Wednesday, January 27, 2016

WoW Pick of the Week!

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

I loved both Mead's Vampire Academy series and her Georgina Kincaid series so it's no wonder I want to try this as well, plus, okay, I love that description.  
Keeping my fingers crossed this is another winner.

Book Description:

A dazzling new fantasy series set in a mix of Elizabethan and frontier worlds that’s dripping with romance from Richelle Mead, #1 internationally bestselling author of Vampire Academy.

Big and sweeping, spanning the refined palaces of Osfrid to the gold dust and untamed forests of Adoria, The Glittering Court tells the story of Adelaide, an Osfridian countess who poses as her servant to escape an arranged marriage and start a new life in Adoria, the New World. But to do that, she must join the Glittering Court. 

Both a school and a business venture, the Glittering Court is designed to transform impoverished girls into upper-class ladies capable of arranging powerful and wealthy marriages in the New World. Adelaide naturally excels in her training and even makes a few friends: the fiery former laundress Tamsin and the beautiful Sirminican refugee Mira. She manages to keep her true identity hidden from all but one: the intriguing Cedric Thorn, son of the wealthy proprietor of the Glittering Court.

When Adelaide discovers that Cedric is hiding a dangerous secret of his own, together, they hatch a scheme to make the best of Adelaide’s deception. Complications soon arise—first, as they cross the treacherous seas from Osfrid to Adoria, and later, when Adelaide catches the attention of a powerful governor.

But no complication will prove quite as daunting as the potent attraction simmering between Adelaide and Cedric. An attraction that, if acted on, would scandalize the Glittering Court and make them both outcasts in wild, vastly uncharted lands. . . .


  1. Seems like a great series, and the cover is very nice. Greetings!

  2. I loved the Vampire Academy series too, I didn't quite get on with the first book in the Bloodlines series though due to the new MC. I think I might have to give that series another shot though... I really like Adrian! This new series sounds really good!!

    1. I still need to try that series but I think I didn't for the same reason you had trouble with it. I didn't like the MC very much in the other books she was in so I wasn't sure how I would feel about a series with her being the focus.

  3. Sounds really interesting. I'm not sure if I want to read it or not. I'd be interested in seeing some reviews though!

    1. I really want to read some reviews for it as well

  4. YOU AND ME BOTH ON THIS ONE ALI! I will always say a huge yes to a Richelle Mead book:)

  5. Yes! I'm waited my on this one too. That cover is absolutely gorgeous.

  6. I like how whimsical the names of the towns are. Little details like that are never lost on me.

    1. I'm sure they aren't with you being a writer Tyler! They do seem fun and different though.

  7. Oh this looks fascinating I love books that feature this era!

  8. I've tried a few books by Mead, but I've come to the conclusion that I'm just not a fan of her writing. I hope this is a great read for you!

    1. She isn't for everyone so I understand. ;) Thanks so much!

  9. I can't say enough how much I can't wait for this book to come out! I never read her VA series yet and I've been advised to read it! But with this one , it's just that the cover is just so pretty! <3 I Can't...I just can not..

    1. Her adult UF series is fabulous too so I highly recommend them both!

  10. Just added this one to Goodreads this morning. I'm still not a fan of Mead, but I'm trying to read more of her books. I like the first GK book, and have the second one ready to read. Nice pick!

    1. That series was my favorite of all of her's. ;)

  11. I have an arc of this one and I'm so excited to read it! I'm not a die hard fan, I haven't read most of her books, but I've read some and enjoyed them!

  12. Love this cover. I've never read anything by this author, but i hope this is another winner for you!!

  13. Oh this looks good. I need to read it. I also need to read her vampire series. I'm so behind. :)

  14. I loved her Georgina Kincaid series, but this one ... I'll wait for your verdict.

  15. YES YES YES! One of my favorite authors and I can't wait!!

    my WoW

  16. I hope it's worth the wait, I know a lot of you loved the first one :)

  17. I am really curious about this one and the cover is gorgeous.

    1. I really do too. I'm hoping more reviews will post for it because I truly am curious about it.

  18. I hope this is better than her last few works. :/

    1. I know! I never read it because of all the negative ratings. :(

  19. I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds and looks amazing.

    1. Keeping my fingers crossed it lives up the that cover and synopsis.

  20. This is new to me, but I think it sounds pretty awesome and although I have only read one Mead book, I did like the way she writes! That cover is pretty great as well :)

  21. The description sounds fabulous, but the cover is even better!

  22. Replies
    1. I didn't know you liked her. Did you read her Georgina series?

  23. For a second I thought you got a copy of the ARC and I was melting with awe and envy! I love Richelle Mead! I hope The Glittering Court is a winner.

  24. This book cover is stunning! I would pick up just for this reason alone! :D
