Wednesday, January 6, 2016

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

Todays pick is another series that took me by surprise with just how much fun it is. I mean a YA mystery/thriller, what's not to love right?

This is the third book in the series and I think it might also be the last, which kind of sucks so I'm hoping it will blow me away like the other two have. It really is a lot of fun and different. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it to those looking for a heroine who is anything but perfect and innocent but still kick butt in her own right. 

Book Description:

“Trust me.”

Wick Tate’s never heard these words so much in her life. And with all her secrets, who can she really trust?

There’s Milo, her new hacker boyfriend, who’s keeping a dark secret of his own. Griff, the ex who’s always had her best interests at heart but who mostly wants to stay out of Wick’s mess. There’s Looking Glass, an organization that can supposedly offer Wick protection…and a future.

And then there’s her family. They should be easy to trust, right? Not if you’re Wick. Not when “family” means so many different things, including a criminal father who may not stay locked up for long.

Wick is used to relying on herself…and only herself. But she’s going to have to learn to trust someone if she’s going to finally escape her demons... 


  1. I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but UGH, the love interest switch made me so mad, Ali! I don't know if I want to pick this one up after that tbh. I loved her with Griff and I didn't care for Milo at all.
    You'll have to let me know how it is! :)

    1. I know, I didn't care for that change at all either. I;m hoping like heck there is still hope for them both.

  2. Oh I didn't know about this one. thanks for sharing!

  3. Yeeeessss! I'm so ready for this one too! I really enjoyed the first 2.5 books How in the heck did I forget about this series?

  4. I haven't read any of this series. It sounds pretty good though! Great pick. :)

  5. Tell me something Ali. Is there any kind of triangle situation with the current boyfriend and the ex? Otherwise this series sounds AWESOME:)

    1. Not at all in the first but sort of in the second, it's hard to explain without giving anything away. ;)

  6. I haven't read this series yet, but it sounds great!

  7. I remember hearing of the first book but don't remember much about it. I may have to look it up again. I might actually have it somewhere on my shelves from when I went to ALA a few years ago.

    1. It a fun read and a different one for YA which is nice.

  8. Totally don't know this series but sounds interesting. Great pick!

  9. Great pick Ali, hope you enjoyed your holidays again!

  10. I do like thrillers. This one does sound interesting.

    1. I really do as well, especially in this genre because they are so rare.

  11. Fingers crossed the last book delivers for you Ali

  12. Oh this one is new to me but sounds so good! Thanks for sharing!

    my WoW

  13. I haven't heard of this series but love the timely premise. Thanks Ali!

  14. Ohh I enjoyed Find Me! I hope this one will be just as good. :D

  15. I remember hearing great things about this series - Oh, the last ones are hard to say goodbye to. Hopefully you love this one as much, Ali!! :)

  16. I haven't read these - but glad you liked the first two! I love the covers.

  17. Made the mistake of reading a comment about the love interest changing. I wouldn't like that unless he was a serial killer or something! Hope you end up loving this one as well :)

    1. Yeah I don't think any of us loved that part that read the series so I understand. ;)

  18. I haven't heard of this one yet, interested to read your thoughts about it! thanks for sharing :)
