali! This was a fun read and I loved the historical details of the 1920s. I didn't really care for the couple in book 2 but I'm curious about book 3. Still waiting for my library to get it in.

    1. Oh darn, I hope I like them a little at least. Hopefully you like book three more than the second. ;)

  12. The 20's was a pretty awesome time so I have to agree with you on that. :) I've never read anything by thus author but I do LOVE that cover! :) I'm glad you liked this. Lovely review. ;)

  13. Yup, I'm absolutely sold on this one. I've heard the author's name being thrown around as being one of the best in her genres, and since she's doing something quite unique here and branching out a bit, I'm so excited to see where she will go with it!! ADDED IT TO MY TBR. You awesome reviewer, you, making my wallet go empty ;) I'm thanking you for it, though :D

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. As long as you are still thanking me for it, we're all good. ;) I hoe you love it!

  14. It seems that everyone is loving this series, so I definitely am planning to read these books sometime in the future!

    Lovely review <33

    1. Yay! I really do hope that you at least read this one. ;)

  15. I'm glad you enjoyed this kindlemom! I read this a year ago and I remember not loving as much but I did enjoy some parts of it. I'm fascinated with the 20s too and I think it's for this reason:

    "It might be the changing of times, how women were finally coming out of their shells and fighting for what they wanted."

    I also love the fashion of that time. Lovely review, as always, Kindlemom! <3

    1. Yes me too, the fashion was fabulous and the dresses always look like so much fun, not to mention the hair styles!

  16. The 1920's has always been an era that has fascinated me to the core; particularly the slang. If you could only see my "gigglemug" now ;) But even more appealing were the paranormal events that we are able to read about now!

    All that to say, Bitter Spirits sounds enthralling and I may just have to look into it ;) Excellent review!

    1. Thanks so much Claudia and I really hope you do, I have a feeling you will love this as much as I did.

  17. Ohh a historical and paranormal novel? xD I haven't liked that many historical novels besides Grave Mercy. This one sound intriguing enough, thank you for the wonderful review overall <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  18. I am so excited to see you are reading these Ali. I love this series and the Roaring Twenties are one of my favorites.

    1. I'm really glad I finally started it as well. :D

  19. I always love the period chosen for the series and I think this one was the best of the series for me. Glad to see you enjoyed it

  20. This isn't something I would normally pick up... But after seeing so many people enjoying it, I just may need to give it a try. :)

  21. Oh my gosh. Ali. I've had this one sitting on my pile since it released and still haven't tried it. I'm in need of a read that's just a lot of fun so really really thinking this needs to be moved up the list :D

    1. This is definitely your kind of read Anna!!

  22. LOL! I don't remember ever blushing because of a book, even M/M romance. Guess I'm immune ;))

  23. I've had this on my list for awhile now. The 20's are fascinating years for me too. I like history in general, but so much was happening then. This sounds really good - I may have to bump it up.

  24. Sounds like a fun read, with a nice mix of "genres" included. I don't really know much about the 20's but it does seem like a good period to write AND read about.

    1. It is a fun era to watch, read, whatever about. :P

  25. Everyone is liking this one but it's not calling to me for some reason.

    1. Ah I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe some day. :)

  26. Yay!! I'm so glad you picked this one up and enjoyed it so much, Ali. Aida and Winter had so much yummy chemistry, and the setting of the 20's mixed with paranormal was soemthing I've nver read in a romance - I need more.
    Lovely review :)

  27. I love the 20's! I read this one and enjoyed it as well.

  28. No judgment here! I have way too many that I haven't even started about reading that I bought to ever pass judgment. :P

  29. Omg I love the new 20s theme that is ablze in historical romance this summer! I have been fascinated with the time period for awhile but this is the first time in my reading career that it has peeked like this! I love the sound of Bitter Spirits, I'm totally adding it to my TBR list. Thanks for sharing!!

  30. Sounds really reflective of the time period and the mix of paranormal would be interesting! Lovely review!

    1. Thanks so much and it really was done well. :)
