Thursday, January 7, 2016

Review: Shallow Graves by Kali Wallace

Title: Shallow Graves
Author: Kali Wallace
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Katherine Tegen Books (January 26, 2016)
Source: Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
For fans of Holly Black and Nova Ren Suma, a gripping, hauntingly atmospheric novel about murder, revenge, and a world where monsters—human and otherwise—lurk at the fringes.

When seventeen-year-old Breezy Lin wakes up in a shallow grave one year after her death, she doesn’t remember who killed her or why. All she knows is that she’s somehow conscious—and not only that, she’s able to sense who around her is hiding a murderous past. In life, Breezy was always drawn to the elegance of the universe and the mystery of the stars. Now she must set out to find answers and discover what is to become of her in the gritty, dangerous world to which she now belongs—where killers hide in plain sight and a sinister cult is hunting for strange creatures like her. What she finds is at once empowering, redemptive, and dangerous.

Shallow Graves was a read that I was really looking forward to sinking my teeth into. It sounded original, fun, and I loved the paranormal aspect the synopsis hinted at and couldn't wait to see if it was anywhere as good as it promised to be.

I wouldn't say I was disappointed with this read but I will say that it wasn't at all what I was expecting it to be. 

In fact this was definitely a unique read in some ways and just simply strange in others. I never quite felt like I connected to the characters nor the storyline yet it was weirdly addicting. 

The plot was a bit of a mess and things were explained but never in detail or even that well and yet I was still compelled to read on to see what would pop up next in the story and because most of all, I was truly hoping everything would make sense by the ending. 

I wish I could say it all did but the fact is, it didn't and yet, I wasn't bothered too much by that, for some reason not having it all laid out, all out in the open, seemed to fit with the general feel of the story and somehow in a very unusual way, worked.

I honestly can’t say if I liked this read or not but I was a bit fascinated with it and like I mentioned, it was strangely addicting so I have to give that to the author if nothing else. More than anything this wasn't the read I was expecting but again, that isn't always a bad thing in this genre.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. It sounds like quite something. I didn't know about it and well sorry it wasn't what you expected either. I hope your next read will be a bit more than that.

  2. This is one that I want to read, but not immediately. The synopsis alone makes me want to dive in, but as the reviews start coming, I'm putting it on hold. Great review!

    1. It is a very different kind of read for sure.

  3. I think I would struggle with this one. I don't really like feeling confused when I'm reading a book and I certainly don't like it when the story doesn't make sense even at the end. It definitely sounds like it was a conflicting read for you, Ali!
    Lovely review, Ali! :)

  4. Some books aren't that great but they DO keep you reading! haha Sorry you didn't really love this one.

  5. That's disappointing it wasn't like you thought it would be. I get how some books are addicting and so you have to finish anyway. I've read a few like that and some of them I'm glad I finish and some I wish I hadn't. I hope you enjoy the next book more than this one!! :)

  6. Sounds interesting but three stars is not enough and it sounds like it wasn't all that great anyway!

  7. Hm. You've definitely made me curious Ali, but I'm a reader who likes things to make sense and have concrete answers, so I tend to struggle with books that are a little more vague like this one. I might still give it a try though just to see!

  8. I've heard a lot about this book but I've been on the fence about it. I like mystery but I really don't like when books try to be so unique they become weird in a creepy way. I guess I will just stay on the fence about this one. Awesome review!

  9. I'm not sure about this one... The description has me curious but this style may not work so much for me.

  10. Oh no! I've heard great things about Shallow Graves, and I know you have a great taste in the paranormal genre too. Hmm, I may just read a couple of chapter in the library to see if it's something I would want to pick up before making any sudden commitments.

    Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts on this one, it's hard sometimes to succumb to the hype :/

    1. It is and it wasn't a bad read at all, just not quite what I was hoping it would be. ;)

    2. Because I don't generally read from the paranormal genre, my first experience needs to be epic - I think I might skip this one :P

  11. Yeah I am not sure about this one. I want it to make sense at the end!!! I am glad it didn't totally ruin it for you though!

    1. Yeah I don't like that nothing was ever really truly explained but who knows, maybe there will be a second book?

  12. I'm a little hesitant to read this one. Messy plots are tough for me to follow, and I often lose interest before completing it. I'm glad you were still able to enjoy it, despite the issues you had with it. Great review! :)

  13. Sorry to hear this one wasn't all that. I'm glad that you were able to still enjoy some parts of it though. Despite the messy plot.

    1. Thanks me too and the writing really was captivating in its own way.

  14. Sorry this wasn't the read you thought you were getting. I don't know that I would have stuck with it like you did :)

    1. Thanks Lorna, it was different at times but not necessarily in a bad way just a different way, if that makes sense at all.

  15. The writing itself was definitely good. Glad you liked it!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I wonder if it sells well if there will be a sequel that will answer some of the questions?

  18. The premise sounds cool, too bad the details were lacking. Wonderful review Ali.

  19. Huh, I thought this one was a horror read. The premise does sound interesting, but I'm a little scared of it being confusing, Ali. Since it still kept you reading, I think I might give this one a shot and hope for the best. Great review!

    1. I thought it was going to be as well but it really isn't.

  20. I've seen quite a lot of mixed reviews for this book, which has been putting me off giving it a go. I might consider it in the future, but I won't be rushing to it any time soon.

  21. Sounds like it could have used a little more work. It's interesting how sometimes a book doesn't wow or totally work for you but it can suck you in none the less.

  22. oh that sucks. sorry to hear that you didn't quite enjoy this one - especially if you were looking forward to it!

  23. This sounds so wonderfully strange, I'm not sure what to think either, but you have me so curious. I'm going to try and borrow this from the library at sometime and check it out for myself.
    Thanks, Ali :)

    1. Maybe you will end up really liking it, you never know. ;)
