Saturday, June 7, 2014

Review: The Things You Kiss Goodbye by Leslie Connor

Title: The Things You Kiss Goodbye
Author: Leslie Connor
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: HarperTeen (June 24, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary
My Rating: 2.5 Stars

Book Description:
Bettina Vasilis can hardly believe it when basketball star Brady Cullen asks her out, and she just about faints when her strict father actually approves of him.

But when school starts up again, Brady changes. What happened to the sweet boy she fell in love with? Then she meets a smoldering guy in his twenties, and this “cowboy” is everything Brady is not—gentle, caring, and interested in getting to know the real Bettina.

Bettina knows that breaking up with Brady would mean giving up her freedom—and that it would be inappropriate for anything to happen between her and Cowboy. Still, she can’t help that she longs for the scent of his auto shop whenever she’s anywhere else.

When tragedy strikes, Bettina must tell her family the truth—and kiss goodbye the things she thought she knew about herself and the men in her life.

Leslie Connor has written a lyrical, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful story about family, romance, and the immense power of love.

Even though I love these type of reads, once in a great while I will come across one that I just can't connect with, sadly this was one such read.

I really really wanted to like Bettina, I wanted to feel for her and love her and be able to relate to her but I just couldn't. For some reason I had an amazingly hard time trying to push through this and the worst part is, I can't even say why. 

It deals with different kinds of abuse, from physical to emotional and I think it even has some very insightful heartfelt messages but yet, I still wasn't into it. I do think however that soemtimes these things just happen. Whether I wasn't in the right mindset when I started this or it was because I had just finished something that blew me away or maybe I was just too distracted with real life issues, I do believe others will really like this one and enjoy it.

I know this was the author's debut novel and while I didn't connect any way to the characters or plot, I did like the writing and I would give this author another try in the future. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. well it happens sometimes, I'm sorry this one wasn't really for you though... I think I'll pass.

  2. It's hard when you don't connect with the story. I mean this sounds like something I might enjoy too as I like books that deal with issues but then again it doesn't sound that great either. Great review, Ali :)

  3. I guess this is one of those books you have to be in the right mood to enjoy. I really have trouble liking a book if I'm unable to relate to the characters. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the author's future books!

  4. Even though it has implications of a love triangle, I'm curious about what had happened to Brady. What made him change? Hmmm. It sucks when you can't find a connection with the characters. Such a huge deterrent to your enjoyment. Sigh.

    I hope your next read will be better, Ali.

  5. I'm sorry this was a disheartening read overall, dear. There are days when I read books that are supposed to evoke strong emotions, but I just can't push myself to even care, so you're not alone in that one! I hope your next read is better and will be able to get your groove going!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. Thanks, it really is upsetting when that happens.

  6. It's too bad this one didn't quite hit the mark. :(

  7. Sorry this one didn't work for you. I hate when I can't connect to the characters in a book, it definitely doesn't help me to like the book. I wasn't sure of this one and so decided not to download it in the end from EW, kind of glad I didn't now.

    1. You never know, you might be able to connect better than I did.

  8. I am sorry this one wasn't better, but I am glad I read this before picking it up.

    1. Maybe you will have better luck with it Ellen.

  9. Aww...I'm sorry this one didn't work for you! I can definitely see where you're coming from though...when you read a book that is supposed to provoke strong emotions and you just stand there stone-faced, it's never a good sign! And it's really disappointing that the characters were so one-dimensional. Characters make or break the story for me, so I'm not sure what to think!

    I'm glad you at least enjoyed the writing though! :D

    Thanks for sharing, and, as always, BRILLIANT review! I'll be on the lookout for reviews on this from other bloggers to help me make my mind up on whether or not to read it, but I have a feeling I'm going to give it a pass.

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

  10. I say this all the time "every book isn't for every person". Sorry it wasn't a good one for you

  11. See, I don't often read these kind of books, and this one is sending out all kinds of warning signals, so I think I'm going to pass on it. I sorry you were disappointed, but I appreciate your thoughts ;)

  12. This definitely sounds like one of those novels you'd have to be in the right mood for. It's too bad that you couldn't connect to it more, but I'm glad that the writing was at least good enough for you to give this author another shot :)

    1. Thanks and it does happen and it could very well be that I might be burnt out on this genre.

  13. Thanks for the honest review. Honestly, the saddest reviews I have to write are for types of books that I normally love, and this one just didn't work, and I can't exactly pinpoint a reason.

    Sometimes a book just feels off.

    Great review though :)

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    1. I know exactly what you mean because that is how I felt as well, just something off about it.

  14. Nothing worse(in the reading world)then having to fight through a book in order to review it. I can relate :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
