Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Review: Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews

Title: Magic Rises
Author: Ilona Andrews
Series: Book Six in the Kate Daniels Series
Published By: Ace (July 30, 2013)
Source: Purchased
Genre: Urban Fantasy
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
Mercenary Kate Daniels narrates a surprising trip with her bite-me humor. The pack of her mate Curran, werelion Beast Lord, need rare medicine from Europe to save children who die from stuck shapeshifting. Europe offers them barrels of the drug if they guard a spoiled princess. Knowing the invite is a trap, of course they sail right in.

It is funny how you can miss a world and it's characters so very much without even really realizing it until you pick the series back up and dive in and all those feels, all that love you have for them, come rushing back in. 

And the new people, holy heck I love Keira! It is funny how just when you think you have all the characters figured out, all the ones you think you love, someone new steps in and manages to steal the show. But the best part of this series, really is the characters. How well they work together, like each other (in most cases) and how they have each other's back. Curran and Kate will always be number one, but Andrea and Raph, are such a close second, I adore these two, especially after reading Andrea's story in the last book. Keira and Eduardo were hilarious, Doolittle amazing like always and Derek, well, he is just wonderful and I so want someone for him so much so that it hurts. He needs someone in his life to love him for him because he is amazing.

Barabas was once again hilarious and adds something light to the mix and Aunt B was...well, Aunt B and I love her for it. 

If there is one thing I love most about this series, besides the amazing characters, it is the diverse range of sups. Just when I think I know them all, they throw a new one into the mix, weredolphins, who would have thought?

Throw in pirates, myths, storms, and one heck of a battle (or a dozen) and once again, this was one action packed, blow your mind kind of read.

While I loved this read, it is a hard one to review at the same time because of all the damn feels it made me have. So very much happens. I wanted to punch characters, knee others, hug even more of them, and shake a few along the way. 

Did I mention that I cried too? Because I did, a couple of times. I'm not going to lie, people die, a lot of them and I don't just mean the bad guys this time.

Once again I am in love with this series. The Andrews certainly know what they are doing and I can't wait for more but I am so very nervous about it all too. 


  1. Damn, didn't we read this months ago? lol. Ah, but yes, it was so freaking good! I totally didn't cry though, not one bit. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    1. We did! I told you I was behind on reviews! :P

  2. Gah. I really need to re-discover this world.

  3. OMG! I'm reading book 1 right now and I'm in LOVE! I love Kate so much and her humor. I've never laughed so loudly while reading a book. I love all the different creatures too, but weredolphins?! Umm I need to meet these! And this book made you cry? That makes me even more excited. :)
    Great review, Ali!

    1. Yay! Just wait, it gets better and better! So happy you are starting this series Nick!

  4. Aww man I need to check this out Sounds so fun, and everything I need right now! Great review, I'm sold!

    1. You do! This series is a lot of fun and never lets me down.

  5. Great to see you loving a six book in a series. I start to get a bit bored of series when they go one too long. But sometimes they also seem to get worse as the series goes on, glad to see that wasn't the case with this one.

    1. Nope, this series is still going strong, which I love because I agree, it tends to happen with series that have too many books.

  6. 5 stars?! Yes I do need to get busy on this series! and I love the idea of weredolphins! I wouldn't mind being one... ;)

  7. WHY AM I STILL BEHIND IN THIS SERIES ALI?! I'm back at book 4 and that is just plain ridiculous. MORE KATE AND CURRAN! I'm going to have chocolate and kleenex on hand though, so thanks for the heads up there ;-)

    1. This is the only one that made me cry Jenny!

  8. Aw, weredolphins! So cool :D I need to catch up on this series - but isn't it amazing when they make you cry? :) Lovely review <3

  9. I know what you mean. That is part of the reason I waited so long as well.

  10. This was actually my least favorite in the series and the only one I've never reread since some of the choices made make me really uncomfortable. Especially Curran, he really messed up in this one. I was SO upset. But overall, this series is truly the best there is.

    1. He was a butt in this one but I loved how strong Kate was through it all and how the rest of the pack stuck with her.

  11. Aww haha, it made you cry? I half skimmed your review because I haven't read this sequel yet, although I will try to, soon. But glad you enjoyed it so much :D Hope I won't cry too...

  12. I have a list of worlds I do not mind visiting over and over, they are few, but there nonetheless. This series sounds amazing though, that or I just have a terribly bad obsession with pirates :P Great review!

    1. This series really is fantastic in so many ways and definitely worth a re-read now and again.

  13. Yup. Behind in this series. I have no excuses except for I SUCK!

    1. Nah, there are just way too many books. It's hard to keep up with them all!

  14. This sounds like another winner, and I think I better prepare myself then for a few tears too, then. Oh boy, does this sounds good! I' need to pick this series back up soon.
    Glad you had a good read, Ali! :)

    1. Thanks so much Kim and yes, keep the Kleenex handy!

  15. I'm so glad you liked this one! Ibe never heard of them personally BUT I love the fact that you could connect with them so well. They sound really fleshed out. I Amy have to pick this one up. :)

    1. You should, especially if you like UF, it is a great series that just gets better and better.

  16. THIS ONE WAS SUCH AN EMOTIONAL RIDE, WASN'T IT? I was surprised by how heavy in the feels this one was, and I do admit that it did tire me out a bit because at one point, it felt like the drama was never going to stop and the world would never be okay haha. But I still love it and this series as a whole and it's one of my faves! Happy to see you loved it too, dearie *HUGS*

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Yes it was and I wasn't expecting it which made it all the better! Yes when things started to get iffy between Curran and Kate was when I really started having trouble breathing. ;)

  17. Yay! I'm currently reading the last book and loving it too, I can't wait to finish it now.

    1. This whole series really is fantastic. I can't wait for the new book to see where it goes from here.

  18. My love for this series knows no boundaries. Awesome review, and yes the characters are what makes this series come to life

    1. Definitely. Without a single one of them, it just wouldn't be the same.

  19. I am happy to see that this series is so amazing still by book six. I have had the first of this series, Magic Bites on my TBR for a long while. Thanks for your review. It is a reminder to crack it open once I sift through some of my summer reads.

    1. Definitely start this series but don't be discouraged because book one if probably the weakest of the series.

  20. I still have to review this one and the previous one too. *blushes* I didn't understand the whole Curran hate in this book. I stand by him and thought it was a smart move. I loved to hate the villain in this book and yes, I did NOT see that death coming. Shocked me to my core!

    1. I love Curran and while I did get nervous a time or two, I completely trusted what he was doing. I knew there was no way it was as bad as it looked.

  21. This one made me tear up too. This is a huge emotional one. I loved it just as much as you did. so happy you love this series.

    1. Yay! I really am too. It is hard to come by series that are still going strong after so many books.

  22. Another awesome review. There are just too many books I want to read and too little time to read them. Nevertheless adding this to my TBR list :).
