Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Summer Must Read List!

I'm trying something different this week, I thought it might be fun to talk about books I want to read in the upcoming months. Not all those fabulous new releases that we all can't wait to get our hands on but instead talk about those releases that have been out for awhile that I have yet to read but keep promising myself I will get to.

In other words, the good old TBR pile.  We all have them, we all love them but sometimes they are so overwhelming it is hard to know what to read and where to start.

So here is my list to myself, a reminder of sorts, of those fabulous books that everybody loves that I have yet to read but truly want to get read by the end of summer. 

I have months to read them so that shouldn't be so hard right?  Before you agree with me, you might want to check my list out, you might be rethinking your answer. 

Some of these are new authors I've been meaning to try or new series from already beloved authors and some are series that I have neglected for way too long and it's about time I gave them some love again. 

So bear with me, the list is a loooooong one.

The first series I've seriously neglected is the Mercy Thompson series. Honestly, I love this series but for whatever reason I stopped reading it after only a few books in. 

I currently need to start book five and I want to get caught up on it by the end of summer. Only five books, that isn't so bad right? *gulp* I can do it!

The next series is one that I know I more than likely won't be able to finish because there are still (insert huge sigh here) 9, yes 9 books I need to read but at the very least I'm hoping I can get a couple knocked out. At least the series is over so I don't have to worry about any new releases right?  This series took my awhile to really warm up to it but I adore it now and can't wait to see how it all ends. 

I adore this series but for whatever reason I've been putting the fourth book off and the fifth will be releasing in only a few months. I definitely have to get this one read. 

So many people loved this when it first came out that I promised myself I would read it and then forgot about it. I finally actually downloaded it to my kindle and will be reading it this summer (hopefully). 

Yet another book that tons of people have loved that I have yet to get to. Hmm, I'm starting to see a pattern here. Maybe I avoid hyped up books because I don't want to be disappointed? 

These two are both trilogies that I loved the first books of and then abandoned somewhere along the way. more than likely just because I didn't have time for them. But I would really really like to finally finish them both and the worst part is, I have all the books for both of them so I really have no excuse.

I would love to jump back into this world. I meant to start book two right after reading book one because I loved it but then I saw that the author went on a writing hiatus and I didn't want to have to wait forever in between releases so I held off. Thankfully the author is writing and releasing again so what better time to pick it back up. 

I love all of Nora's PNR trilogies, even more than her romance books but for some reason I never started this one even though I own all three. Are we seeing a pattern here too? :P

I truly love all of Jennifer's books but for some reason, even though I love this series too, I can only read them in small doses, i.e. not back to back. I have no idea why other than they are heavier and sometimes darker than her YA series she has. Either way, I love Gin and the gang and I do want to read more of them. I'm only on book six and I think there are already fourteen books out. That might be why I'm dragging my feet as well. It doesn't feel like I will ever get caught up on it. :(

This series is one that I don't think is very well known and it's a shame because it is so good! It is funny and fun and so different from other fantasies out there. I try to read them when I want something lighter but still something from this genre and I think it's just about time I pick one up again.

This is an author I discovered through one of my best friends and I jsut love her. Her books are both historic and have a slight paranormal edge to them and even though I've only tried one (which I have yet to post a review for, I suck!) I ended up buying all of her books I could find. *insert embarrassed face here* I might have a small book buying habit. 
Her books are usually long which I think is why I haven't picked one up again but they are so well written and so beautifully detailed with amazing settings that they are hard to say no to at the same time and definitely worth the time it takes to read them. 

I keep telling myself I'm going to read this someday. I've had it since it released in 2014 and yet, here is still sits on my kindle. I love Hoover so I have no idea why I haven't picked it up other than I really do have to be in the right mood and mind frame to read her books because they are always so beautiful but so emotional too. 

Even though I've been avoiding this genre like the plague, Nick recommended this one so highly that I went out and bought it. Now I just need to make the time for it. It does look good though doesn't it?

I need to start a new series like a need a hole in my head but so many people loved this one too I couldn't resist grabbing a copy. I do want to read it. Maybe with book two already out I can read this. I think it's only a duology but someone correct me if I'm wrong!

The history nerd in me and the paranormal lover could not resist this one. Especially since most of my blogging friends have really enjoyed it. Again it is a new series I so do not need to be starting but....yeah, I know I will eventually. Maybe this summer is the time.

Another series that has been recommended to me numerous times and I bought all of the books in it because of it. I really am starting to think I might be crazy you guys. Someone please tell me they do this too. 

So there you have it. About a gazillion books in my TBR pile that I still need to read and just a fraction of them are here. But I really truly wanted to make this the year of my TBR pile with less ARCs, blog tours, and author requests and so far I've been doing really well and I've been happier because of it.

If I can just get caught up on some of these great series now and try all these new fantastic authors, it would be even better. 

So what about you guys, do you have any books you are dying to read that have been in your TBR pile for way too long now? Please please tell me I'm not the only one that buys all these wonderful books and then sets them aside and forgets about them. 

Also do any of you recommend some of these? As in, do you second that I should take the time to read them this summer. I don't want to waste my time starting some of these trilogies only to find out they end badly, if that makes sense. 


  1. oh yes yes yes many wonderful ones there!

  2. YES ALI!!!! I have so many of these on my TBR list too! Especially Queen of Shadows, I've definitely been putting that one off as well. I'm so nervous! Sarah is good at ripping out hearts and stomping on them. I think waiting was a good idea though, I've been having fun binge reading lately, so I'm going to dive into 4 when 5 is out and in my grabby little hands!

    1. She really is, darn her! And I had the same idea about waiting. Her books are so detailed, it is easy to forget stuff while waiting for the next.

  3. I love the Mercy series and it's one of the few series that I drop everything I'm doing so I can read the latest release. I only had an issue with River Marked but the others were a fast, fun, read!

    I would be up to do a buddy read for the Winner's Curse or the Witch Hunter whenever you decide to pick them up. I've had them on my tbr for a while. Just let me know.

    1. Oh that would be fun, I'm definitely up for that!

  4. There are tons of amazing books here, Ali! I don't know where to begin.
    A quick note about Illuminae, you might want to find a hard copy of the book because I had an e-copy and it was very hard to read. And skipping the images and documents could mean you miss out on the story. Unless you have an iPad and can read it all in big?
    Anyways, yes to Dirty Thoughts and The Winner's Crime and Ivy! There are so many amazing titles here! :)

    1. Oh good to know! I do have an e-copy, I might chcek out the library instead. I do have a Fire but I don't know if it will show up well on that, probably better than my Kindle but it sounds like I will need something bigger.

  5. Oh this is an awesome summer reading list..so many of them I loved. You are not alone with Maas book..I still need to read it, even though I bought it on release day :(

  6. This is quite a summer reading list! I can't wait to see the review, I know you'll finish them all :)

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I finally do Tyler.

  7. Those are some excellent picks. I need to read my copy of Queen of Shadows as well.

  8. I've read some of these, and some I on my shelf but haven't gotten to yet. I've read the first 2 Mercy books, but I just got in one of my bad moods and stopped. I still haven't read Queen of Shadows yet either. Ugh, so many books so little time. I loved the Unravel Me series back when it first came out, but it ended all wrong for me. Still, the writing is beautiful.

    1. Oh no, that has me nervous to finish it but if you say the writing was still beautiful then that leaves me somewhat hopeful too.

  9. It's a list I almost could have made myself! I don't know what the deal is with starting and then not finishing a series. Well, I think a lot of it is I don't get them for review and so I have to put them off and then I just don't get to them.
    I have to read the Elemental Assassin series in small doses too. I listen on audio and I'm due to listen to another since it's probably been close to a year now since I listened to one. But I had got burnt out since I listened to several close together.
    Good luck getting through your list!

    1. Yes Candace! I think that is exactly what happens with me as well with the review books and series.

  10. I really enjoyed Maybe Someday probably for that CoHo is one of my favorites authors. You need read The Winner´s Crime~ I enjoyed Unravel Me but the Winner´s Curse is a lot better.


    1. I really liked the first book so I'm hopefully I will like the last two as well. Thanks for telling me you loved them too!

  11. You must read Illuminae! IT's fantastic, and that's coming from someone who doesn't read a lot of sci-fi. Plus, the sequel comes out in the fall so you'll be ready!

    There are SO many books I own that I really need to get too, especially the first book in series.


    1. I am glad I'm not the only one Lauren! I'm excited to start Illuminae, so many people have loved it.

  12. Thanks Heidi! I think you would really like her Elemental series, she is a fantastic writer and Gin and gang are a bit darker and grittier but so fantastic.

  13. What a list!!! My TBR continues to grow and you've just added a few more to it lol
    This looks great! Hope you get to them all. looking forward to reviews :)

  14. Awesome list!! I need to read Illuminae soon too. I hope you love Maybe Someday if you get to it. It was my favorite Coho. Enjoy them all!!

    1. Ooo that is good to know about the CoHo book. I will definitely make sure I read it then.

  15. I think you'll like Maybe Someday (if you get past the love-triangle). I didn't like Ivy. You should definitely continue with The Winner's Kiss trilogy!! Nice post! Great seeing something different. (I should do that, too.)

    1. Gah a love triangle! Maybe I will be okay with it since I'm now prepared for it? Hopefully anyways. I will definitely continue the Winner's Trilogy. I really did like the first book.

  16. What a great list! I love Mercy, Rachel, Gin and Alex Craft. I've not read Sarah J. Maas, Illuminate, or Owl and the Japanese Circus, but they are all books that I've heard great things about. I want to read them at some point, but don't know when I'll get around to it.

    I'm working on the Iron Druid Chronicles, Dresden Files, Shifters Unbound, Arcana Chronicles and finishing Dark Protectors series. I want to start Baba Yaga, maybe some horror and mysteries. I really want to expand my genres this year.

    I hope you enjoy your books.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. Thanks Melanie! Yes the Iron Druid, I was thinking of trying both that one and the Baba one as well. I can't remember if I actually have the Baba ones or not but I know I have the Iron Druid. I hope we both like them!

  17. So many of these series I need to start as well. I really need to get a move on Owl and the Japanese Circus. I bought that book the day it came out and its just been sitting on my TBR pile.

  18. Isn't it exciting?! The temperature in my city today is 19 C. Gah! I also want to do something like this, but with my new work and new schedule is all wonky right now. I hope you'll enjoy these, Ali.

    1. Nice! Thanks so much Joy, hopefully when things calm down you can put together a list too and most importantly, that we both can get some of them read. ;)

  19. I'm going to try to catch up to you on Mercy, but don't know how soon I can get through the next few books. Omg, read Maybe Someday right freaking now! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! It's my favorite Hoover book, and I adore the soundtrack.

    1. Alright, I will do it! I promise I will get it read this summer for sure, maybe sooner. ;)

  20. I think most of us tend to read recent releases and sometimes forget about those wonderful books that are buried in our tbr-lists, Ali. I’m guilty of this myself, though I do read a lot of old releases. It’s hard to stay away when all your friends rave about a book, and all you see in your feed are reviews and updates about this hyped new release. I’ve made a list of sorts at the beginning of the year, only with audiobooks. Just to remind myself about these books. I hope you would get a chance to read all books from you list, and more important that you enjoy them.

    1. I think that's the biggest things too, I have to make a list to remind myself of them. I tend to forget with all the releases that happen each week and month.

  21. A lot of these authors are want to reads, or the books are on my TBR--expect for Unravel Me, can't do it. I hope you get to read all of these!

    1. Thanks Jazmen, and you as well except for Unravel Me. ;)

  22. I love these types of posts! And I'm looking forward to following along with you as you read these great titles this summer!!

    1. Thanks so much! Here is to hoping I actually can get most of them read. ;)

  23. Yes The Witch Hunter!! I can't wait to hear what you think. It's one of my favs from last year ;)

    1. Thanks for letting me know, I've been so curious about it!

  24. I still need to read Queen of Shadows as well! It's been sitting next to me SINCE IT CAME OUT. I preordered it and still haven't read it. :X

    1. I know me too. I'm starting to feel guilty about it too.

  25. I think you're going to love the last three series if you choose to try them! I would love to try the Alex Craft series and I need to finish Unravel Me as well. So many great books - I hope you get the chance to discover some of them - can't wait to see your thoughts :)

    1. Thanks Kim, I'm really hoping I can get to a lot of them as well.

  26. Replies
    1. I really loved the first one, I think it is one you would like too. ;) Hopefully the others are just as good as the first.
