Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Review: Most Likely to Succeed by Jennifer Echols

Title: Most Likely to Succeed
Author: Jennifer Echols
Series: Book Three in the Superlatives Trilogy
Published By:  Simon Pulse (August 4, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
In this sexy conclusion to The Superlatives trilogy from Endless Summer author Jennifer Echols, Sawyer and Kaye might just be perfect for each other—if only they could admit it.

As vice president of Student Council, Kaye knows the importance of keeping order. Not only in school, but in her personal life. Which is why she and her boyfriend, Aidan, already have their lives mapped out: attend Columbia University together, pursue banking careers, and eventually get married. Everything Kaye has accomplished in high school—student government, cheerleading, stellar grades—has been in preparation for that future.

To his entire class, Sawyer is an irreverent bad boy. His antics on the field as school mascot and his love of partying have earned him total slacker status. But while he and Kaye appear to be opposites on every level, fate—and their friends—keep conspiring to throw them together. Perhaps the seniors see the simmering attraction Kaye and Sawyer are unwilling to acknowledge to themselves…

As the year unfolds, Kaye begins to realize her ideal life is not what she thought. And Sawyer decides it’s finally time to let down the facade and show everyone who he really is. Is a relationship between them most likely to succeed—or will it be their favorite mistake?

I have loved this whole series, with fun likable and realistic characters, humor and romance around every corner and storyline that just got better, this series has quickly become a favorite. And even though I loved book one and two, book three was the one I was more excited about.

I have loved Sawyer from the get go and was so very excited to finally see that book three, would be all about him! I just knew there was so much more depth to him and his beach bum ways. It wasn't hard to tell who he was in love with and to see that, behind all that flirting, truly lurked an amazing guy. 

And I am so happy to report that I wasn't wrong! Sawyer was every bit as great as I knew he would be and my heart went out to him as we learned more about him, his past, and his relationship with his family. 

In fact, I am going to go so far as to say that this was by far my favorite book of the series, simply because of him. Sawyer is the type of guy in high school that we probably all knew and if we were lucky, could call a friend as well. 

And while I loved every minute of this read, I couldn't help but feel sad at the ending. It wasn't a bad ending by any stretch of the imagination but I wasn't ready for it to be over and I just wanted more. 

While all the main character's stories have been told, I would so love a book that shows them all after graduation. Where they are, who they are with. I doubt we will get one but I would absolutely love it if we did because this series has been so much fun to read, a sign that Echols really knows her stuff. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I love seeing a deeper side of a character you only get hints at in a series. Happy you loved this one.

    1. Me too, it really was worth the wait to get it. ;)

  2. Great review! I'm going to have to check this one out

    1. Thank you and I hope you do, the whole series was so much fun!

  3. Oh it's great to have a series like that mainly seeing that this one is the best of the series!

  4. Yay, Ali! I'm so happy you loved this as much as I did! I absolutely adored Sawyer myself and I loved that there was so much more to his character than what was on the surface. His romance was also so adorable!
    Wonderful review! :)

    1. Thanks so much Nick, I was so happy with all of it. :D

  5. YEAH!!! I love series like this Ali - where I get to meet secondary characters in early books and then get to see them shine in a later book in the series. And it's even better when the wait for their story is more than worth it:)

    1. You will really like this one too then Jenny. :D

  6. Read the first one, then I don't what happened. Sounds like a nice conclusion to the series :) As always, great review.

  7. Sorry you didn't love the ending, but that's awesome you loved the book (and series) overall. Sawyer sounds amazing. :)

  8. I haven't read anything by this author yet but her books have been recommended to me by a lot of people. I think I might start with this series.

    1. I think this is a good place to start for sure. I hope you like them!

  9. I've only read the second book but sounds like I need to do some catching up and read this and the first one! Thanks for the review :D

    1. Defintiely read them all, they are all fabulous.

  10. I think you will like this one more than that one Heidi, this is definitely more fun and easy going.

  11. Yey for loving pretty much all books in a series! And I'm crossing fingers that you'll get the post-graduation-life-tatus book too, at some point xD

  12. I don't know why, but I kind of wrote this one off as being "just another contemporary romance." It sounds like it's much more than that though! Your review has changed my mind and I'm definitely going to have to give this a try now. :) Thanks for sharing Ali!

  13. I think I only read one book from this series, but I can't remember what it was. I'm kinda jealous that you're able to follow along with everyone. I'm happy, anyway, that you enjoyed them so much. :)

    1. Thanks so much Joy, it is fun when a series does this for sure.

  14. I have this book for review too and so glad you enjoyed it! I admit that I haven't read the previous two books but I'm looking forward for it. Sawyer sounds like an amazing characters! Great review :)

    Tiffany @ The Bookish Thought

    1. It will be okay without reading the other books I think. Hopefully you enjoy this as much as I did even without reading the others.

  15. Yay! Another awesome review for this book/series! I REALLY need to read this one. I know Nick has really enjoyed it too. Definitely sounds like something right up my alley! Great review! :)

    1. It really is worth the read, I hope you like it as much as Nick and I have.

  16. Awe, Nick thought this was his favorite too. It always makes me smile when the last book is the best book of the series.

  17. I think a book featuring all of the characters after graduation sounds like a great idea. I have read the first two books in this series, and I really enjoyed them. But the third one must have slipped past my radar. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I put it on my TBR

    And I have to say that I love the covers so much. The superlatives idea is fantastic! This needs to be a longer series.

    1. I agree on all counts! I really would love an "after" high school book. I think it would be so much fun!!

  18. This sounds like a lot of fun! I remember seeing the other books. Maybe one of these days I'll get to them.

    1. I hope you do, I think you would like them. :)

  19. These sound so fun. I only skimmed your review because I haven't read the series yet, but I saw what you rated it, so of course I had to add them :)...hehe Great review Ali

    1. You'll like this series, it is a lot of fun. :D
