Friday, June 13, 2014

Review: The Dare by Hannah Jayne

Title: The Dare
Author: Hannah Jayne
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Sourcebooks Fire (July 1, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Mystery/Thriller
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Two jumped off the pier that night...but only one came back alive

Bryn did everything with her best friend Erica. So when someone dared Erica to jump off the pier one night at Harding Beach, Bryn was right by her side. But when Bryn made it back to the surface, Erica was nowhere to be found. Bryn tries to make a fresh start by burying her memories of that awful night. But when a Twitter post from "EricaNShaw" pops up on her feed and a chilling voice mail appears on her phone, she realizes that someone isn't ready to let go of the past...

I love Hannah Jayne's stories. She never ceases to bring an edge of suspense and mystery into each and every one of her books. An almost creepy vibe like feel keeping you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next and most of all, who can be trusted and who can't.

The Dare kept me guessing and wondering right up to the very end. Constantly in a state of turmoil wondering if the protagonist was crazy, disturbed or if someone was really out to get her. 

As haunting pieces of that night slowly surface we are faced with the reality of what really happened that night months ago when Bryn dared her best friend Erica to jump into the freezing water and swim to shore and still we are left wondering what was reality and what was the imaginations, fears and guilt of a young girl left with the consequences and heartache of thinking that she was responsible for her friend's death.

This was probably my favorite book of Jayne's yet and really shows how much the author's ability to weave a tale of mystery has really blossomed and grown. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Yay, this review makes me so happy! I have this one up for review, and I'm not going to read it very soon, but at least I know it would be a worthwhile read for me. I want a book to be able to surprise me and to keep my guessing. This sounds just like that kinda read. Merci beaucoup <3 <3

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. Glad you will be reading it soon, I hope you like it Faye!

  2. Wow. I love the premise of this one. Sounds spooky!

  3. Another author that's been on my wishlist for way too long. I might just have to give this one a go first seeing how it's your fav Hannah Jayne book!

  4. Oooo I do love an unreliable narrator Ali! It's so fun to continuously guess if I can trust what they're thinking/feeling or if something is all in their head. Glad this one kept you guessing through to the end!

    1. It was a fun read not ever knowing and did keep me guessing.

      Thanks Jenny, have a great weekend. :)

  5. Thanks for the great post and heads up for anther great read!

  6. The Dare sounds like it did a great job with the suspense and really kept you guessing. I love those kinds of books that are filled with tension due to the unknown factor. Glad you enjoyed it, Ali. Have a great weekend :)

  7. I have heard and seen a lot of this book, it sounds like a good one! I love suspense and mystery so I'm sure I'll like this one. Thanks for your honest review!

  8. I have been enjoying the mysteries in YA lately, I'll have to pick this one up!

  9. Truly, Madly, Deadly is on my wishlist but the premise on this book is really intriguing...even more than Truly, Madly, Deeply! Plus the fact that this is so far, your favorite of the author's books! I am definitely checking this out, I love mysteries and thrillers!

  10. Replies
    1. It was a little creepy but in a good way. :)

  11. I have never heard of the author before but I love the premise of this book. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for this at work. I love books that keep me guessing.

  12. Glad to hear this series is still entertaining!

    sorry for the delay in replies :( been kind of hectic here

  13. I've read one book by this author, so it's great to hear that her skill is just getting better. This sounds fascinating!


  14. Fantastic review...I MUST read this book :)

    1. You would really like this one Becca I think. :)

  15. I have this book too and can't wait to read it now! It sounds really good, glad you liked it :)

  16. Oh goodie! I was actually really curious about this one. I don't think I've read anything by this author, so this will be my first.

  17. How did I not know about this book. I've enjoyed her other books also, and if this is your favorite thus far, I am definitely going to check it out. Great review!!

    1. Happy to hear that Ellen, hope you end up liking it just as much as I did. :)
