Friday, April 22, 2016

Review: Ruined by Amy Tintera

Title: Ruined
Author: Amy Tintera
Series: Book One in the Ruined Series
Published By: Harper Teen (May 3, 2016)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
Emelina Flores has nothing. Her home in Ruina has been ravaged by war. She lacks the powers of her fellow Ruined. Worst of all, she witnessed her parents’ brutal murders and watched helplessly as her sister, Olivia, was kidnapped.

But because Em has nothing, she has nothing to lose. Driven by a blind desire for revenge, Em sets off on a dangerous journey to the enemy kingdom of Lera. Somewhere within Lera’s borders, Em hopes to find Olivia. But in order to find her, Em must infiltrate the royal family.

In a brilliant, elaborate plan of deception and murder, Em marries Prince Casimir, next in line to take Lera’s throne. If anyone in Lera discovers Em is not Casimir’s true betrothed, Em will be executed on the spot. But it’s the only way to salvage Em’s kingdom and what is left of her family.

Em is determined to succeed, but the closer she gets to the prince, the more she questions her mission. Em’s rage-filled heart begins to soften. But with her life—and her family—on the line, love could be Em’s deadliest mistake. 

Tintera has never failed to entertain with her stories that are every bit as fantastical as they are dark. Always with the right blend of action and romance, and darkness to make them stand out and shine.

Her books are always riddled with the serious as much as they are with the funny lighter moments. Her heroines are always fierce, kickbutt, strong, determined, and they know how to get what they want and Em, is just such a character. From the very first pages, we are thrown right into the very person that Em is. Someone who will be everything her people need her to be while still not losing who she is inside, which is caring, loving, and completely loyal. She can be hard and tough but still retains a softer side despite all that she has seen, done, and been through. 

In other words, Em is the type of heroine I absolutely adore. 

This story isn't completely original but it is something special nonetheless. It is entertaining to the core and was immensely hard to put down. 

I loved every minute of it and ended up devouring it in a matter of hours, sad that I didn't have book two out ready for me to read after. 

I think this will end up being another hit series from this author and I look forward to reading them all. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. YAAAAAAY!!! This is one of my most anticipated reads of the year Ali, so I'm thrilled to see it got such a high rating from you. I'm starting it soon and I can't wait to meet Em:)

    1. I really hope you love it too Jenny! Can't wait to see what you think about it.

  2. I plan on reading Ruined and Ink and Bone this weekend, and you loved them both so I'm super excited to get to them. I really like the sound of Em as a heroine, I've heard she's not afraid to 'take action' when needed. Glad you enjoyed it, Ali!! :)

    1. Definitely not afraid. ;) I hope you love them both Kim!

  3. I'm glad you loved this. I've been debating reading this one because of mixed reviews. But this sounds great!!
    Tori @InToriLex

    1. I guess you never know until you try it. ;) I do hope you like it though if you do decide to read it.

  4. SO glad you enjoyed this one and hope it is the start of a great series for you!

  5. I AM DYING TO READ THIS BOOK! It sounds so, so good and I really liked Amy Tintera's Reboot. Even more excited now that I read your review.

    Haraiah @ Random Things In Action

    1. I really loved it too which is why I picked this one up. I really hope you enjoy it as well!

  6. I'm really looking forward to this one!!

  7. Em sounds like a great heroine! Thanks so much for sharing. I believe this is the first review I've seen of this one.

  8. Sweet! I also love a heroine like that. Em sounds like a great character. I do think I need to put this one on my wishlist.

  9. Yes! I think I love that best about her books Heidi.

  10. Sounds like a book with both an intriguing plot and some good action. Yay.

  11. I am definitely still interested in this book, even though I've been reading mixed reviews. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Hopefully you will end up liking it as much as I did. ;)

  12. I haven't read Tintera yet, but I know everyone loves her. Maybe I should start with this book - sounds fabulous!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I think this is as good a place to start as any. ;)

  13. This book seemed to have hit all the spots for you, Ali. I'm glad. :)

    1. It was just what I was hoping it would be. ;)

  14. I am so excited to read this book, and even more so now that I've seen that you really liked it! *Hops up and down* When can it be May 3???


    2. Sorry I deleted my other comment, I got my books confused, I was thinking of The Crown's Game not this one. There is romance in this one, a very slow burning one. It is fabulous. ;)

  15. I have not tried this author, but you have me curious. I love the darker aspects despite lack of originality :)

    1. Her stories always have an edge to them and I love that.

  16. I love strong heroines! This author is unknown to me, but now I definitely want to know more - thanks to you :) Have a lovely new week, Ali, and thanks for the rec! Hugs

  17. I added this book to my TBR Because I really like the story!
    Great review

  18. It's great that you had such a great time!

  19. Em sounds awesome. I think I would love this book.

  20. Glad you loved it and Em! I have it but kind of want to wait because of the cliffhanger. I'm so conflicted.

    1. I don't blame you. I want the next book, like today. I hate cliffhangers. :(

  21. I haven't read any of this author's books yet. This one sounds so good!! I'm so glad that you liked this one. I've seen so many conflicting reviews for this one, but I really want to give it a try myself. Fantastic review. :D

    1. I hope you like it if you decide to try it.

  22. Wow, you've been reading some good ones! I didn't get this for review so I'm not sure I'll fit it in anytime soon, but it does sound great! (I hope I didn't already comment on this. I read the review awhile ago but I don't think I commented.)

  23. I have never read this author before. I am not real big on this type of fantasy, but you make Em sound like such a good character! Great review Ali :)
