Monday, June 16, 2014

Review: Not A Drop To Drink by Mindy McGinnis

Title: Not A Drop to Drink
Author: Mindy McGinnis
Series: Book One in the Not a Drop To Drink Series
Published By: Katherine Tegen Books (September 24, 2013)
Source: Purchased
Genre: YA Dystopian
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Regret was for people with nothing to defend, people who had no water. 

Lynn knows every threat to her pond: drought, a snowless winter, coyotes, and, most importantly, people looking for a drink. She makes sure anyone who comes near the pond leaves thirsty, or doesn't leave at all.

Confident in her own abilities, Lynn has no use for the world beyond the nearby fields and forest. Having a life means dedicating it to survival, and the constant work of gathering wood and water. Having a pond requires the fortitude to protect it, something Mother taught her well during their quiet hours on the rooftop, rifles in hand.

But wisps of smoke on the horizon mean one thing: strangers. The mysterious footprints by the pond, nighttime threats, and gunshots make it all too clear Lynn has exactly what they want, and they won’t stop until they get it….

With evocative, spare language and incredible drama, danger, and romance, debut author Mindy McGinnis depicts one girl’s journey in a barren world not so different than our own.

I adore dystopians and post-apocalyptic reads so it was no wonder I went into this one very excited and even though I loved the premises of it, I went into this one still a little leery. New authors can be so touch and go and even though it took me a bit to warm up to this one with the third person narrative, it didn't take me long to be completely into it. 

This isn't one of those stories that you can pick up and quickly read through it, at least, it wasn't for me. Instead I found myself reading little bits at a time and really thinking about Lynn's world. About the hard complicated struggle she lived through every day. The harshness of a world desolate and in desperate need of water. A place I hope will never be. 

It is terrifying to think of our natural resources being gone, of those precious things we take for granted every day like a hot shower or simple glass of clean water from a running tap. For all of it to be gone in the blink of an eye. 

This isn't a light and fluffy read, it doesn't even have those feel good warm your heart moments, at least it didn't for me. Instead McGinnis delivers with the harsh realities and blinding horror of what could be. Of how hard life would be if we had to struggle every single day just to survive. How callus and cold and unforgiving would we be? Would we have any humanity left? Would we forgot how to be kind? How to love and how to lend a helping hand? Would we forget how to be compassionate?

This was a wonderful story about one young girl's struggle with how to just be. How to live not just to survive but to feel, to be human. How to face the harsh realities and still move forward. Still have hope and courage and most of all, love. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I'm always leery of new authors, too--but this book turned out to be an enjoyable read! I'm so glad you liked it. I agree, the harsh conditions were sobering to think about...and how about that ending, eh? I'm so curious where the story goes in the sequel!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. So glad you really liked this one as well. It really is a different but good read in this genre.

  2. I've heard great things about this one. I'm so happy you liked it! I need to read this one soon!

    1. I hope you do try it and like it as much as I did. :)

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed Not A Drop to Drink. I usually feel excited and cautious about new authors/series too. I do like the sound of the gritty, darker dystopian as well. Thanks for the wonderful review, Ali :)

    1. I was actually pretty surprised by how much I liked the darker side of it.

  4. I really want to read this one Ali, but I've heard that there's kind of a tricky end with maybe something happening that I won't like in the least :) I do know there's a sequel coming out though, so I think I'll wait and see what you have to say about that one before I brave tackling this book and its horrifying world. Lovely review as always though!

    1. The end was...different and not all rainbows and sunshine. ;)

  5. Hi Kindlemom, I also love Dystopian novels but usually of the adult variety but there is one YA trilogy by J Barton Mitchell The Conquered Earth trilogy that's superb!!
    Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    1. Thank you for the recommendation!! I appreciate it. :)

  6. I loved your review for this one, love! You pretty much summed up all my feelings for this book when I was reading it. It definitely felt like a bleak world, and I am not anticipating the day when we will experience it for ourselves. Our own world is dying :( A world without water is actually pretty feasible if we don't take drastic measures to save our planet. I think this is why this book felt close to home... because the fears and the scenario can actually materialize and happen.

    Nice review. I loved it! :)

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. Thanks so much Faye and I agree, the ones that are the most believable are the ones we can actually picture happening.

  7. This series is on my TBR list and I can't wait to start it :)

  8. This is book 2 in the series? I thought it was book 1... anyways I was not sure whether to pick this one up cause the premise didn't really interest me that much but the way you say that it talks about the harsh reality. That interests me. Thanks for the review ;)

    1. Crap, you are right, it is book one. I fixed it. I did both of my reviews at the same time and must have mixed up the series order. Thanks for letting me know!

  9. Awesome review! I really like that you mentioned how you had to actually think about this new dystopian world. When you talked about how it wasn't a light, fluffy book and how surviving means seeing the horrors of the new earth, it sort of reminded me about The 5th Wave. It seems both of these books know how to really bring out the dark side of certain, scary futures.

    1. The 5th Wave is also on my list of need to read books. I sometimes really like the darker dystopians.

  10. I do enjoy dystopians and post-apocalyptic books, there's just something about them...perhaps because it is set in the future and you never know the future, so things like this can potentially happen. I like the premise of this book and I'm pretty leery of new authors too, especially dystopians because world building is so important. I'm glad you enjoyed this though, there are books that you can read in one go but there are some that you just need to take a break from because it's not for the faint of heart and I can see that this is one of them but I'm also really intruiged of the heroine's struggles. I'm definitely checking this book out Kindlemom, awesome review!

  11. I love dystopian, and for some reason this one didn't grab my interest.The whole water shortage had me nervous I mean how would I make coffee? I have to say you have me rethinking that, wonderful review Ali.

    1. LOL, I can see why the theme of this one would bother you so much Kim. ;)

  12. I have seen mixed reviews for this one but still I'm really curious about it. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I hope to read it soon, but not now as I don't have time for slower reads. Great review, Ali :)

    1. Hopefully when you have more time you can give this one a try Tanja. :)

  13. I remember reading lots of reviews for this but was on the fence about whether I should read it. I'm really glad you enjoyed! I think I might have grabbed it for my kindle when it was on sale.

    1. If you do try it I hope you like it as much as I did. :)

  14. Yay! I'm glad that you enjoyed this one as well. I shared the same thoughts as you and I agree-- it really does get us thinking. It is not a light fluffy read at all. Great review! I need the sequel ASAP.

    My blog:

    1. Glad we had similar thoughts on it and thanks for stopping by!!

  15. Third person narrative is often more miss than hit for me. This one looks interesting, but I think it will have to go on my if i have time TBR list.

    I'm glad you liked this one

    Great Review!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  16. That's why I'm scared to read dystopia sometimes because the posibilites these authors play with just might be real. No water or if there is some is it potable? Damn! I shiver at the thought!

    1. I know, it was pretty terrifying at times to think that it could really happen! I have to confess that I went out and stocked up on bottled water after reading this one. :P

  17. I actually never picked up this book! I always wanted to but i just never got around to it but you make it sound lilke it's worth the read! Sounds like apetty good story with a grusome setting, haha—i feel like i'd reflect a lot about where i live and everything while reading one. Dystopia is a scary genre because sometiems it's like "WHAT FI THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS?" lol

    1. I know! I think that is what made this one so darn good, the what if.

  18. Is it bad to say I'm just exhausted with the whole dystopian thing. It was interesting for a while, but it's just too much at this point. I'm ready for new types of stories.

    1. They can be hard to read, especially if you read too many at one time. I know what you mean and it isn't bad at all. ;)

  19. I haven't heard a lot about this book and what I did heard wasn't all that great. So I'm glad to read a review with a positive vibe to it. :) I love the dystopia genre, so I might give this one a try. :)

    1. If you do decide I do hope you like it. I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone, it could be rather dark at times.

  20. Yep it did and I have read it and it was just as good. My review for it should be posting sometime soon.

  21. OOOOHHH...sounds fantastic! I have had this one my TBR list for a bit, now I am even more excited to read it. Great review Ali!

  22. I don't usually find myself interested in a lot of books like these, but I am curious about this one! I've heard some good things; glad you liked it too.


  23. I grabbed this, but then I got dystopia burnout. I'm hoping to read it soon because a lot of people do seem to love it. And well, since you do, that means I MUST read it. ;)

    1. Of course it means you must. :P

      Seriously though, it really is a good one and at the time I read it, I was a little burnt out in the genre to know, that says a lot about it. ;)

  24. I agree with you I also love a good dystopia book. I love to discover the world and all the ideas of the author. This one sounds really well done.

    1. You said it perfectly Melliane and I couldn't agree more. I think I like to see what author's can come up with, especially when it is believable.

  25. Oh, I love the sound of this! I've owned it since Christmas but haven't got to it yet. I got accepted for the sequel on Netgalley or EW though so I am definitely going to be getting to it soon. I'm glad it's so well done, the whole premise is terrifying because of how easily it could happen. Thanks for the great review, so excited for this one! :)

  26. Yay I'm so glad to hear you liked this one too! I was really engrossed in the story (and truth be told scared this might happen one day!) That ending really was a sucker punch to the feels. Can't wait to read the next one! Awesome review :-)

    1. It really was. I am so glad you loved this too Lauren!

  27. I've seen so many positive reviews about this book, but for some reason I haven't picked it up yet. This sounds like it does a great job with depicting a harsh world, and making you really think about it. I think I may read this closer to when the sequel (companion?) comes out. Awesome review! :)

    1. I really do hope you try it, I think it is one of those few books that really hasn't had enough hype about it.

  28. I've heard good things about this one and I'm glad to know you enjoyed it. Adding it to my list now. Great review.
