Wednesday, June 11, 2014

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

If there is one thing you can count on about me, it is that I love a good story about a witch and when I saw this one I knew there was no way I would be able to resist not getting it and come on now, look at that cover! There is just something about it that calls to me.

Book Description:

Curiosity killed the cat, and nineteen-year-old Adelaide was next. She could barely remember the moments during her childhood when she knew magic existed, but she never stopped searching for it since. On the flipside, monsters from the magical world never stopped searching for her either. Their paths finally cross in time for Adelaide to realize she should have stayed on the human side of the east coast. Unlike college, she can’t get out of trouble with a cute smile and a cuter wardrobe. These monsters are out for blood, her blood, but she’s in luck. They will spare her life in exchange for one favor, and that favor is named Leon Colton.


  1. Witches you say?
    Count me in :P
    I love 'witch books' and am always on a lookout for a good one!

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  2. I like that cover! Sounds like a fun read. I don't think I've ever read a book about witches.

    1. Oh gosh you need to at least once! They are by far my favorite paranormal people to read about.

  3. This is my first time seeing this book, and I love a good witchy book - so thanks for the heads up Ali :)

  4. Oooo what is this Ali? This is something new and something I now desperately want. Yes to witch books:)

  5. This one sounds awesome. I love witch books!!! Great pick and something new for my TBR.

  6. I haven't heard of this book before, but it sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy reading it!
    My WoW

  7. This sounds interesting! The cover is different in a good way!

    1. It is kind of different, a little creepy but interesting too!

  8. Oooh. Sounds like a daring, adventurous novel. I haven't read a book specifically about a witch yet (I read many books with witches in them), but I have a feeling this will be a good one!

  9. Ooh that's a great cover thanks for the heads up. I'm waiting on The Book of Life By Deborah Harkness :)

    1. YES! I am so anxious to get to read that one as well. I can't wait!

  10. Sounds interesting! I really like the cover too. I'm definitely curious now.

    1. Yay, glad I piqued your curiosity with this one. :)

  11. This is totally new to me Ali, but I like the sound of the paranormal aspects and mystery.

  12. This sounds cool, I'd never heard of it! Great WoW choice!

  13. Witches, eh? Is it one of those things where you like to read what you identify with? Kidding! :P This does sound interesting.

  14. Does make you wonder doesn't it?

  15. Oh nice cover, it's a new one for me!

    1. It looks like this is a new one for a lot of people.

  16. I love stories about magic! Sounds fantastic :)
