Wednesday, January 20, 2016

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

Believe it or not, I choose this weeks pick because of the author, cover or synopsis be danged, although, thankfully, I like them both too. ;)  She better not let me down though!

Book Description:

Tell the Wind & Fire is about a young girl called Lucie who lives in a New York very different from the New York we know: the city is torn between two very different kinds of magic, and Lucie’s own family was torn apart years ago by that conflict. Lucie wears magic rings and carries a burden of guilt she can’t share with anyone.

The light in her life is her sweetheart boyfriend Ethan, but it turns out Ethan has a secret too: a soulless doppelganger created by dark magic, who has to conceal the face identical to Ethan’s with a hood fastened by a collar nobody but a Light magician with magical rings can take off… and who introduces himself to both of them by, for reasons nobody can understand, saving Ethan’s life… 


  1. I have some books by her, I should try!

    1. I've only tried a couple from her but so far I really like her writing style.

  2. Nice pick! I've seen this one around a few times.

    My WoW

  3. I've never read anything by this author. This one looks really good though. I'm going now to add it to my to read list!

  4. Wow great premise Kindlemom. Thanks. I hope its all you expected!

  5. This sounds really interesting! I haven't read this author yet, but I definitely have wanted to.
    Lovely pick, Ali!

  6. I'm definitely curious about this one Ali, though it sounds like it has the potential to be heartbreaking depending on how things go down with Ethan. You'll have to tell me how it ends when you read it ;-)

    1. I know, I'm a bit worried about that part. I'll let you know. ;)

  7. I really like this synopsis! Thanks for sharing, Ali!

  8. I've had my eyes on this book since I first heard about it last summer! I think the title is really gripping. Great pick :D

  9. I haven't read a book by Brennan as a solo author, but I really enjoyed the ones that she co-authored with Cassandra Clare (Bane Chronicles) and Justine Larbalestier (Team Human) so I'm looking forward to reading this one.

    1. I've read one by her and really liked it so I'm hoping I will this as well. Hopefully you do too if you decide to try it. :D

  10. Oh I like this author! I hadn't heard of this book yet though! It sounds great!

  11. Oooh this sounds all like a book I need to get my hands on! After reading Shallow Graves I am so down for a little magical spookiness. :D

  12. This is the first I've heard of this one. Sounds interesting - Great pick!

  13. Oh this looks like something I would enjoy. Hope there are no cliffies here. :)

    1. Me too but I'm sure there sadly would be, She seems to like them.

  14. Sorry to hear that Heidi but I understand, they are brutal. I'll let you know if there is one. ;)

  15. I don't think I've ever read a book by her. This one sounds interesting! Enjoy, Ali!

    1. Her stories are always interesting so hopefully this will be too. ;)

  16. Cool cover art too! Very non-supe

  17. New York City is my hometown so that's enough to convince me to pick this up!

  18. This sounds fantastic! I've only read one book by Sarah, but I NEED to read more.

  19. I've not tried her. It does look like an interesting one. Looking forward to hearing what you think!

  20. The synopsis does sound intriguing, I hope the author doesn't let you down too!
