Friday, July 17, 2015

Review: The Veil by Chloe Neill

Title: The Veil
Author: Chloe Neill
Series: Book One in the Devil's Isle Series
Published By: NAL (August 4, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Seven years ago, the Veil that separates humanity from what lies beyond was torn apart, and New Orleans was engulfed in a supernatural war. Now, those with paranormal powers have been confined in a walled community that humans call the District. Those who live there call it Devil's Isle.

Claire Connolly is a good girl with a dangerous secret: she’s a Sensitive, a human endowed with magic that seeped through the Veil. Claire knows that revealing her skills would mean being confined to Devil’s Isle. Unfortunately, hiding her power has left her untrained and unfocused.

Liam Quinn knows from experience that magic makes monsters of the weak, and he has no time for a Sensitive with no control of her own strength. But when he sees Claire using her powers to save a human under attack—in full view of the French Quarter—Liam decides to bring her to Devil’s Isle and the teacher she needs, even though getting her out of his way isn’t the same as keeping her out of his head.

But when the Veil threatens to shatter completely, Claire and Liam must work together to stop it, or else New Orleans will burn…

The urban fantasy genre is really the one genre that I can never get enough of and while I adore it, I'm  always on the lookout for something that stands out. For something that hasn't already been done time and time again. 

Immediately I fell into the easy writing that Neil is so known for. She has a way of painting a setting and it's characters that seems almost effortless. You are transported right into the heart of the story and into the characters lives from the very first chapter and it only gets better and better after that.

Admittedly, it didn't take me long to be completely wrapped up in the story, invested, and hooked. 

This was absolutely enthralling, entertaining, and completely original. Once again, Neil shows that she knows how to take an existing setting, shake it up and create something completely new and unique and most of all, fun. 

With a whole cast of interesting characters, both human and supernatural, magic, danger, war, and mystery all thrown in with just a hint of a romance to be, and this truly was a wonderful start to what promises to be a stand out series. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. This sounds really interesting and I'm glad that you enjoyed it! Happy reading!

  2. I skimmed since I will be reading this next week for review but I am excited to see you enjoyed it. I love urban fantasy too

    1. I have a feeling that you will love this Kim. Can't wait to see what you think!

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  5. I will be reading this one next week and I'm really excited to see that you enjoyed it, Ali! I think it's going to be fun. I love that she still manages to make the book original!
    Great review, Ali! :)

    1. Can't wait to see what you think Nick. I really think you will like it as much as I did!

  6. This sounds like a really fresh take on urban fantasy. Very cool.

    1. It really was! Thanks so much for stopping by and Happy Friday!

  7. I really enjoyed The Veil as well! I was so happy to finally catch Chloe Neill at the beginning of a new series. Her writing is really easy to escpae to, and who can resit a NOLA setting right?!!

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend, Ali :)

    1. So true, I am a sicker for NOLA! You have a wonderful weekend as well!

  8. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one Ali! I'm definitely looking forward to more of this world and NOLA:)

  9. Oh good to hear. It's been a few years since I read her. I stopped after that thing with Ethan that made everyone's jaws drop in the other series but planned on going back just got distracted. That's really awesome this one was a hit :)

    1. I did as well and never picked them up, I really should because this reminded me all over again why I loved her other series to begin with. ;)

  10. Sounds really good! I've never read any of her books, but it sounds like I need to.

    1. You should! They are fun. I never finished her other series but I remember really liking it!

  11. Great review Ali, and ditto for me on Urban Fantasy genre, Love it!

    1. I bet you would like this one too then Debbie. :D

  12. Another one to add to my ever-growing collection of recommendations by YOU :) Sounds really good, especially as the writing seems to be "the real deal"... I love an author that can deliver so much effortlessly. Have a beautiful weekend! <3

    1. Sorry to add to your pile. ;) Have a lovely weekend as well!

  13. It really was good, so glad you liked it too. :D

  14. I have yet to venture into the urban fantasy genre, I don't typically read fantasy actually. But if the book has good solid writing I'm in! This one looks promising, and the cover art is alluring. :) Wonderful review!

    1. Oh gosh it is one of my favorites. You should try it sometime, you may love it. :)

  15. Oh I also love UF and so this is right up my alley. I've been looking at this one and I do think you sold me and I'm adding it to my wishlist now. :D

  16. Glad you liked this one. I need to read something by this author - plus, I like urban fantasy and I haven't read any in awhile.

    1. I think this would be a really place to start with her writing if you do want to try her. :D

  17. This sounds absolutely amazing! I'd love to see something new in this subgenre (I don't want stuff to be wolves and vampires all the time) and looks like this is the book to look for it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Definitely different with the sups, it really was a nice change.

  18. I am reading this one in a week or so. Happy to hear it was so good. I can't remember, have you read her Chicagoland vampire series?

    1. I've read the first three, four maybe, I can't remember now, but, I did like them. For some reason I just never continued the series. I should though, I know I will like them.

  19. Oh yes I finished the book yesterday and I really liked it too. I need to write my review now.

  20. I have stayed away from blogging for a while, and when I come back on I have already added three more books to my TBR pile...ugh :)....Great review as always Ali....Have a fabulous Sunday :)

  21. Well, I finally finished it! And I agree, it is a really good book.

  22. This is going to be my first CNeill, can't wait!

  23. I considered requesting this, and now I wish I did! I have a weakness for urban fantasy too, but I haven't read this author before. I'll have to change that.

    1. Definitely try her, she is pretty great. ;) I do hope you read this and like it as much as I did.

  24. I'm always on the lookout for another great UF and so I'll have to give this a try. I need to try her other series again as well. I started listening to the audio book and it never really grabbed me so I put it aside. Great review! :)

    1. I hope you try this and like it as much as I did. :D

  25. I somehow missed that she had a new series! This sounds fantastic!

  26. I have really been looking forward to reading this one. I love the suspense and the setting! Great review.

    1. This setting is truly fabulous, I am a sucker for anything in NOLA. ;)

  27. Great review! I also liked this one and can't wait for more in this series!!

    my review here
