Monday, July 6, 2015

Review: A Million Times Goodnight by Kristina McBride

Title: A Million Times Goodnight
Author: Kristina McBride
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: EgmontUSA (July 28, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal/Mystery
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
A teen Sliding Doors. One choice creates parallel dual narratives in this romantic contemporary mystery-thriller perfect for fans of Just Like Fate and Pivot Point.

One Night. Two Paths. Infinite Danger.

On the night of the big Spring Break party, Hadley "borrows" her boyfriend Ben's car without telling him. As payback, he posts a naked picture of her online for the entire senior class to see. 

Now Hadley has a choice: go back to the party and force Ben to delete the picture or raise the stakes and take his beloved car on a road trip as far away from their hometown of Oak Grove, Ohio, as she can get.

Chapters alternate to reveal each possible future as Hadley, her ex-boyfriend, Josh, and her best friends embark on a night of reckless adventure where old feelings are rekindled, friendships are tested, and secrets are uncovered that are so much worse than a scandalous photo.

A Million Times Goodnight is one of those reads that is hard to review, simply because it is hard to describe. At times, hard to tell if it was a great read, a hard read, or maybe even an indifferent read.  

If you have ever watched the movie Sliding Doors with Gwenyth Paltrow then you might have a feel for this read in the aspect of parallel universes and the what ifs'.

Throw in a mystery, a death, and one wild night (instead of days of events) and in a nut shell, you have this book.

I think what makes this story so very hard to review is the fact that while I liked it, I never really felt anything for it, as in, I never completely cared for the characters.  That connection that most of us, as readers crave, was never there for me. But the mystery aspect of it, wanting to know all the secrets that lead up to the night in question and one exactly a year previous, that part is what really had me turning the pages. 

In short, this story piqued my curiosity more than anything and if the mystery aspect hadn't been there, I don't think I would have enjoyed this story anywhere near as much as I did without it. But it was there, and it was interesting and while some of it was predictable, it all wasn't. 

Overall this was a read that kept me interested and engaged and was a quick read that I did enjoy.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. It sounds nice even if not that awesome either. It's the first time I hear about this one I confess. The parrallel universe thing is intriguing though

  2. I do enjoy books with the Sliding Doors theme. They are always so fun and I can't wait to find out what happens in the end. This one sounds interesting, Ali. I hadn't heard of it before today, but I'll look into it.
    Lovely review! :)

  3. Welcome back! :)
    Middle-of-the-road reads are SO hard to review!! I feel you on this one. It's so tough to enjoy a book, but not really love it or connect with the characters on any sort of substantial level. Glad you enjoyed it despite not falling for it in its entirety. Great review! :)

    1. Thanks so much Lisa!!
      And you're right, it really can be hard but even with all that, it was still a good read. ;) Thanks for all the kind words!!

  4. Glad you enjoyed this one overall Ali even if you weren't as emotionally attached to characters and events as you'd hoped. I'm always bummed when that happens!

    1. It is sad when it happens but still nice when you can still enjoy the story overall. ;)

  5. Welcome back! Hope you had a fabulous break too. This sounds interesting as I enjoy parallel themes, but I can understand not enjoying the story if you can't connect with the characters - darn. Glad you found some aspects to enjoy though.
    Lovely, honest review, Ali :)

    1. Thanks Kim, it's good to be back, I missed all of you!!

  6. Sliding Doors, what a blast from the past! Yes, I did see that movie and really liked it. It sounds like I'd enjoy this book. Thanks for the review, Ali!

    1. I hope you do enjoy this and thanks so much Tyler!!

  7. Thanks Ali and welcome back!!!
    And there's nothing wrong with a quick easy read!!

  8. You never know though, you might like it way more than I did, ;)

  9. Sounds interesting, but hmmmm, I don't know. I'm not sure about it but you did describe it well! :)

  10. Oh man, I love books like this, and the blurb mentions two books I love - Just Like Fate and Pivot Point. But damn, not really feeling anything for it sucks. I need to FEEEEL. ;)

  11. Hm... might be a good library get. I'm curious and want to know more. I'm also glad it has a mystery for it to wrap itself around. Yea, I'm curious.

  12. It does sound like a mish-mash of a lot of stuff, isn't it? Sometimes, it's exciting to read something like only if all the story elements work well.

  13. Thanks for your honest thoughts! I don't think this is the right fit for me.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and checking it out. ;)

  14. Hello. I guess its like that sometimes, when one reads a book and then have indifferent thoughts. Great and honest review nonetheless.

  15. I don't know what to say. It doesn't look bad, but it doesn't look great, either. Hmm. I might skip this one... but great review!!

    1. LOL thanks Lola. ;) That is kind of how it was. ;)

  16. I haven't watched Sliding Doors, but it sounds interesting. I like books that are different. In life, I stay away from what-ifs, but in fiction I think they're fun to explore :) Welcome back!

    1. Thanks so much Ramona, it is good to be back. ;)

  17. I think that would do me in. I have to have that connection with characters. I can enjoy a book. But these are the books that stand the test of time.

    1. I hear ya. It is hard to love when you can't connect. ;)

  18. These are tough to review. On one hand the story was good, but you didn't get swept up either. I have never watched the movie..might be something to look up while I am bed ridden.

    1. Definitely watch the movie, it is a good one. ;) *hugs* Feel better!

  19. Not being invested is a major drawback, and is among the hardest of reviews to write when the book has promising notes. Nicely balanced review.

    1. I totally agree and thanks so much, that means a lot. :D

  20. I love the idea of a YA Sliding Doors, but it's a shame that you didn't really connect with the characters. Connection is so key to truly enjoying a book.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  21. This sounds like a complicated plotline that would be hard to pull off. Glad you enjoyed it even if you didn't love it :)
