Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Review: In the End by Demitria Lunetta

Title: In the End
Author: Demitria Lunetta
Series: Book Two in the In the After Duology
Published By: Harper Teen (June 24, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Dytopian/Sci Fi
My Rating: 3.5 to 4 Stars!

Book Description:
The thrilling conclusion to In the After, the survival story of Amy and Baby, set in a near future where Earth has been overrun by vicious, predatory creatures. 

It’s been three months since Amy escaped New Hope, and she’s been surviving on her own, like she did in the After. Until one day, her former fellow Guardian’s voice rings out in her earpiece. And in a desperate tone, Kay utters the four words Amy had hoped she would never hear: Dr. Reynolds has Baby.

Now it’s a race against time, for Baby is in imminent danger, her life threatened by the malevolent doctor who had helped start the end of the world. In order to save Baby, Amy must make her way to Fort Black, a prison-turned-survivor-colony, where she will need to find Ken, Kay’s brother. He alone holds the key to Baby’s survival.

One small slip-up on this quest could spark a downward spiral that would not only cost Baby and Amy their lives, but threaten the very survival of the people in the After.

2013 for me, was full of the awesome. Those reads from debut authors that completely stole the show and swept me away with their wonderful story telling abilities and the worlds they created. Authors that made me take a step out of my comfort zone and try new genres and sub-genres that I never thought I would be interested in before. 

Authors that in fact, changed my opinions about those genres because of their mad writing skills.

Lunetta was one such author. I adored her debut novel and just couldn't get enough of it. I loved everything about it, from the monsters, to the villains and I even love the love interest, albeit how little there was of one. There was just something about the twists and turns and the desperate times that the characters lived in that I ate up and was left looking around for more. It was a nonstop adventure ride and I got an adrenaline rush from it and I wasn't ready for it to be over. 

When I had the chance to read In the End, you bet I jumped at that it. I couldn't wait to dive right in and see what adventures Amy would be on to next and how she was going to right all the wrongs from the first book.

I have so many mixed feelings about this one. I loved it and I hated it. I wanted to devour it and I wanted to take my time reading it. I couldn't wait to get to the end and yet I didn't want the end to come.

I loved Amy but I wanted to shake her for putting herself in so many dangerous situations, simply because she had to question everything around her. She knew what she was getting into and she dived head first. Sometimes it was a good thing and others, not so much and I wanted to yell at her to knock it off already. She put herself out there a little too much. A little too dangerously. She is on the run, in hiding in an already super dangerous world, the last thing you need to be doing, is getting noticed by people that are already dangerous and in a position of power. Gah! 

Who I did (unexpectedly) love throughout the story was Jacks. He saves Amy from herself (I say herself because the girl can get herself into more trouble by being impatient and stupid thank anything else, so yes, herself) more times than I can count and even though he knows nothing about her, he helps her the best he can even though he knows by doing so he is putting his own life in danger. He is softness in a hardened life and lets face it, you gotta love him for that alone.

I wasn't sure how this would end, if there would be a real ending, a real solution to all that happened in the first book and all that was occurring in this one, in fact about 80% in, I was nervous that maybe there wouldn't be an ending, that it would be left so open ended that I would be saddened and frustrated by it all and want to call it quits.

And while the ending is more of a promise of the hope that is to come, they are resolutions and there are those promises that you know will be fulfilled. 

Was I happy with the way the author brought it all together? Actually, yes, I was and I am glad that it ended realistically, with still a lot that needed to be fixed and changed and undone. It would have fetl right if it had all been packaged up in a neat and tidy package. The world and population are devastated and things are hard and still will be for years to come but it doesn't mean there won't be a happily ever after eventually and I like that it didn't show up one but rather hinted at it. It felt right. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Brilliant review. I haven't heard of this series before but now I am really intrigued by it. I will definitely be checking this one up on Amazon and seeing if I can get it on my Kindle. Thanks for the great and honest review :)

  2. Though I do often like when things end in a nice, neat little package, it's not very realistic, and sometimes you just need that bitter ending to make the story feel real. I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I'm still hoping to read this myself soon. :)

  3. Sounds like a great read, and coverwh0re that I am, I'm loving that cover too, har~har.
    I so get the conflicted feelings you're talking about, after totally falling for a book there are just so many feels happening when the second one is within our hands, right? Sigh. The love of books isn't for the faint of heart, lol :D

  4. Amy sounds super frustrating in this one Ali, I feel as though she would drive me batty. Aside from that though, I'm glad this story does have a resolution even if everything is wrapped up super neatly and that you enjoyed it overall!

    1. She could be frustrating at times but overall this was a good solid ending. ;)

  5. What a rave! I MUST get my hands on this series. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  6. This series sounds so good! I really want to try it!

  7. I just put the first book in my giveaway pile, I was thinking I probably wouldn't read it. But now I'm wondering if I should at least try it. I thought it would be too scary. What's your thoughts? Do you think it might be too much for me (a total chicken)?

    1. No not at all! I am a pretty big chicken too and I wasn't scared at all.

  8. Sometimes love/hate books give you the most feels, and I will say the author engaged you! Jacks sounds great and I am glad to hear the ending was realistic and satisfying for you.

  9. I only came across this series when I saw the sequel up for grabs on EW and while I've been avoiding Dystopia for a while now (with a few exceptions of course :P) I am kind of curious about this one after reading your review.

    Fantastic review!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  10. I'm looking forward to reading this one! I like when endings are realistic and it's funny that this book gave you the love/hate feelings. That happens to me all the time. Lovely review!

  11. I hope you end up liking it Heidi. :)

  12. Sometimes, it seems the last book in a series/duology go all out creating so many mixed feelings for us readers before they're through with us - lol! I'm glad this ended well for you though, Ali :)

  13. Eek! I'm worried about Amy. She was such a kick-ass, intelligent, and calm-headed person in the first book, and I'm kinda worried that she'll be putting herelf in trouble a lot here :/ I mean, yeah a strong personality wouldn't hurt, but PLEASE don't act so carelessly ESPECIALLY in a post-apocalyptic situation. I get a feeling she'll be pissing me off a lot here... but still! I'm happy to know it will end in a strong note! Awesome review, love!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. She wasn't quite as level headed in this one. I think she will make you mad and worried more than a time or two but..she is still very much kick butt.

  14. I haven't read these books, but that's good you felt the ending was realistic. that's always important.

  15. Oh I didn't know the author but you make me want to discover her now. It's nice to had so many wonderful discoveries in 2013. And well despite some points I'm glad you loved this one as well, it sounds like an interesting one! Great review!

    1. 2013 was a great year for releases, but so far, this year has been pretty good too. ;)

  16. Ahh I had to skim this because I'm reading it soon. I'm so excited, because I loved the first book.

    1. I am excited you are reading this one now Christy!

  17. Awesome review! I cannot wait to read this. I have had the first one on my TBR list for a little while. Now I am even more excited :)

  18. After The End sounds interesting, and your review has me extremely excited to read it. I didn't know this series was a duology, and I'm starting to really like those :) I love books that are very intense or emotional too, so this one sounds like it's going to be great.

    1. I hope you try it and end up liking it. I am really liking duologies as well. Leaves out that middle book that sometimes isn't even needed with trilogies.

  19. Gah, this is another one of those series that I really (REALLY) want to read, but haven't fit in yet. I'm glad you were happy with the ending, and I completely agree that sometimes, it's best to close realistically rather than having everything suddenly (Soudain!) perfect. Great review!

  20. So many things to comment on with this one.

    1) I love dulologies. I think they are great because you get more time with the characters, but you 2 books is easily manageable to read both at once or back to back.

    2) I can't wait to meet jacks. He sounds great,

    3) I know EXACTLY what you mean about wanting to devour a book and not wanting it to end.

    4) the realistic ending sounds good on the surface but I am a little worried that I will want it to end differently.
    I know one thing for sure though, I want to read these books. They are going on my TBR.

    Great review!

    P.S. you were right, I did love With Every Breath by Valerie Chase sooo much! I want more! haha

  21. Thanks for the review! I added this one to my TBR pile and now I'm a bit more excited to read it! I love end of the world scenarios (like zombies and stuff or the movie 2012) where people learn to survive in different ways. Thanks for sharing!!

  22. Nice review!! This sounds like a dystopian I would enjoy.
